Troye Sivan Reveals Story Behind New Album part1 | トロイ・シヴァンと、思わずはまった動画や音楽と



On Friday, October 13, 2023, Troye Sivan released his long-awaited third full-length album, "Something To Give Each Other"!
2023年10月13日(金)に、待望の3枚目のフルアルバム、「Something To Give Each Other」をリリースしたトロイ・シヴァン!

※In the music video for "One of Your Girls", Sivan showed off his gorgeous cross-dressing appearance as a drag queen!
 "One of Your Girls"のMVでは、シヴァンはドラッグクイーンとして、あでやかな女装の姿を披露しました!

On November 15, 2023, in ARIA Music Awards, Troye Sivan won the 4 categories!


※Troye Sivan in the Prada costume! プラダの衣装で登場したトロイ・シヴァン!

(2023 ARIA Awards)
International sensation Troye Sivan takes home the most ARIA Awards in 2023 with a total of four:
Song of the Year Presented by YouTube,
Best Solo Artist,
Engineer – Best Engineered Release (Styalz Fuego),
Producer – Best Produced Release presented by Neumann (Styalz Fuego)
エンジニア賞(最優秀エンジニアード・リリース賞 スティアルツ・フエゴ)、
プロデューサー賞(最優秀プロデュース・リリース賞:ノイマン賞 スティアルツ・フエゴ)


Troye Sivan also won two nominations for the 2024 Grammy Awards for "RUSH"!!

This is Troye Sivan's first time being nominated for the Grammy Awards!

from 2024 GRAMMY Nominations:
最優秀ポップ・ダンス・レコーディング賞 : RUSH (Troye Sivan)
最優秀ミュージック・ビデオ賞 : RUSH (Troye Sivan)
最優秀アフリカ音楽賞 : RUSH (AYRA STARR)

For all Troye Sivan fans,

Here is ”Troye Sivan Reveals The Story Behind His New Album Part 1”!

※Troye Sivan Reveals The Story Behind His New Album | Hit Network

Troye Sivan has dropped his new album 'Something To Give Each Other', and here Behind The Hits, podcast catches up with the singer to discuss his favorite tales from the project.
トロイ・シヴァンは、ニュー・アルバム『サムシング・トゥ・ギブ・イーチ・アザー』をリリースしました。ポッドキャスト「Behind The Hits」では、このプロジェクトにおけるお気に入りのストーリーについて議論するため、シンガーにキャッチアップしていきます。

MC : I've heard the album.
MC : アルバム、聴いたよ!

Sivan : You heard the whole thing?

MC : I've heard the whole thing.
MC : ぜんぶ聴いたよ。

Sivan : wow, awesome!

MC : Guess what my favorite song is on it?
MC : ぼくの一番好きな歌は、何だと思うかい?

Sivan : Um... 'One of Your Girls'?
シヴァン:うーん...「One of Your Girls」かな?

MC : Mark thought the same thing,
MC : マークは、そう言ってたけど、

Sivan : But it's because, it's our favorite.

MC : Um... it's 'Honey'.
MC : うーん、ぼくは、「Honey」が好きなんだ。

Sivan : Oh wow!

MC : What a song!
MC : なんていう曲だろうね!

Sivan : Rogue choice.

MC : Is it?
MC : ほんとに?

Sivan : Yeah, to me,, I love that song, but wow, cool. Thank you.

MC : To me, it's funny. This whole album sounds Global Pop. So global. There's such a global sentiment on it feels like a well trend um... And there's something about that song that kind of brings that warm Clubby energy. And that sort of romantic emotion all into kind of one weird little Club chain.
MC : ぼくにとっては、面白いことにね、このアルバム全体が、グローバル・ポップに聞こえるんだ。 とてもグローバルさ。そこには、とてもグローバルな感情があり、うーん、そう、トレンドのように感じられて...そして、あの曲には、社交的な温かいエネルギーをもたらす何かがある。そして、その類のロマンチックな感情が、1つの奇妙な小さなクラブチェーンのようなものになっているんだ。

