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⁂∞§∞⭐︎ How to attain state of DHST-2 if anything,method for men⭐︎∞§∞⁂

What’s DHST? ➡︎ (Ref: 【1-1】about the DHST)

About difference of between DHST-1 and DHST-2 ➡︎ (Ref: 【4-2】Dynamic DHST)

In this time, I am going to describe about way of attaining state of DHST-2 (if anything,method for men).

Mechanism of attaining state of D HST-2

If you want to attain state of DHST-2, you need to have been attained state of DHST-1 regarding all three kind that ‘Truth’, ‘Good’, ‘Beauty’.

That’s because, if you don’t have all three elements ‘Truth’, ‘Good’, ‘Beauty’,  your soul never become completely sphere.

(Ref:【2-6-2】law of Six Prana ② 〜prana circularity〜)

(Even if you don’t attain all three it in present life, there's a possibility you can attain state of DHST-2 because you may be had been already attained all three it  in your some previous life.)

If your soul is not close to form of sphere, it causes unbalance of energy.

Suppose there is a dent in your soul.

In this case, when your spiritual layer is going to raise in order to be bigger your soul, your energy would be disturbed and destroyed and hard to be bigger because your energy is going to gather flowing in a dent.

Therefore, your aura should be close to form of sphere as much as you can do before you raise your energy because your aura is able to be bigger smoothly than having a dent.

The higher spiritual layer you become, the more it occurs clearly.

Suppose you arrive high spiritual layer to some extent.

In this case when you stay unbalance soul, your spiritual layer might show signs of leveling off and your energy of soul would be unable to raise more than that even if you try hard to the limit.

A biased personality and faults in personality makes energy of soul much expending than be unbalanced three elements ‘Truth’, ‘Good’, ‘Beauty’, and moreover it makes energy lost.

(Ref: 【2-4】law of the four souls inside a spirit).

You will get tired out some day, and you will give up.

No matter how effort you put, you stop to make an effort when it’s to end in vain.

The cause of failure is actually that a bad personality and unbalanced personality.

No one has been knowing that and there has been no such study until now.

Your spiritual layer might remain stagnant of leveling at some phase Even though you rapidly raise your spiritual layer and you level up to some extent.

All the cause is actually your bad personality and unbalanced personality, and your unbalanced ability. (*^^*)

Therefore, it’s impossible to attain state of DHST-2 without being complete in many directions.

Point 1

1.Firstly, you have to ask the divine being for the wish of attaining state of DHST-2. 

2.Don’t train muscles with a heavy intensive burden.

3.I recommend you should take in light exercise.

4. When you do the work, you should think you do the work for becoming DHST, not for the work.

5.To keep refining and polishing your prana by doing something as if flowing.

6.If your muscles are tired, you have to rest.

7. Although you keep in mind to not sleep and not rest, you have to take in a bath every day in order to keep yourself neat.

8. You have to  restrain yourself eating meal to a minimum requirement.

(Suppl. about Point1-1.

   Suppose you don’t ask the divine being for the wish of attaining state of DHST-2. In this case, it would be too difficult for you to becoming  DHST-2 with the holy Kannon who is one of the highest god.

 Suppose you have attained state of DHST-2 without asking the divine being for the wish of attaining state of DHST-2.

In this case, you would think you became DHST-2 by yourself alone.

It’s misunderstanding.

So, it’s important to be courteous for deity by asking the divine being for the wish of attaining state of DHST-2. )

(Suppl. about Point1-8.

 When you eat very much, you waste energy of prana in order to digest.

Therefore, I recommend that you should be moderate in eating. About 60% of usually.

To keep refining and polishing your prana, you should control your meal like such above.)

(Ref:【2-3】law of the three acquired treasures).

Point 2

What its important is , not to leak energy of LP as much as you can do in order to stock LP inside your body, and try to challenge your limit while refining and polishing your prana.

So you should always get absorbed in something in order not to leak energy of LP.

However, if you do it blindly, it’s not going very well. (*^^*)

You had better attain a state of DHST-1 before challenging DHST-2.

(Ref: 【4-2】Dynamic DHST)

If you attain a state of DHST-1 , you are never tired and you can do to keep both powerfully concentrating and using your energy more than 8 hours.

This is called Daishuten(大周天) at Buddhism.

You are going to train to keep maintaining this state for 24 hours as much as you can.

Hereupon, you will be able to keep maintaining state of DHST-1 for three days, it’s mean that you can do for 72 hours without a break.

Challenging to attain a state of DHST-2 is that to keep doing this endless till the limit, not for three days.

One who attains a state of DHST-2 becomes DHST with the holy Kannon.

It means that becoming the great protean heavenly god.

It means that becoming level of the great being as much as an amazing person like Sugawara Michizane who is a Japanese historical personage and Zhuge Liang who is a Chinese historical personage.

DHST-1 and DHST-2 are that much different.

However, if you try it, you would think that it's difficult to do.

In my case, I had kept challenging that for 5 years, after that, I became DHST-2.

My name is Homura Gen(炎玄).

When you have much physical strength and energy as much as you can’t sleep, you are eligible for challenging DHST-1 or DHST-2.

You should do it in such above case.

When you want to sleep, you should sleep.

When you raise your spiritual layer or de-tox from your body, your body requires you to get enough rest.

You should not try to challenge DHST-2 in that case because there is no meaning to do that after using all of your energy.

Point 3

Before challenging DHST-2,

especially men, you must be not to leak seminal fluid by act of masturbation and so on.

(Ref: 【2-6-1】law of Six Prana ①)


When women also challenge DHST-2, you must keep enough physical strength and energy.

And ask yourself whether you are really full of spirit that challenging DHST-2.

Suppose you have honest thoughts that you don’t want to do that, actually.

In this case, nevertheless you try to do, result in you would be only tired.

You can’t refine nor polish Prana.

There are two purposes of challenging DHST-2.

One is to train your Will Power. 

Another is to make your aura bigger by keeping refining and polishing your prana.

(Ref: 【5-2】How to refine and polish Prana).

 Concrete method of challenging DHST-2

An ordinary company is usually off on Saturdays and Sundays, isn’t it?

In that case, because you stay up from morning to night on Friday, you stay up all night on Friday.

Anything is ok whatever you do.

For example, reading your favorite books,

playing your favorite games,

playing mahjong,

getting absorbed in a hobby,

and so on.

If you want to sleep, you take light exercise or yoga with slowly motion because you have to be careful without muscle fatigue as much as you can.

Let’s take a break and have a meal, as normally.

It’s important to be relax by drinking coffee or herb tea.

It’s most important what keeping refining and polishing your prana.

There is no meaning what to be tired your body nor the exhaustion of your prana.

In this way, you keep trying to stay awake until night on Sunday.

By doing, you train your Will Power.

And you decide the limit time in advance.

For example, you get to bed at 2 A.M. 

or you get to bed at just 0 A.M. 

and so on.

If so, it would not be influenced your work from on Monday.

If you keep refining and polishing your prana with effort, it makes your bad personality improve before you know it.


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