British Rep. 「When South Korea admits allegations of [sexual violence] in the Vietnam War」

3/2 (Tue) 12:08 delivery WoW! Korea 817
「The image of Japan was hurt」
Prime Minister Abe criticized the Asahi Shimbun
•2014/10/03 ANNnewsCH



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At the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives, Prime Minister Abe criticized the Asahi Shimbun's misinformation about the comfort women issue, saying that「the image of Japan was seriously damaged.」
Prime Minister Abe:「It is true that many people were hurt, sad, suffered, and angry by this false alarm. 」
베트남전에서 미군이 12년간 개고생했던 전투에 한국특수부대가 투입되자 2시간만에 벌어진 일::한국군은 최강이지만 지나치게 잔혹하다.
What happened in two hours after the Korean Special Forces were put into the battle where the U.S. soldiers struggled for 12 years in the Vietnam War
::The Korean army is the strongest, but it is too cruel.




It is true that the Korean army's bravery and operational capability was known to the outside world through the Vietnam War, but the Korean army's spirit of affection also received great attention.
Since Koreans grew up basically learning the Confucian idea of「Jang Yu-seo」, meeting civilians during the war paid respect to older adults, which caused tremendous repercussions to the Vietnamese people.
The first combat troops dispatched, the Fierce Guards, were originally sent to combat the Viet Cong, but whenever they had time, they helped civilians close to their garrison.
General Chae Myung-shin, who was the commander of the Korean Army in the Republic of Korea at the time, said he could not stop serving the public despite fierce opposition from the U.S. and Vietnamese troops.Afterwards, the Allied Forces made a big repercussion to the point of benchmarking.
At that time, in Vietnam, there was a sign saying, 「The Korean army protects one civilian even if it misses a hundred Viet Cong.」
 For example, in the Goboy area where the fierce army was stationed, the members of the unit who witnessed the poverty of the residents independently helped the civilians without instructions from the upper part.
In particular, in Vietnam, where three crops are possible, they built the「Goboy Dam」 with their own power based on the idea that there should be plenty of water.
This fact drew tremendous attention from the media around the world, and one American media suggested that it would be a good idea to leave this Vietnam War to the Korean army with the best fighting power and a spirit of love.
oka******* |
On the contrary, why not raise a problem to the United Nations and the international community from here?
Even if the Japan-Korea issue is over, it will continue to be set up.
That's why I dare to set it up from here.
In other words, it uses the only position in the world that recognizes, apologizes, and compensates for the comfort women system.
In the first place, I don't understand why only Japan should be questioned among the defeated nations.
However, not only the countries during World War II, but also the U.S. forces in Japan after the war, the U.S. military comfort women from the Korean War and the Vietnam War, and the U.S. military comfort women in Korea who actually met up to the Seoul Olympics, Lai Daihan
This is where we use our position to question the universal human rights of women.
It used to be a problem only for defeated nations
But now that they have raised it to the United Nations as a universal issue, no country can any longer tolerate it.
I can't blame you over there either
You can't deny it.
Reply 64
Empathy / 15932
Opposite / 444

    sgo ***** |
    Please be careful of everyone.
    No evidence has been found that the Japanese military forced the comfort women.
It is a fabrication of the Asahi Shimbun.
    On the other hand, the Korean military story in this report is true.
    Therefore, with the comfort women issue in mind, the criticism that「Korea would have done it!」Should never be made.
Empathy / 858
Opposition / 15

    cha ***** |
    Lai Daihan is spreading more and more.
    If you criticize people, you have to correct yourself!
    This fact will continue to spread all over the world.
Empathy / 524
Opposite / 1

    tor ***** |
    I wonder if Japan, which was not a country at that time, should be on the table.
    Britain can be raised as a human rights issue as a third country, but even if Japan speaks from the same standpoint, can Japan say that it is from South Korea's standpoint? It is visible that it gets even more messy.
    I think it would be better to help the support groups so that the victims of Vietnam can be tried, or to help raise this issue to the world as a human rights issue through a third country such as the United Kingdom.
Empathy / 445
Opposition / 10

    tur ***** |
    What do you do to thank this old man?
    That's right for Vietnam, but it's ridiculous for Japan.
Empathy / 457
Opposite / 4

    jcd ***** |
    Should Vietnam itself make a big statement in the international community?
    Japan should not be involved.
Empathy / 379
Opposition / 6

History of the U.S. military and Korean comfort women 1945-base prostitution
Watched 50,171 times



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Produced by American Third World Newsreel
Original title: The Women Outside --Korean Women and the U.S. Military
Year of production 1995
Director J.T. Orinne Takagi and Hye-Jung Park
The video of about 50 minutes is divided into parts 1 to 4.
Camptown around US military bases in South Korea and the United States.
The situation surrounding prostitutes working there remains almost unchanged in the 21st century.

Information updated in 2009
http: // ...

The relationship between the US military and the mud of Korean prostitutes that has continued since 1945.
There are many Filipino and Russian prostitutes in the current camp town.
Korean brokers are dying in the shadow of prostitution and counterfeit marriages against US soldiers.
By the 1980s, more than one million Korean women had been against the US military.
Since this system still exists, it is expected that the total number of people will be double that number.
According to a survey by Seoul YMCA, apart from US military opponents, 1.2 to 1.5 million Korean women (1 in 5 aged 15 to 29) were working in the sex industry as of 1989, and were unmarried in 2012. One in six women is involved in prostitution.

[Part 1]
Women who became prostitutes to get out of hardships and low-wage labor.
In many cases, they were deceived by Korean brokers and confined, and some were kidnapped.
10:08 social mobility To move social status by taking advantage of educational background, job change, marriage, migration, etc.
Korean patriarchy
The traditional Korean patriarchal system (extremely male-centered, dominant society).
South Korea is also a strict patrilineal society.


What are Korean Military Comfort Women(한국군 위안부, 대한 민국군 위안부, 洋公主)? |
    It's the second Ramseyer!
    However, Japan has not escaped.
Violence committed against military regulations has also apologized and has been severely punished in military law trials.
    If there is any disproof against the allegation that Japan has taken 200,000 people from Jeju Island under the official command of the military, please show it!
Empathy / 276
Opposite / 5

    ouz ***** |
    We need to get California to know this fact as soon as possible and include it in the textbook.
    The state of California, which took the issue of Japanese comfort women to the world and swallowed it, decided to put it in a high school textbook.
    I think Japan also has to send it to the world.
    Silence is the same as admitting.
    Japan had not forcibly taken.
    The difference that South Korea was doing compulsory and inhumane things should be made loud.
Empathy / 252
Opposite / 2

    tan ***** |
    Japan has no excuses, the comfort women admit, and they are paying for the comfort after aiming for their hardships.
South Korea flipped it over and over again, and instead made it my own business, saying that it was for her grandmother as long as there was a group that was just a source of survival for the group's business.
The money for the grandmothers was just used for them
Empathy / 223
Opposite / 2
 Secret Akko-chan |
     「Agree! Why don't you say it at the United Nations? It's weird.」
     I feel like I read an article that a Vietnamese person applied for an investigation to the United Nations.
     Unfortunately, it's not Vietnam, but a Vietnamese individual.
Empathy / 212
Opposite / 2

     sat ***** |
     South Korea has never admitted Lai Daihan, so it will not be admitted in the future.
     Vietnam also thinks that Lai Daihan is a shame, unlike South Korea, so it seems that they don't want to send it to the world, and I think it's difficult even if other countries make noise.
Empathy / 185
Opposition / 9

     See more (54)