







The dataset appears to be encoded in a different character set, likely containing non-English characters. Let's attempt to read it with a different encoding that might better match its character set, such as 'ISO-8859-1'.

I'll try to reload the data with this encoding.

It appears that the data is still not properly decoded. The characters indicate that the file might not be in a standard text encoding.

I'll try using a more flexible method to determine the correct encoding of the file.

It looks like the process of detecting the file's encoding is taking too long. I'll try reading the file with a more robust approach that attempts multiple encodings until it succeeds.

Let's proceed with this approach.

The file was successfully read using the `latin1` encoding, but the data still appears to be corrupted or in an unexpected format. This might suggest that the file is either not a CSV or contains binary data that isn't properly encoded as text.

If you can provide more context or a different version of the file, it could help in determining the correct way to handle it. Alternatively, if there's specific data you need to extract or analyze, please let me know, and I can assist accordingly.