Sivan : That makes me so happy, because I spoke a lot about like the idea of global pop, when we were making the album. And you know, just like fully enjoying myself, you know, just feeling so lucky that I get to travel, while I'm making the music, you know, we made a lot of the album was made in Melbourne, a lot of the album was made in Stockholm, in London, um... and in LA, and you know, I'm just like so inspired, when I'm traveling, and then, the visuals for the album are followed suit as well. You know, we made the 'Rush' video in Berlin. We made the one, the 'Got Me Started' video in Bangkok, and so, you know, we're like bopping around, and um... Yeah, I love the fact, that pop music can, I mean, music in general, but especially can really like bring people together. So, um... thank you for saying that.
シヴァン:それを聴いてうれしいよ。だって、アルバムを制作しているときに、グローバル・ポップのアイデアについてたくさん話していたからさ。音楽を作っている間、旅に出られるのはラッキーなことだと思って、アルバムの多くはメルボルンで作ったんだけど、多くはストックホルムやロンドンで作ったものだし、LAでは、旅をしているときもインスピレーションを受けたし、アルバムのビジュアルも、それに倣っているんだ。「Rush」のビデオは、ベルリンで作ったんだ。「Got Me Started」のビデオは、バンコクで作ったんだけど、僕らはバタバタしているような感じで、うーん...そう、ポップ・ミュージックは、音楽全般にいえることだけど、特に人々を結びつけるのが、本当に好きなんだ。だから、うーん...そう言ってくれてありがとう。

MC : No, absolutely, I mean, across the record, there's so many different sounds from different places, and it's really interesting looking at the sort of credit sheet, and looking at where everything was recorded, because it truly was kind of everywhere. um... I wonder in that, you know, you're in Australia at the moment, you've obviously got your place in Melbourne, that you're extremely proud of, and should be what's your connection to home these days. What does the word 'home' mean to you, what does the place feel like for you? Is it a kind of nomad Expedition for you still, or do you feel this connection to certain places?

Sivan : No, I think, for me, home is, um... at home in Melbourne, and it's kind of always been this push, and pull for me, you know, I didn't sleep out at a friend's house until I was like 17, like I tried when I was a kid, and I would get so homesick, and I would call my mom in the middle of the night, and make her come pick me up. yeah, um... I've just like always been kind of home body, and so that has created a bit of tension in my life over the years. Once I started traveling, um... you know, trying to kind of like recreate it wherever I am. And um... you know, just feeling this kind of constant pull to come back to Australia, and be with my family. So yeah, it's definitely Australia.
シヴァン:いや、僕にとっての家はね、うーん...メルボルンの自宅さ。ぼくはいつもこの家と綱引きをしているんだ。子供の頃に試してみたんだけど、17歳くらいのとき、友達の家で寝泊まりしていて、ホームシックになり、夜中に母に電話をしていたんだ。 そして、母に、ぼくを迎えに来てもらったのさ。ぼくはいつも、家にこもっているような気がして、それが長年にわたって、ぼくの人生にちょっとした緊張感を生み出してきた。旅に出ると、うーん...どこにいても、新しい人生を作り替えようとするんだ。そして、だけど、うーん...オーストラリアに帰ってきて、家族と一緒にいたいという気持ちが常にあるんだ。そう、間違いなくオーストラリアが家だからね。

MC : Yeah. Adulthood that's really interesting. Do you know, you talk about being 17, and sort of you know that's probably the first time that you were you felt comfortable staying at someone's place for an entire night right through the morning. Um... we, you know 28 now, what's your connection to adulthood, like as someone who kind of has been in the public eye since they became an adult? I wonder, I talked to some people, and they feel like, they didn't get a chance to properly grow up privately, who are sort of in their late 20s early 30s. What's your connection to being an adult? Do you feel like an adult yet?
MC : そうだね。大人になって、そうなのは本当に面白いね。きみは、17歳のとき、生まれて初めて、朝まで誰かの家に一晩中泊まるのが心地よかったと感じたんだね。きみは、28歳になって、大人になってからずっと、世間の注目を浴びてきた人として、大人になるということをどう考えているかい? 何人かの人と話したところによると、20代後半から30代前半くらいに世間の注目を浴びてしまうと、プライベートできちんと成長する機会がなかったような気がするっていうけどね。きみは、大人になることについてどう考えているの? きみは、大人になったと感じているのかい?

