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2-3The basic laws

⁂∞§∞⭐︎ law of the three acquired  treasures ⭐︎∞§∞⁂

I described about law of Will Power article.

(Ref:【2-2】law of Will Power 〜The order of transmission which energy of human, and the mechanism〜).

>Oriental philosophy says that energy of human’s activity is the three acquired treasures.

>The three acquired  treasures are 「精」,「氣」and「神」.

>「精」is called sei.

>「氣」is called ki.

>「神」is called shin.

>It’s easy to understand to compare water.

>「精」is ice.

>「氣」is water.

>「神」is water vapor.

>Because these are different of function

so it changes the name even though substantially the same.

>For example, in frequency,

>「精」is Low-frequency,

>「氣」is Medium-frequency,

>「神」is High-frequency.

>These invisible energy is called Prana at yoga.

>Therefore, to easy for understanding, 

>I will name  that 

>「精」is Low-prana

>( called LP),

>「氣」is Medium-prana 

>( called MP),

>「神」is High-prana

>( called HP).

Prana for humans is like electricity for robots.

In  body,

LP’s main work is  to set solid materials in motion.

Skin, muscles, Internal organs, bone and so on.

MP’s main work is  to set liquids in motion.

Blood, lymph, other body fluid and so on.

HP works as energy of a thought activity in brain.

Imagine, thinking, worried, delusion and so on.

Therefore, LP is source of MP and MP is source of HP.

Humans usually take in LP from foods.

LP in foods is absorbed to body as soon as putting it in mouth.


Foods after being taken LP are absorbed in the stomach as necessary nutrients for body, and they are carried toward each part of body.

If foods have a lot of LP,  less burdensome for the stomach.

If foods don’t have much LP,  the stomach will be quite heavy because LP is only used for digestion and absorption.

As a result,   you are tired more than before a meal even though you were supposed to be feeling better after eating.

If  you eat fresh ingredients, it won’t be like that.

Such as old ingredients,instant foods, lunch at the convenience store, junk foods and so on, because these don’t have much LP, you won’t be feeling much better and your stomach will be only quite heavy even though it tastes good.

In addition, if cooking or heating in a microwave oven, it won’t be also feeling much better because it breaks LP in foods.

I think you know that in your experience.

Furthermore, amount of LP in a meal pertains to heart that the person who cooked.

Cooking with full affection has very much LP.

On the other hand, if you are reluctant to cook, someone who eat it become depressed.

If you cook with full affection, someone who eat it become well and healthy even though you can’t use fresh ingredients.

And praying with all your heart before eating, you can give LP to your meal .

People say words before eating all over the world.

For example, Japanese say itadakimasu.

Our souls know that we will give LP to our meal by giving energy of thanks to our meal.

I explained humans usually take in LP from foods.

Actually, humans take in prana from not only foods but also natural water and fresh air.

Furthermore,salt containing bittern has much LP. 

So someone who achieves enlightenment and dosen’t have much mental fatigue can alive quite a long time only taking in air, water and salt.

Besides, not only foods,air,water and salt, but also there are ways of taking in LP from HP.

I already have described that LP is source of MP and MP is source of HP.

The reverse is also true.

HP become MP, MP become LP.

Therefore, what taking in HP is that you can take in also LP.

Ways of taking in HP is as following 4 ways.

Go a place where nature is beautiful. 

For example,mountains, sea, shrines and so on.

 Having exposure to arts.

For example, music, painting and so on.

To get sleep.

Becoming the DHST.

(The DHST is a person who has a mental state what Divine and Human at the Same Time.)

Ways of taking in HP is this 4 ways.

About  and .

Taking in beautiful scenery from eyes,

Taking in beautiful music from ears,

Taking in good smells from nose,

by doing so taking in HP.

About  the mechanism of sleep.

I am going to describe at 4-1.

(4-1Static DHSTsleep )

About  the mechanism of the DHST.

I am going to describe at 4-2.

(4-2Dynamic DHST )


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