
2-4The basic laws

⁂∞§∞⭐︎ law of the four souls inside a spirit ⭐︎∞§∞⁂

What is the four souls inside a spirit?

The answer is that soul has functions of four for one human spiritual body.

I described there are four kind of Will Power at 【2-2】law of Will Power.

>Will Power has four of energy which are will, love, peace and courage.

>It means that energy of will, energy of love, energy of peace and energy of courage.

>Energy of will commands energy of love, energy of peace and energy of courage.

Shintoism has a concept that is the four souls inside a spirit.

I will explain about the four of directions(will, love, peace and courage ) using Shintoism’s concept which is the four souls inside a spirit.

1.sensibility(To improve sensitively the world of imagination, such as thanks,deep emotion, impression.)

2.affection ( To be kind to someone who is less mentally than self)

3.friendship (To have great attitude toward someone whose mentally is same level with self.)

4.courage( To develop mental strength for keeping a brave and perseverant heart.)

In technical terms,

1.sensibility .


= a sensitive soul.



= a happy soul.



=a harmony soul.



= a rough soul.

However, soul body is not divided into 4 but only one.

Soul body is a orb of light.

The diameter of this orb is about 4 inches.

This concept is only that function of soul is made a classification of four part.

This soul exists to straddle two dimensions where are 5D and 6D.

In other words, soul of 5D and soul of 6D exist to overlap.

When soul of 5D descents a dimension, it projects into a spiritual body in 4D.

This spiritual body has a brain like a material body.

Also bones, Internal organs, blood, lymphatic system, muscles, skin, etc.

This spiritual body has all.

However,  there are three of points which is a quite different with our body on Earth.

1.A spiritual body who has a high energy can freely stretch or shrink.

Such spiritual body can become 1 meter 80 centimeters, or also can become 10 meters.

However, Level of freedom which expansion and contraction depends on the strength of energy and enlightened level which the spiritual body has.

People who exist in the spiritual world of hell have  a low energy.

For that reason, Their tall is only about one meter.

And they can’t stretch and can’t  also shrink.

Normal People who exist in the spiritual world of normal are same height when they alive.

2.The spiritual body never dies.

 Even if a spiritual body is chopped into demons of hell, it will soon turn back to original state.

However,  their pain is ten times than earthly life.

Besides, the spiritual body doesn’t get older.

If elderly people in earthly life go to their own spiritual world after dying, all people become appearance of youth which about 30 years old.

They are fine even if they never have a meal.

However, reason of eating something delicious is not  only due to keeping life.

Therefore, people who exist in the spiritual world of heaven have been impressing by eating something delicious once a day.

3.The spiritual world doesn't have much restrictions in time and space.

There are not vehicles faster than light on Earth.

There are many flying vehicles faster than light in the spiritual world.

A special person who can see something invisible finds often UFO.

Those are almost UFO which comes from the spiritual world.

Percentage of UFO, the spiritual world  of heaven  is 10%, the spiritual world of demon is 90%.

Going back to about the spiritual body.

Physical wounds heal naturally.

The reason is physical wounds assimilate into the spiritual body step by step, because the spiritual body turns back to original state soon.

soul→spiritual body →physical body 

As descenting a dimension, it projects like this.


1.A sensitive soul(sensibility)

 Brain and eyeball, eardrum system, nasal membrane system, oral and tongue membrane system.

2.A happy soul(affection)

 Lungs, heart and vascular system.

3.A harmony soul(friendship)

 Other internal organs and lymphatic system.

4.A rough soul(courage)

 Muscle and skin.

It projects like this.


  1. How to refine sensibility.That is to train brain and looking , listening, tasting at masterpiece of art.
  2. How to refine affection.
  3. That is to train lung and cardiovascular system.

  4. How to refine friendship.
  5. That is to train viscera and lymphatic system.

    (Ref:【5-6】Way of organs and blood vessels training).

    1. How to refine courage.Muscle training is effective.

    And I will describe you the important things, from now on.

    mentality = spirituality

    For enhancement spirituality,

    Have to enhance these points of four

    In addition, it needs to be well-balanced.

    This is the important things.

    I mean,

    Someone has a good sensibility, much affection, and a nice friendship, unfortunately, decisively lacking courage.

    In this case, it is difficult to enhance spirituality.

    It is no good even if lacking only one thing in four things.

    For example, 

    an ordinary person who named Mr.Yamamoto(tentative).

    Suppose Mr.Yamamoto’s energy of spiritual is『10』.

    Mr.Yamamoto’s status of spiritual is as following.

    power of sensibility is 10.

    power of affection is 10.

    power of friendship is 10.

    power of courage is 10.

    Mr.Yamamoto has made an effort in his life.

    As a result,

    power of sensibility became 20.

    power of affection became 20.

    power of friendship became 20.

    Suppose he could raise things of three.

    However, his power of courage is still 10.

    Therefore, Mr.Yamamoto’s energy of spiritual is『10』as ever.

     Suppose he could raise 100 not 20.

    Nevertheless, his energy of spiritual is『10』as ever because his power of courage is still 10.

    Lacking courage brings everything to ruin in spite of having other good things.

    There are quite a lot of people like this.  Especially, this is often the case for women.

    Some women can't be happy for some reason even though they are good sensitive, affectionate, and have a good personality.

    Such a person doesn’t have muscles and looks very thin.

    In other words, she is not an imposing person.

    Such a person is attracted to a bad man soon, and after that, she is tricked by the bad man.

    As a result, she become unhappy.

    If you see such woman, you should recommend that she trains muscles.

    Then, her rough soul is trained and her energy of spiritual is  level up in no time.

    She would be beginning to be lively and shining like a completely different person. 

    The same applies to not only lacking courage but also other things.

     Person who is completely lacking affection.

     Person who is lacking sensibility (intelligence).

     Person who has not enough communication skill because without heart of harmony.

    If such people train thoroughly their lacking point, they will be reborn like a completely different person.

    Because of that if people who is personality unbalance and shortcomings makes an effort, they will be level up some extent,but they will be stop at some stage.

    When that happens, only wasting energy of spiritual.

    In the near future, they will be exhausted, and they will eventually give up.

    No matter how hard people try, when it ends in vain, people stop trying hard.

    The cause is that a bad personality and a unbalanced personality.

    No one knows that.

    There has been no such study until now.


    If you know that law of the four souls inside a spirit, you can analyze objectively your spirituality, and you are able to be level up in a short period of time.


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