Sivan : Um... in some ways I do. you know, like I think I'm like an adult, when it comes to, um... you know, work I've been working since I was like a kid basically, and I think, I know how that kind of goes, and then, in a lot of ways, I still feel like a 20 something year old, you know, like, um... I still really enjoy hanging out with my friends, and going out, and I don't really have a ton of like responsibilities, when it comes to like my personal life, you know, I don't have any kids or anything like that. Yeah, um... so, you know, I still feel like a young person in a lot of ways. Um... and yeah, I don't know, I'm really enjoying. 27 was weird for me. I didn't love being 27, talk about that.
シヴァン:うーん、ある意味で、そう言えるかもね。 うーん...基本的に子供の頃からやってきた仕事は、そういうものがどうなるかはわかっていると思うし、いろんな意味で、まだ20代の頃の気分で、うーん...今でも友達と遊んだり、出かけたりするのがとても好きなんだ。それに、私生活に関しては、子供とかそういうのもいないし、そういう責任はあまりないし。うん、うーん...だから、いろんな意味でまだ若い気がする。そして、そう、わからないけど、ぼくは、本当にいまという時を、楽しんでいるんだ。 奇妙なことにね。27歳という年は、ぼくは、好きじゃなかったから。

MC : I'm interested in that.
MC : そうなの? なんで?

Sivan : Because I didn't like 27. Maybe because... you're 27 now?

MC : I'm 28 now. I'm a month younger than you. I think, either a month older or younger.
MC : ぼくは、いま28歳さ。きみより一ヶ月年下なんだ。1ヶ月年上か年下か、どちらかだったと思うよ。

Sivan : But yeah, um... I don't know about you, but, for me, the jump between 26, like 26 still felt very close to 24 to me, you know, I was like, it just kind of was all blurring, and then, all of a sudden 27, and also Covid happened, when I was like, I don't know 25 or something, and all of a sudden, I just was like 27. And 27 sounds really close to 30, and I was just like, oh my god, when what the hell when did this happen, um... and that felt kind of scary for a second. I was just like, whoa, um... and then, I adjusted slowly over the course of 27, and now 28. I've welcomed with open arms, and I feel, I'm not scared of 30 anymore. And I'm like, you know, I feel really good about 28.
シヴァン:でも、うーん...きみのことはわからないけど、ぼくにとっては、24と26の間のジャンプは、まだ24にとても近いように感じていたんだ。なんだか、境界が曖昧だったような気がして、それから、突然、27歳になって、新型コロナウイルスが起こってさ、25歳が、何だったかわからないけど、そして突然、 27歳になってね。そして、27歳というのは、30歳に近いように感じられたんだ。ぼくは、ああ、なんてこった、一体いつこんなことが起こったんだろうと、一瞬、ちょっと怖い気がしてさ。ぼくはただ...その後、27歳という年をゆっくりと調整していって、28歳に至ったんだ。そしてもう、ぼくは、30歳を怖がらなくなっている。ぼくは、いま、28歳という年を、やっと、両手を広げて歓迎することができているんだ。

MC : Was there something Life at 28, that happened at the precipice of 28, that made you feel that way? Was there a particular life event, or is it just a general feeling and emotion, that you get to?
MC : 28歳という年になって、そう感じられるようになったというのは、なにか、ライフイベントがあったからなの。それとも、一般的な感覚や感情なのかい?

Sivan : No, maybe, you know, I think, the last couple years have been, um... really big for me, personally growth-wise, you know. I've just had to, I've learned a lot, and grown up a lot, and, um... spent a lot of time just with myself, and um... you know, like I feel like, just really kind of like, learned who I am, you know, and I hopefully, I say the same thing in, you know, in two years, being like I had no idea who I was, when I was 28 or whatever, you know, but, um... but, yeah, so I think, I kind of came into 28, just really, um... a lot more confident, and excited about the future.

MC : You said, you spent a lot of time alone. Do you like your own company? Are you fun to hang out with on your own?
MC : ひとりで過ごす時間が多かったと言っていたね。きみは、自分の仲間が好きかい?ひとりでいるのは、楽しいの?

