

10年総額700 million dollar contract! つまり、今の超円安の日本円にすると約0.1兆円の契約ということですよね。















At 29 years old, Shohei Ohtani is at his peak right now:

A 10-year, 700 million dollar contract! That means a contract worth about 0.1 trillion yen in today's very cheap Japanese yen.

But is he going to be okay?

Because the 29-year-old Shohei Otani is at his peak right now.

What I'm trying to say is that I'm worried about injuries. I mean, I’m afraid he would be like his Angels colleague Rendon (then 29), who won a big contract after the 2019 season, but then got injured all the time and hasn't played almost at all.

In fact, Ohtani had ligament surgery this offseason and was unable to even hit this September due to a non-ligament injury.

After the age of 30, a person's body goes downhill and never goes uphill.

Note: When I reached 31, I became unable to stay up all night.

Even Trout, the Angels' superstar, has missed quite a bit of time due to injury over the past few years, though not as much as Rendon.

If Shohei Ohtani is only a hitter or only a pitcher, I’m not worried about it. His body seems more supple than Rendon's or Trout's.

But he is a two way player who also pitches. Pitching is hard work that usually requires 4 days off. It's very hard for a player over 30 years old to be a pitcher and a fielder at the same time.

I think that in the 2025 or 2026 season, when he will be back as a pitcher, he will need 6 days off between pitches and take a full day off the day after pitching.

I wish Shohei Ohtani all the best.



A sus 29 años, Shohei Ohtani está en su mejor momento:

¡Un contrato de 10 años y 700 millones de dólares! Eso significa un contrato por valor de unos 0,1 billones de yenes en el baratísimo yen japonés de hoy.

Pero, ¿va a estar bien?

Porque Shohei Otani, de 29 años, está en su mejor momento.

Lo que intento decir es que me preocupan las lesiones. Es decir, temo que le pase como a su colega Rendón (entonces de 29 años), de los Angels, que se ganó un gran contrato después de la temporada 2019, pero luego se lesionó todo el tiempo y no ha jugado casi nada.

De hecho, Ohtani se sometió a una cirugía de ligamentos esta temporada baja y ni siquiera pudo batear este septiembre debido a una lesión no ligamentosa.

Después de los 30 años, el cuerpo de una persona va cuesta abajo y nunca va cuesta arriba.

Nota: Cuando llegué a los 31, me volví incapaz de permanecer despierto toda la noche.

Incluso Trout, la superestrella de los Angels, se ha perdido bastante tiempo debido a lesiones en los últimos años, aunque no tanto como Rendon.

Si Shohei Ohtani es sólo bateador o sólo lanzador, no me preocupa. Su cuerpo parece más flexible que el de Rendon o Trout.

Pero es un jugador bidireccional que también lanza. Lanzar es un trabajo duro que normalmente requiere 4 días de descanso. Es muy difícil para un jugador de más de 30 años ser lanzador y jardinero al mismo tiempo.

Creo que en la temporada 2025 o 2026, cuando vuelva a ser lanzador, necesitará 6 días libres entre lanzamientos y tomarse un día libre completo al día siguiente de lanzar.

Le deseo lo mejor a Shohei Ohtani.

“Prey” on Disney+ (Comanche version with English Subtitles aka English SDH)

This is an awesome ‘Predator’ film. I love it!

The protagonist is a good hunter. But, she knows she is a woman and not so physically strong as men, especially much less powerful as a hunter than her elder brother who is the best hunter in the tribe.

Therefore she use her smart brain very well and have good eyes to observe important things to terminate her archenemy, the Predator.

I strongly recommend you to see the film in the Comanche Dubbed version because it’s much more natural than the English original version.

By the way, I don’t understand why French Subtitles are displayed when French bandits speak even if I see the film with English subtitles.

Please note that I grasp what the French word, “Merde” means because I’m learning Spanish. (^_^)

Year by year, month by month, week by week and day by day my English listening & understanding abilities are going up.

Now I have no problem to understand speaking English on many of YouTube videos like ① and ② as below. But, still I have small or fairy big problems on some of YouTube videos like ③ and ④.

My challenge at this point is to listen and understand English native speakers’ everyday conversations clearly like in ④ as below.

Please note that my Japanese listening and understanding abilities are 98-100/100 but never 100-100/100.

① Joe Allam’s British English: 96-100/100
LONDON SKYLINE PHOTOGRAPHY — Day to Night https://youtu.be/KWE90ufn4fE

② Jason Billam’s British English: 96-100/100
My First Day in TIRANA, ALBANIA 2021 🇦🇱 https://youtu.be/6d0tQjwgOEM

③ Brie Larson’s American English: 93-100/100
Our One Year Together… And What Comes Next! https://youtu.be/2-nDq2fkx-s

④ Brie Larson & Tessa Thompson’s Conversations in American English: 88-98/100
Teaching Tessa Thompson How To Play Fortnite! 

