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Suppl 1.

State of DHST-1 and State of DHST-2

State of DHST-1 has level of 3 phases.

   Phase 1: Level of DHST with the high-guardian spirit. ➡︎ you are going to be so excited like runner's high.

   Phase 2: Level of DHST with the guardian deity and dragon god. (= Bosatsu) ➡︎ you can heal other’s body and soul.

   Phase 3: Level of DHST with the protean deity such as the holy Kannon. (= Nyorai) ➡︎ you can help people to attain DHST, or you can help people to step up their spiritual layer.

 Kannon is the God of Mercy.

State of DHST-1 has 3 phases such above.

Furthermore, if you make yourself master of various fields, you would reach the condition where one has been a great protean person.

Then,  you become DHST with the special deity who is  “the utmost holy inborn grandmaster” even higher than such as the holy Kannon.

(Ref: 3-6Way of prevent such as natural disasters and diseases, and root cause of these)

If you reach such state of above, it’s ready to attain state of DHST-2.

State of DHST-2 needs to reach condition where one has been a great protean person to some extent.

Both DHST-1 and DHST-2 are DHST with the holy Kannon.

Difference of DHST-1 and DHST-2 is Overwhelming power, refreshing and subtlety.

Consequently, DHST-2 is that one who attains to be up about one hundred times more than usually aura,

and becomes DHST with the holy Kannon.

It means that becoming the great protean heavenly god.

This is the DHST-2 which is the ultimate state of humanity.



Suppl 2.

 Difference that enlightenment of heart and enlightenment of soul

One who attains phase-3 of DHST-1, is called Nyorai,  is one who gets enlightenment of soul beyond enlightenment of heart.

Do you think what is difference that enlightenment of heart and enlightenment of soul?

Enlightenment of heart is that you can enlighten far away from suffering the hardships of life.

Enlightenment of soul is that you can enlighten within suffering the hardships of life.

Therefore, one who has got enlightenment of heart(phase-1 or phase-2 of DHST-1) can keep a quiet heart and concentrate on anything, only in where a quiet space or beautiful nature.

However, if they are in where noisy environment with various people, they can’t concentrate, and they are distracted.

In contrast, one who has got enlightenment of soul(Nyorai = phase-3 of DHST-1) is able to be in the zone(= State of DHST-1) by extreme concentration no matter what noisy environments.

They can more concentrate rather under the negative environments such as noisy, dirty and so on than a quiet space because their power naturally comes out in order to they never give up.

There is a markedly different like above.

In short, one who only getting enlightenment of heart is still ‘weak’.

You need to have various wizdom to deal with evil in order that you keep to have enlightenment of heart among evils in real world.

When wrapping  evil with your bigger heart, you would gain evil as your ally, and evil would change unknowingly good.

For being like this, you have to learn it through experience while risking your life within suffering the hardships of life.

The ultimate is state of DHST-2.


Suppl 3.

 About Bosatsu rank and Nyorai rank

The spiritual world of heaven is divided into three parts.

People who live in 3rd heaven can control perfectly material desires.

People who live in 2nd heaven have been deepening enlightenment of heart.

People who live in 1st heaven are  acquainted with enlightenment of heart and can express outwards, therefore, they have got enlightenment of soul.

Bosatsu rank is level which upper of 2nd heaven.

Nyorai rank is in level which 1st heaven.

1st heaven is the most high spiritual world. 

1st heaven is further divided into three parts.

About 1st heaven is as following.

  1. The spiritual world of North Star(upper of 1st heaven)
  2. The spiritual world of Uranus(middle of 1st heaven)
  3. The spiritual world of Sun(lower of 1st heaven)

There is three worlds.

One who have attained DHST-1 lives in lower of 1st heaven where is the spiritual world of Sun.

One who have attained DHST-2 lives in upper of 1st heaven where is the spiritual world of North Star.

About The spiritual world of North Star(upper of 1st heaven) is as following.

  1. The highest spiritual world where one who become soul body can go after death.
  2. There is best of all fields such as art, academia, religion, medicine, science and technology and so on.
  3. One who become the great protean heavenly god can come in there.
  4. In Japanese, Prince Shotoku, Masashige Kusunoki, In China, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, In the west, Leonardo da Vinci as the great protean heavenly god in the spiritual world of North Star.
  5. “God of the utmost holy inborn grandmaster” presides over North Star. This god administers converting energy from world of being into world of nothingness. It means to be able to send back karma of people to world of nothingness.


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