Sivan : Yeah, I think, sometimes a bit too much where, like, I can, you know, sort of isolate myself a little bit, and need to make sure that I'm, you know, hanging out with people, yeah. Because I'm really happy when I'm with people, um... yeah, so, it's just about, like, the balance for me of, you know, what my favorite is, like incidental socializing, like that's what I love about, um... being in Melbourne, is all my friends live so close to me, that, it's so easy for people to just like walk over, and you know, come over for dinner, come over to watch whatever a movie, or something you know everything about it is just like so effortless.

MC : Yeah, and that's my favorite kind of socializing. Yeah, and working with friends that's a late 20s thing. Isn't it where you just get comfortable you've sort of closed your circle a little bit, you found the people that you genuinely feel comfortable with allowing, and you allow so much more of yourself for them, and you allow them into your life a lot more. But it is hard to get to that point though? And I know that I definitely relate to the isolating yourself thing, because you just have this sort of subconscious thing of, like, I'm too exhausting to hang out with, like, my energy is too much, and then, you just have to force yourself to do it. I wonder, then, in relation to the music, you know, um... I've heard, you say, you made this record with your friends essentially, and looking at the credits, it's very present there. What went into the thought process of? Who you were going to pull into the rooms for this records?
MC : そうだね、それがぼくの好きな社交さ。そう、20代後半になって、友達と一緒に仕事をするときのことなんだけど、きみは、自分の輪を少し閉じて、きみが純粋に心地よく許せる人々を見つけて、彼らのために、もっと多くのきみを提供して、彼らを、きみの人生に、もっとたくさん受け入れることができるようになったんだね。でも、そこまでたどり着くのは、難しくないかい? なぜって、ぼくだったら無意識のうちに、一緒にいるには疲れ果てすぎて、エネルギーが足りなかったり、やることに無理があったりするだろうと思うよ。そして、音楽に関してだけど、うーん...このアルバムは、基本的に友達と一緒に作ったと聞いているんだけど、クレジットを見ると、とても存在感があるね。きみの思考プロセスには、何があったんだい? このレコードのために、誰を部屋に招くつもりだったの?

Sivan : To be honest, there wasn't really that of a thought process, you know, and I think, it's because, I was working with friends, you know, I was like, oh yeah, of course, you know, I want to do this type of thing, I'm going to go to let me call up my mate Oscar you know, or like, um... and also, just like, you know, the rule during the making of this album was, it has to be fun like this cannot be a stressful process, and so, um... yeah, of course I wanted to work with friends, and also like, we're still very much like Leland, and I, for example, constantly look at each other, and be like, can you believe that we're like in Stockholm right now, and we get to write songs, and like someone else paid for our flights like this is so sick. Um... And so, yeah, you know that, being able to work with friends in these incredible environments as well, is just like a really special experience, and I wanted, you know, the process of making the album was as important to me as, like the final product, you know, how it felt to us, and how we made it, you know, making the album. (To be continued, to part 2)

■トロイ・シヴァン 「Something To Give Each Other」
(Troye Sivan : 'Something To Give Each Other')
EMI Australia/Capitol(2023)

TRACKLIST(歌詞和訳リンク集 ”Japanese translation links of the lyrics”)
1. Rush
2. What’s The Time Where You Are?
3. One Of Your Girls
4. In My Room (feat. Guitarricadelafuente)
5. Still Got It
6. Can’t Go Back, Baby
7. Got Me Started
8. Silly
9. Honey
10. How To Stay With You

Considered to be one of the hottest works of 2023, Troye Sivan's long-awaited third critically acclaimed full album has finally been released!

”Something To Give Each Other” debuted at the top of Billboard's dance and electronic albums chart!
「Something To Give Each Other」は、ビルボードのダンス&エレクトロニック・アルバム・チャートで、初登場1位を獲得!


And, ”Something To Give Each Other” became Troye Sivan's first number one album in his home country of Australia!
そして「Something To Give Each Other」は、母国オーストラリアで初のナンバー1アルバムを獲得しました!

※Troye Sivan won his first No. 1 album in his home country of Australia, and is very satisfied=^_^=


On November 15, 2023, Troye Sivan takes home the most ARIA Awards in 2023 with a total of four, includhing Song of the Year Presented by YouTube and Best Solo Artist.

Troye Sivan also won two nominations for the 2024 Grammy Awards for "RUSH"!!