Just for your reference I’ll show you my Spanish listening & understanding abilities,
⑤ Enrique Alex’s Spanish: 88-98/100
Así es GALÁPAGOS, la isla que inspiró a Darwin (Isla Isabela) 4K | enriq... https://youtu.be/0OYz4jKJWd0

Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” and “Apocalypse Now”:
I love “Apocalypse Now.” But if I compare with its original story, Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”, the film would be no better than the book. The film has no choice to be so before the depth and greatness of the book.

So “Heart of Darkness” is a great book for me?

Oh, yes it is. But still the book has a lot of controversial things as follows.

(1) For Conrad the British imperialism was a great thing and the Belgian imperialism was a evil thing. But this is totally wrong! Both imperialisms are evil.
(2) For Conrad women must be out of it. This is also totally wrong.

“Heart of Darkness” talked about desires of men(/women). They were Money (ivory) and Honor (enlightening Africans). This time Love was not included because he had already got the Intended in his hands.

Did Kurtz (the hero of the narrator, Marlow) get two of them? The answer is no. He was addicted to Ivories and his methods for enlightening Africans are unsound.

So what made me think that it was a great book.

It’s View of Life and Death. Conrad wrote through Marlow’s voice that my last words should never be “a careless contempt for the evanescence of all things.” I couldn’t agree more on it.
コンラッドの”Heart of Darkness”「闇の奥」:



コンラッドをリスペクトしていると聞くF・スコット・フィッツジェラルドのこの作品への返歌は”The Great Gatsby”だと僕は考えています。で、金欲と名誉欲を達成しているGatsbyに足りないのは性欲(憧れの女であるDaisyの獲得)でした。つまり、Gatsby=Kurtzなのです。







この作品の白眉は、ラストの語り手MarlowとKurtzの”The Intended”(婚約者)である女性との面会だと思います。

で、Kurtzの有名な台詞である”The horror, the horror”の対極にあるのが”a careless contempt for the evanescence of all things”です。

ここに、作者であるコンラッドの死生観がはっきりあらわれています>『Kurtzの有名な台詞である”The horror, the horror”の対極にあるのが”a careless contempt for the evanescence of all things”です』



Marlowが自分の最期の言葉にしたくないという“a careless contempt for the evanescence of all things”の対極にあるのがKurtzの”The horror, the horror”だと書いたけど、この言葉も彼は呪いの言葉だとしてラストで婚約者に嘘までついて調伏しています。

とはいえ、語り手のMarlowは、Kurtzは最期に”The horror, the horror”とKurtz自身の人生にJudgementをくだしたから、彼を”remarkable man”と呼んで、ずっと彼にLoyalであろうとした訳ですが…

ということで、いろいろと複雑だけど、興味深い作品でした>コンラッドの”Heart of Darkness”「闇の奥」

“Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba”「鬼滅の刃」on Netflix(オリジナル日本語版+字幕なし):












この『鬼滅の刃』はそんなもんじゃない!!! 『風の谷のナウシカ』の数十倍ウザい!






なので僕には耐えられませんでした。( ;  ; )

For a long time I thought it was a good thing that our neighbor, China was getting powerful and economically prosperous like the United States. Because if China was still poor and powerless, there would be only chaos in our neighborhood.

So, it was heartfelt welcome for me that Deng Xiaoping became the supreme leader just after the death of the incompetent leader, Mao Zedong and installed Reform and Openness polices.

But now I learned I was wrong. Very wrong on this.


Because with the arrival of Xi Jinping China started to try to be an Evil Empire unlike my expectations.

I love “Avengers: Infinity War”, but not “Avengers: Endgame.”


Because in “Endgame” there is no one-on-one battle between Captain Marvel, who is the most powerful hero in Avengers, and Thanos which I expected the most. And most importantly Thanos who Avengers defeated is not Thanos who knows ‘Sorrow’ by loosing Gamora to get the Soul Stone in “Infinity War.”

One more thing. “Infinity War” is almost perfect in its editing and rhythm. But “Endgame” is not. At times its depictions are too long, at times they are too short.

So, my evaluation on “Infinity War” is 11/10, my evaluation on “Endgame” is 8/10 or 7/10.

My Cooking Life in the era of Coronavirus:



で、引き籠り生活(The Stay at Home Life)も2か月目に入るので、そろそろ自炊の新しいメニューも色々とためしたい。

しかし、スーパーでの買い物をごく短時間で済ましたいので、もし新しいメニューの該当の食材が見つからない場合には、Plan Bとしていつものメニューに、即、切り替える予定です。

“Dirty Harry” in 1971:
This is the “Go ahead. Make my day.” situation. But, he didn’t say “Go ahead. Make my day.” as you see the photos in its first installment of the “Dirty Harry” franchise.

In reality twelve years after the first film, the iconic line for Clint Eastwood, “Go ahead. Make my day.” finally appeared for the first time and ever in its fourth installment of the franchise, “The Sudden Impact” in 1983 which was directed by Eastwood himself.