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6-4Deep truths

⁂∞§∞⭐︎ About vegetables, meat, alcohol, and white sugar  ⭐︎∞§∞⁂

Vegetables are foods which can reduce prana resistance.

Protein such as meat and fish is able to raise prana pressure.

Alcohol is beverage which can increase prana current without regard for your will.

However, it rapidly reduces your LP because it makes your LP change into MP.

To take sleep.

To take fresh vegetables.

Stopping alcohol, sexual intercourse and act of masturbation.

Stopping delusions.

Moreover, to get absorbed in something. 

Results in, you are able to increase energy of LP.

A life that focuses of vegetables without eating meat is useful to keep being pure of your mental.

Because meat is close to beings of material dimension, and it has a tendency to strengthen of physical desire.

However, if to live strong in the real world and to spread goodness effects bravely against evils, power that to win against evil is essential to you.

Because of that, I and deities in Japan think that you should get power by eating much meat.

In short, there is no obstacle and no baneful influence if your mental is not pulled by meat that affects desire.

It means that your power of high spirit win against low vibration of meat in the moment that you eat meat and you have only to take in just power of meat.

Unfortunately, not many people in the Western can keep mental strength that much.

Therefore, great figures of the Western in the past have left the teaching that you should not eat meat as much as you can do.

Conversely, there are many people who are permitted by God what to be born in Japan have high mentality that no problem if they eat meat.

And so, don’t mind and let’s eat much meat!

What you don’t eat meat in order to be afraid that your spirit may descend dimension is like whom hermit go into a mountain alone in order to dislike the mundane world.

Your spirit may be able to ascend high grade dimension, but  in that case, you would be a person who is useless in the real world.

There is no meaning in having been going to be born in this world if you so.

It’s a passive methodology in order to make your mentally be high level.

I recommend that you try to do a positive methodology than passive in order to make your mentally be high level if you are born in Japan, of course even if other countries.

When you eat meat, let’s think such like;

“It’s just meat !! I am definitely going to win against that power of descending dimension !! and conversely, I am going to make low dimension vibrations of meat be high demension!!”

If you think magnanimously such like above, you would have no problem.

Actually, it’s difficult for people in the Western to do this things.

Their mental is easy to be pulled by foods.

The same applies to alcohol.

If you are enough to have power of both LP and MP, you can just act as if nothing happened when you drink much alcohol.

One who can keep constantly both high mentality and strong mentality is never affected by alcohol!!

Therefore, you have no choice but to do a passive methodology, if you are just purity and beauty but you don’t have enough power.

It is often seen in people who are believers of Christianity.

It means that, their mental is purity, honesty and beautiful but it’s difficult for them to win against evil beings in order to not enough have power.

Therefore, they can’t spread goodness effects bravely against evils, resulting in they stay in their shell.

You would have your hands full with protecting yourself.

That’s why great figures of the Western in the past have left the teaching for the public people that you should not take in both meat and alcohol as much as you can do.

However, if you so, you wouldn’t be able to do both progress and improvements for your spirit after you attain to a certain level.

In this world, if you think that you want to leave a great achievement, you need to not only purity, honesty and beautiful but also such as strong, toughness and being the bigger person.

Additionally, the same applies to white sugar.

White sugar have exert a baneful influence on one who have weak soul and not much prana power.

Because human’s liver can neutralize any toxins and all nutrient that human’body needs are made by liver, liver can do that all toxins pass into nothingness even if additives, meat with a lot of fat and so on.

(Ref: 【2-5】law of the five medium-prana).

Unfortunately, one who is weak of prana power can’t do like above.

Moreover, one who is always thinking too much becomes sick by a negative image of oneself.

It causes skin disease such as atopic dermatitis by a negative image of oneself.

Including in a previous life, most of such people have studied the Christian religion hard.

Resulting in, such people are easy to be sick by the obsessional that they must be purity and correct.

When you recognize meat-eating as a disgusting sight by too feelings that my heart have to be purity, meat would not be able to be your nutrition even if you eat meat.

If your heart says no, your body also says no.

Under ordinary circumstances, meat is able to change into power of prana by breaking down in where Intestines and liver, however such people would not be able to do that.

In addition, meat of killed animals don’t include animal’s feelings such as fear and grudge.

Because animals go directly to heaven for animals after dying, they forget soon even if they dy with fear and grudge.

However, if one who is a money worshiper is running a business to breed cattle or pig farming, pigs and cows are angry while they are alive resulting in sometimes they will curse to such people after they dying.

I’d go further and say it, the reason why it occurs Foot-and-mouth disease is as follows.

As following are about people who are running a business to breed cattle or pig farming.

 They are not enough gratitude for animals.

 To make money, animals have been gradually declining both the natural healing power and immune system in order to have been drugged for many years.

I feel pity for one who suffers from damage, however they are not given to divine judgment for no reason.

The reason why pigs and cows get an infectious disease is not because they have no luck.

It’s just because that they have been declining the natural healing power of both pigs and cows that much.

If humans also have been drugged for many years, human’s natural healing power will decline, too.

That’s why complications arise,  and people die in some cases.

However, there are infectious germs anywhere, but just rarely affect healthy people because healthy people have much natural healing power.

The same is pigs and cows, and birds, too.

Originally, animals have stronger natural healing power than humans in order to alive under harsh environments than human’s.

Nevertheless, animals had taken ill such as bird flu virus and Foot-and-mouth disease in order to have been drugged for many years.

It is no solution that the slaughter disposition nor to disinfect.

However, cows and pigs don’t anger against  one who eats meat. 

So let’s eat meat very much.

It’s because that cows and pigs had been created by divine source for human eating.

If you are eating meat with grateful for cows and pigs, cows and pigs are quite satisfied, and glad to you in the heaven.

As you know, humans also, there were many great figures in the past who were thinking that going to die with glad in order to fulfilling a mission.

The same is animals, too.

Because cows, pigs and birds had been created for being humans nutrition, they are very satisfied if humans eat them with respect.

Unfortunately, there are not much people who eat meat with such heart.

We should understand that things.

And we would like to live like going though to respond for admirable heart of animals, don’t we?

Then, see you.

Please look forward to next article !!


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