※Troye Sivan - Rush (Official Video)
※(from Wikipedia)Michael Sun of The Guardian believed "Australia is in its gay era", thanks to the back-to-back releases of "Rush" and Kylie Minogue's "Padam Padam", and described Sivan's track as "pure gay smut: a paean to poppers inspired by the sweaty clubs of Melbourne's Smith Street.
※Ben Beaumont-Thomas of the same publication compared its funky house rhythm to Spiller's "Groovejet", writing, "with a rowdy chorus chanted as if by a troupe of distractingly buff personal trainers, it's all sweat and heavy breathing".
※Shaad D'Souza of Pitchfork awarded the song their "Best New Track" distinction and observed that "Rush" is "unconcerned with anything but pure ecstasy".
The writer went on to praise the singer for producing a "sublime, orgiastic summer anthem".
The writer went on to praise the singer for producing a "sublime, orgiastic summer anthem".
※Kaelen Bell of Exclaim! found Sivan's "horny new single" a "thumping, kinetic dance banger".
※Writing for Dork, Stephen Ackroyd called it "a bum-slapping bop" and "the most fun you'll have all summer".
※Jason P. Frank of Vulture also found it a "bop", while thinking it works better with the music video,
※and added: "This is a song meant for partying through the heat, for doing a substance or two, for turning the dance floor into a make-out sesh.


This is Troye Sivan's first time being nominated for the Grammy Awards!

from 2024 GRAMMY Nominations:
最優秀ポップ・ダンス・レコーディング賞 : RUSH (Troye Sivan)
最優秀ミュージック・ビデオ賞 : RUSH (Troye Sivan)
最優秀アフリカ音楽賞 : RUSH (AYRA STARR)

Platinum-selling artist Troye Sivan!


In the music video for "One Of Your Girls" (the music video that achieved 8.1 million views in the two weeks of its release and became the 78th most popular music video in the world), Troye Sivan performed his first "bewitching drag queen (cross-dressing) appearance" (eyes were glued to it)!
”One Of Your Girls”のMV (リリース2 週間で810万 回視聴を達成し、世界で人気 78 位のミュージック ビデオ) では、シヴァン先生初の、「妖艶なドラッグクイーン(女装)姿」を披露(思わず目が釘付けに)!!







※Troye Sivan - One of Your Girls (Official Video)
※Released mere hours after the album dropped, the singer’s video for “One of Your Girls” might just be his best yet. In the clip, the 28-year-old dons drag publicly for the first time, wearing a series of stunning ensembles and applying a glossy YSL lipstick. As model Alex Consani put it while commenting on one of Sivan’s Instagram teasers for the video: His “doll era is everything.”The “One of Your Girls” also stars actor and musician Ross Lynch, as well as a cast of models including Tomasz Kurdziel and Bobby Nelson.
 そして、アルバムリリースからほどなくリリースされたシンガーのミュージックビデオ「One of Your Girls」は、これまでの傑出したMVと比べてさえ、「最高の出来栄え」であると断言できることだろう。
 「One of Your Girls」は、俳優であり、ミュージションのロス・リンチを「シヴァンの相手役」として配している。また、モデルのTomasz KurdzieやBobby NelsonもMVで共演する。(@ハーパーズ バザー誌(記事全訳と歌詞和訳はこちら))

【リンク】タワーレコードオンライン:Something To Give Each Other

【配信リンク】UNIVERSAL MUSIC:Something To Give Each Other

【リンク】UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE:Something To Give Each Other

■The making video of the MV "One of Your Girls"
「One of Your Girls」MVの、メイキングビデオ!

※Troye Sivan - One of Your Girls (Behind the Scenes)

■Troye Sivan announces huge UK and European 2024 tour!

