Tajiri coast, Shimadajima, Naruto City
Hamabou and Monument R030722



A day trip to Naruto to explore the flowers of HamabouⅡ

ハマボウの花を探しに鳴門市へ 日帰りドライブの旅Ⅱ-2/4

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A day trip to Naruto to explore the flowers of HamabouⅡ-2/4

ハマボウの花を探しに鳴門市へ 日帰りドライブの旅Ⅱ-2/4


From the guide map of the tourist spot earlier, a car stopped on the road just north, and you can see several tourists on the right (east) side. Under the banners, many lotus buds and flowers are blooming in a straight line.


In 1951, an ancient lotus seed was discovered sprouting from a 2,000-year-old dugout canoe that was buried in a 6-meter peat layer on the Kemi River in Chiba City, where the University of Tokyo's Botanical Research Institute was located. and spread all over the country.


It was named Oga lotus after its discoverer, Dr. Oga.



Shimada Island is blessed with a natural environment of soil, water, and sunshine, and the beauty of its satoyama is outstanding.


On top of that, the local people lend us their land, help us with the cultivation and watering, and are sincerely cooperating with the lotus festival.



Thanks to the mutual help of many people, this ancient lotus flower is blooming.

I am grateful for the bond between people and people, people and creatures, and people and nature.

島田島古代ハス園R030722 ancient lotus flower

§Ⅱ 5【絆】人と花 古代ハスの花 Slide 島田島古代ハス園R030722 ancient lotus flowerR040826up



§Ⅱ 6【絆】人と花 古代ハスの花 Full 島出島古代ハス園 R030722 ancient lotus flowerR040826up



懐かしい田尻浜に向かいます。Head to the nostalgic Tajiri beach.




I have visited Tajiri Beach several times when I was a junior high school student.

At that time, I would put a hammer in my knapsack, pick up stones from the coast and mountains, and break many of them. Yes, this is a place where fossils can be harvested, and from the offshore seabed, fossils of Nanman Elephants and Ammonites can be found in fishermen's nets.

In addition, there were times when fossils of ancient eelgrass were revealed when breaking stones on the coast. I still remember the excitement I felt at that time.

§Ⅱ 7 車窓 Shaso 古代ハスの花畑 ⇨ ハマボウ群生地の田尻浜 Tajiri Beach a colony of hamabo R030722R040827up




Let's deviate from the purpose a little and think about the fossils of ancient creatures based on the materials of the prefectural museum.


It is a place where you can feel the beautiful and harmonious workings and bonds of life that have continued since ancient times.

§Ⅱ 7田尻浜先【鳴門海峡の化石】ナウマン象等 Fossils of Naruto Strait: Naumann Elephant,etc2R040827up



ハマボウの群生と、顕彰碑 A colony of hamabou and a monument




On Tajiri Beach, the northern tip of Shimada Island, you can see colonies of Hamabo.

The sight of the large hamabou trees growing densely in clusters is a sight to behold.

The trees, bathed in the sea breeze and illuminated by the sun, are blooming with beautiful yet powerful thick yellow flowers.


On the west side of the hamabo tree growing in clusters, facing north facing the sea, there is a monument to commemorate the rescue of preparatory trainees. It is said that it was built to convey the tragedy that occurred in August 1945 and the courage of the local people to future generations, and to pray for world peace.


It is a wonderful beach where you can feel the history from ancient times, the life force of powerful trees, and the appearance of people trying to help each other. I thought about these wonderful connections and bonds.

§Ⅱ 8【絆】人と花 ハマボウの花 slide 島田島 田尻浜 R030722 Hamabo flower2R040828up



§Ⅱ 9【絆】人と花 ハマボウの花 Full 島田島 田尻浜 R030722 Hamabo flowerR040829up



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関連ブログ等:Related blog etc

ハマボウと父との想い出:Hamabou and Memories of  my father 20220827up 


I want to carefully protect the bonds between people and people, people and creatures, and people and nature.

I want to learn the wisdom for that from nature, history ,cultural and customs.

And I would like to share that wisdom with everyone.





Thank you very much.  Well then,

everyone is in a good mood.

good bye.






