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2-1The basic laws

⁂∞§∞⭐︎ Four types of spiral rotation energy ⭐︎∞§∞⁂

I described about the energy of fundamental principle in space at previous article.

(Ref:【1-2】 About Divine Source and the three inborn treasures)

The energy of right divergence vortex. (called RDV)

The energy of right convergent vortex.(called RCV)

The energy of left divergence vortex.(called LDV)

The energy of left convergent vortex.(called LCV)

It’s these four types of energy.

There are the concept of energy that yin and yang at Oriental philosophy.

The energy of yin is RCV and LCV.

The energy of convergent is the energy of spiral rotation that from out of vortex to the point of center.

That is said the pure yin at yijing.

The energy of yang is RDV and LDV

The energy of divergence is the energy of spiral rotation that from the point of center       to out of vortex.

That is said the pure yang at yijing.

However, both the pure yin and the pure yang can't keep the energy of vortex without each other.

If in case only the pure yin, all energy of vortex will vanish  after from center point back to the void world.

If in case only the pure yang,

energy of vortex will keep extending endlessly continuing as time proceeds.

So actually, both the pure yin and the pure yang exist in the same vortex at the same time.

And energy of the pure yang is always stronger than energy of the pure yin.

 In this way, each of vortex have keeping energy.

This is also the case that whirlpool of the real world.

That’s why getting closer from out of the whirlpool toward center by boat, you will have to row a boat with a powerful stroke from outside to near halfway point.

However, just as getting closer from near halfway point toward center by boat, the boat will be drawn into center.

It means that there is a boundary line that power of outward and power of inward in the whirlpool.

There is existing a conflicting power at the same time in the whirlpool.

When the power of spiral rotation is weak,

the center point  teeters instability.

When the power of spiral rotation is strong , the center point  firms steady.

And when the power of spiral rotation is further strong ,it will make a hole at the center point.

Eye of the typhoon, too.

In case the power of spiral rotation is strong ,it will make a vacant hole at the center point.

This hole is 「虚」at Oriental medicine.

(「虚」is called kyo)

「虚」 means void.

Prana at yoga, too.

Four types of spiral rotation energy like vortex have keeping balance at the center point of spiritual energy(called chakra).

Not only chakra but pressure points on body  also are actually the center point of vortex energy of prana.

Not only pressure points on body but also 

the center point of fingerprints are the center point of vortex energy of prana.

Therefore shiatsu massage  is a very effective method.

every phenomena at everything in the universe, part of not to be discovered in Science, It's easy for understand as an image if you  know about four types of spiral rotation energy in detail.


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