Troye Sivan has announced details of a huge UK and European tour for 2024.
The tour is in support of Sivan’s acclaimed album ‘Something To Give Each Other’, which was released back in October. The record – Sivan’s first in five years – scored the Australian a glowing five-star review from Nick Levine for NME. Levine wrote: “It’s a strikingly vital pop album charged with love, lust, sweat and regret. You won’t need a bosh of poppers to feel thoroughly intoxicated.”
Hailed by The Guardian as "one of this year's best and most distinctive pop albums" and celebrated by Rolling Stone as "a pristine slice of pop heaven," the Something to Give Each Other Tour is destined to be Sivan 's biggest, boldest and brightest tour.
Sivan’s 17-date run will begin in Portugal on May 29, 2024, before continuing throughout Europe. Sivan arrives in the UK on June 22 at the Manchester AO Arena; the tour will conclude in Birmingham.Tickets for the shows go on sale on December 8 at 9am.
このツアーは、10月にリリースされたシヴァンの大絶賛アルバム『Something To Give Each Other』をサポートするものです。 NME誌のニック・レヴァインは、オーストラリア人であるシヴァンにとって5年ぶりとなるこのレコードに、輝かしい5つ星のレビュー評価を与えました。 レヴァインは次のように書いています。「愛、欲望、汗、後悔に満ちた、驚くほど生命力のあるポップ・アルバム。 完全に酔うためには、ポッパーを大量に飲む必要はないだろう。」
シヴァンの17日間の公演は、2024年5月29日にポルトガルで始まり、その後、ヨーロッパ全土で続きます。 シヴァンは、6月22日に英国のマンチェスターAOアリーナに到着します。 ツアーは、バーミンガムで終了します。ショーのチケットは 、12 月 8 日午前 9 時に発売されます。

【リンク】チケット情報(Ticket information : Troye Sivan)


Something to Give Each Other UK and European Tour 2024 from Troye Sivan HP

■From the recent photos of Troye Sivan!





















■トロイ・シヴァンのインタビュー和訳リンク集(Japanese translation links of the Interviews with Troye Sivan)!

【リンク(link)】トロイ・シヴァン("Sivan Interviews"インタビュー和訳リンク集)(Japanese translation links of the Interviews with Troye Sivan)

■トロイ・シヴァンのYoutube集(Japanese translation links of the Troye Sivan Youtubes)!

【リンク(link)】Translation links of Troye Sivan Youtubes(Japanese translation links of the Youtubes with Troye Sivan)

■トロイ・シヴァンの全過去記事リンク集(links of the past articles history of balimonogatari from the first article of Troye Sivan to most recent article)!

【リンク(link)】「シヴァン先生のファン」になるまで(How did I get into Sivan)(links of the "past articles history of balimonogatari from the first article to most recent article")

■トロイ・シヴァンのオリジナルソング歌詞和訳リンク集(Japanese translation links of the lyrics of Troye Sivan songs)!

【リンク(link)】トロイ・シヴァン(オリジナル曲"Songs by Troye Sivan"歌詞和訳リンク集)(Japanese translation link of the lyrics of Troye Sivan songs)

■トロイ・シヴァンのカバーソング歌詞和訳リンク集(Japanese translation links of the lyrics of the songs covered by Troye Sivan)!

【リンク(link)】トロイ・シヴァン(カバーソング"Covered Songs by Sivan"歌詞和訳リンク集)(Japanese translation links of the lyrics of the songs covered by Troye Sivan)

■トロイ・シヴァンのユーチューバー"VLOGs"リンク集(links of the "VLOGs" by Troye Sivan as the youtuber)!

【リンク(link)】トロイ・シヴァン(ユーチューバー"VLOGs"リンク集)(links of the "VLOGs" by Troye Sivan as the youtuber)

■トロイ・シヴァンの雑誌記事和訳リンク集(Japanese translation links of the articles of Troye Sivan)!

(トロイ・シヴァンのシンガポールコンサートでプライドフラッグを振ろうとした人々が警備員に阻止された。トロイ・シヴァンのファンは抗議するため、コンサート後に改めてレインボーフラッグを振った 3 May 2019)

【リンク(link)】トロイ・シヴァン("Sivan articles"雑誌記事和訳リンク集)(Japanese translation links of the articles of Troye Sivan)


I participated in the ranking with the aim of getting as many girls as possible, as well as, as many gay and LGBTQ people as possible, to read my blog for the Australian queer artist Troye Sivan. Thank you very much for all of your great kindness, and if you don't mind, please give us one push for each photos below, of the artist Troye Sivan and his boyfriend Jacob Bixenman, for cast a vote for the ranking right now.

にほんブログ村 その他日記ブログ 腐女子日記へ



にほんブログ村 セクマイ・嗜好ブログ 同性愛・ゲイ(ノンアダルト)へ

FC2 Blog Ranking 《BL》