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1-2divine world

⁂∞§∞⭐︎ About Divine Source and the three inborn treasures ⭐︎∞§∞⁂

I described about Difference of Divine source and God the Holy Spirit previous article.

>All finite beings were born of void.

>So divine source can control void.

>Moreover, Position of the smallest dot >when finite beings were born of void.

>And 「炁」appears from the dot. 

>(「炁」is called ki.

>「炁」 is the smallest particle energy.)

 >Divine source controls the position.

 >And  divine source also controls force >and direction for 「炁」.

This is a fundamental truth in space.

In other words, it’s grand unified theory.

「炁」 at Oriental medicine is one of the three inborn treasures.

The three inborn treasures are  「炁」,「霊」and 「性」.

(「炁」is called ki.

「炁」 is the smallest particle energy.

「霊」is called rei.

「性」is called sei.)

An atom is the most basic unit of matter.

An elementary particle is unit of atom. 

An ultra-fine particle is unit of elementary particle...

So the more and more it goes microscopic world.

Oriental medicine said  that 「炁」 is the ultimate  smallest particle unit.

And「炁胞 consists of gathered「炁」.

(「炁胞 is called kihou.

 It is elliptical particle like egg-type.)

「炁胞」appears from void and pass through a certain poin. 

And it arise a vortex.

The energy of this vortex is made up of a balance of four types of spiral rotation energy.

The energy of right divergence vortex.(called RDV)

The energy of right convergent vortex.(called RCV)

The energy of left divergence vortex.(called LDV)

The energy of left convergent vortex.(called LCV)

These four types of energy are as a fundamental principle in space.

And 「炁」is substance of this energy.

A vortex occur from a center of certain point.

There is full of this point in the cosmos.

And this point exists to infinity.

Vortexes individually is up to balance of four elements that right, left, divergence and convergent.

Thereby it occurs infinity kind of vortex.

Moreover, it occurs infinity kind of interference pattern by how long length that between center point of vortex and vortex.

In other words, the all dimensional worlds consist of “ infinity kind of interference pattern that vortex of 「炁胞」”.

There are  roughly divided into three types worlds in the universe:“the divine world”, “the spiritual world” and “the real world “.

All of that is traced back to “ infinity kind of interference pattern that vortex of 「炁胞」”.

Divine source who can control void created all worlds in this way. First was  “the divine world”, next was  “the spiritual world”, last was “the real world “.

Our world on Earth is 3D of the material world.

Minimum unit of matter is an atom.

You learned that at junior high school,didn’t you?

It's popularly supposed that size of an atom may be about 1 ångström.

(1 ångström = 1Å = 10 to the power of minus 10 meter)

3D of the material world is world of the largest particle that the smallest size of particle in the created worlds by divine source. 

4D is the spiritual world.

Do you think what size is the smallest size of particle that a component of 4D?

The size is size of an atom of 3D of 10^(minus 10)) meters.

5D and 6D are the purely divine world.

5D’s size is 4D’s size of 10^(minus 10)) meters.

6D’s size is 5D’s size of 10^(minus 10)) meters.

In other words, 

difference of dimension is  difference of the smallest size of particle that a component of each world.

The difference is 10^(minus 10)) meters each.

To become finer as an ascent a dimension.

7D, 8D and 9D are the infinitesimal divine world.

That is further 10^(minus 10)) meters each.

That is a mind-boggling world.


At every ascent a dimension,

the smallest size of particle that a component of each world will be

10^(minus 10) ×(minus 10) ×(minus 10) (meters)・・・

Number of 10appears  wherever.

Because Divine source created ten dimensions, All is unified by 10.

I said the smallest size of particle

for easy to understand.

Actually, there are nothing like particle.

Therefore, particles like protons, electrons, and neutrons in physics don’t exist.

A small vortex occurs in a further larger vortex due to interference pattern  of vortex.

It only means that seems like particles through an electron microscope.

For this reason, they have both conflicting characteristics which the characteristics of particles and the characteristics of waves in experiment of light.

9D is the most exquisitely divine world.

A inborn that component of 9D do various actions as four types of vortex energy.

(「胞 is called hou.)

That spreads interference pattern  of vortex like waves of spiral.

8D, 7D...

It only means that the pattern becomes rough more and more.

To sum it up,

3D  the material world exists overlapping 10D(hole of void, the absolute pole), 9D,8D,7D,6D,5D,4D,3D at the same time.

As an image, it looks as if, when it rains on the lake, countless ripples make complex patterns to interfere  each other in the water surface.

And when countless rays shine on retina of the eye, that converts into electoronic signals which transmit to the brain.

I think it may reflect on the cornea.

And then you can see interference pattern  of vortex of light by yourself.

I think someone notices that.

Peering in the air not a focus on something particular, You can see interference pattern  of vortex of light.

It’s like patterns of rainy ripples in the water surface.

That is often calledvibrational energyin the public.

So it’s not difficult how to access the infinitesimal divine world.

For example, Japanese Noh and Japanese Kyogen directly express the infinitesimal divine world through music and the spirit of language.

Also Song of Sakurai who is Japanese musician whose group’s named Mr children.

And my song, too.

My name is Homura Gen(炎玄).


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