


The following is the transcript of the speech made to recruit protesters against the US military bases in Okinawa by Ms. Shin Su-gok, the co-founder of "Norikoenet" at "Can't leave Takae alone. Naicha Grand Strategy Meeting" held in Rengo Kaikan in Ochanomizu, Tokyo on September 9th, 2016. She is a third generation Korean national residing in Japan. According to the brochure Norikoenet has published, it is stated that they are paying 50000 yen to each individual as a "citizen correspondent."  In this speech, Ms. Su-gok clearly stated, "We will have the younger people die. As for the grandpas and the grandmas, please just sit there and harrass them and get arrested." Ms. Mizuho Fukushima, a member of the Japanese House of Representatives and the deputy party leader of the Social Democratic Party in Japan also attended the meeting. 
However, what is placed there (*the US base in Okinawa) is a tool for wars. Wars are the world's largest environmental destruction and it means killing people. That is why I want to try to stop them.  The members who were doing the "counter" movement went there from Tokyo.  I am proud of them.  While we are here, many people have learned in the past several years what they are doing to Okinawa is discrimination. 
They have learned and most of them are without money. I don't know how they are living. But they are somehow surviving.  And I believe it. Back in the days, the Imperial Headquarters sent people (*to the war) and pretended as if nothing happened.  It was like "you guys just survive there on your own".  That is OK. That is Japanese culture.  We will also do that. If they are doing it that way, there is no other way than we do it as well. We can't be pretty and beautiful and give ourselves supplies. There are no supplies.  You go there and eat on your own.  I tell you,  "you go there and you just do it."  
And the photos are taken there with much effort. But Rody has lost numeroud opportunities to take photos. It was because there are not enough people at the site.  So two of them stopped 20 vehicles at the site. But they can only stop them for 15 minutes. But if three more people went there, we may be able to stop them for 16 minutes.  One more person may be able to stop them for 20 minutes. That is why we want to send people. 
I tell you straight. I will also do my best to make money. Because I no longer have the physical strength. We will have the younger people die. We will put the younger people to work for the country. Tomomi Inada is saying that. If Inada is saying it, I will also say it. As for the grandpas and the grandmas, please just sit there (*at the protest site in Okinawa) and harrass them and get arrested. If all the people over 70 years old get arrested, they won't be able to put everyone in jail. The younger people will take over next. Hiroji Yamashiro is now exhausted. I am sorry to say but I told Hiroji Yamashiro. Do not die because of sickness. Do not get killed by the US soldiers. Do not get killed by the Japanese police. I am telling him that I will kill you myself when you die. So it's good that he is just there (*in jail).  
(*notes added by the translator for clarification.)
で頑張って撮ってきた写真は、これから実はロディさんはたくさんの写真を撮る機会を逸しました。なぜなら現場の人が足りないからです。だから、現場で彼らが20何台も止めた。1日止められるのは、15分? でも、あと三人行ったら、16分止められるかもしれないんです。もう一人行ったら20分止められるかもしれないんです。だから送りたいんです。

■中国の沖縄での秘密工作とは その5 沖縄独立を煽る アメリカの議会機関が指摘する中国の日韓離反工作
