South Korean public vessel requests cancellation of survey vessel of Japan Coast Guard under investigation in EEZ

Korean public vessel requests the Japan Coast Guard survey vessel to cancel the survey

Japanese government protest domestic through diplomatic routes
Viewed 57,388 times
• 2020/08/16

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At around 3:25 am on the 11th, the Japan Coast Guard was conducting an oceanographic survey within Japan's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the East China Sea, about 140 km west of 女島(Meshima), which is located southwest of the 五島(Goto) Islands in 長崎(Nagasaki).
A ship belonging to the Korea Coast Guard approached the surveying ship Syoyo 昭洋」and repeatedly requested that the investigation be stopped, saying that "this is the sea area of ​​Korea."

The Japan Coast Guard refused the request at the site saying that it could not receive the request because it was in the EEZ of Japan.
The Japanese government also protested South Korea through diplomatic routes.
According to the Japan Coast Guard, the Korean public vessel is still sailing in the surrounding waters as of 8:00 pm on the same day.

According to
Japan Coast Guard, the Korean public vessel is running side by side with Shoyo, saying, This is the waters of South Korea, and prior consent from the Korean government is required to conduct a scientific survey of the ocean,」the survey was conducted until 9:22 am on the same day. Was repeatedly stopped.
I left this area at around 11:40.
However, another ship belonging to the Korean Police Agency appeared from 0:07 pm, and the same cancellation request was repeated until 4:52 pm.

Akihiro started a basic survey of the ocean such as the water depth in the same area from January.
It plans to continue the investigation until February while repeating replenishment at the surrounding ports.
In August of last year, the Korean public vessel also requested the Japan Coast Guard vessel, which was under investigation in the nearby sea area, to cancel it, and the Japanese government was protesting.


It was Mr. Moon Jae-in who was driven by the comfort women decision. 


A number of illegal acts against Japan

List of major torts against Japan by South Korean state power




李明博Lee Myung-bak

① Installed a statue of army prostitute in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul



② President Lee Myung-bak landed on 竹島(Takeshima,다케시마), Insult 天皇陛下(His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, 일본 천황 폐하), and return of the a personal letter from the Prime Minister 野田(Noda)


朴槿恵Park Geun-hye

③Interference with Prime Minister 安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)'s joint speech by the US Senate and Senate



④Nationally obstruct the registration of industrial revolution-related facilities in the Meiji era as a World Heritage Site



⑤Installed a of statue of army prostitute in front of the Japanese Consulate General in 釜山(Busan)


文在寅Moon Jae-in

⑥Comfort women agreement verification TF reveals diplomatic secrets with Japan without permission



⑦旭日旗(Rising Sun Flag) uproar



⑧Former self-proclaimed forced victim workers recruitment decision issue by the Supreme Court of Korea

10.30, 11.29.2018


⑨Fire control radar irradiation incident



⑩Insult 天皇陛下(His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, 일본 천황 폐하) by the Speaker of the House of Representatives of South Korea

Around February 2019


⑪Japan's export control optimization measures for South Korea

Announced on July 1, 2019


⑫Comfort Women Foundation dissolution problem

Announced on July 1, 2019


⑬Completely ignore the Japan-Korea Claims Agreement over the self-proclaimed former recruitment issue

Completed on July 19, 2019


⑭Japan-Korea GSOMIA abandonment turmoil

August 22nd-November 22nd, 2019


⑮South Korea make a disturbance WTO complaint against Japan

September 11, 2019-November 22, 2019, June 2, 2020~


⑯Sovereign immunity violation judgment

January 8, 2021


([Source] Created by the author)

This chart does not include the example of the theft of Buddha statues in 対馬(Tsushima) (reference『Sanctions against South Korea ⑧ Is it international law or Buddha punishment to add a hammer to South Korea?』etc.),
However, in a broad sense, this can also be said to be 「illegal acts against Japan by the South Korean state」.

(尹美香,윤미향, Yoon Mi-hyang, ユン・ミヒャン)
補償 (Hoshō, Entschädigung, 보상, Bosang)
賠償 (Baishō, Entschädigung, 배상, Baesang)
KOREAN Comfort women (慰安婦,p군사 매춘부, Military pProstitutes, 위안부) FESTIVAL 2011
• 2011/07/12


Korea claimed 慰安婦(p군사매춘부 Military pProstitutes, 위안부, Comfort women)



Korea claims to be a sex slave forcibly taken by the government and the military
A woman who used to be a soldier's sex partner mainly in the battlefield.
Generally speaking, the comfort women often refer to the Japanese military comfort women.
The name "comfort women" is also used by the South Korean army after the disappearance of the Japanese army after World War II.
During the Korean War, it was also called「Special Comfort Corps (特殊慰安隊, 특수위안대(Special comfort zone) )」or「Class V Supplies (제5종보급품,第5種補給品)」
In additive on, women with synonyms also exist in the German and French troops.、
The comfort women were legal prostitutes at the time and were paid by private companies.
Mediators widely recruited through newspaper advertisements and hired Japanese women in the mainland as comfort women
Most of the mediators were Chosun people(조선 사람, Joseon salam, 朝鮮人, Koreans of Japan-Korea merger era)

mochi thinking: South Korean Prostitutes, Pimps Rally Against ...


Demonstration of South Korean pprostitute "Let's we will can pprostitute"
The7th anniversary of the enactment of a special law on sexual transactions in May 2011.
In South Korea, more than 1,000 prostitutes demonstrated legalizing prostitution.

コリアン hashtag on Twitter

JoongAng Ilbo(中央日報, 중앙일보)2006.06.21
Los Angeles Police Department officials
"90%of the 70-80 prostitutes arrested each month are South Koreans."
Girl statue(少女像, 소녀상, sonyeosang) in front of the Japanese Consulate
A bronze statue that is said to imitate the comfort women of the former Japanese army, which are mainly installed in the Republic of Korea.
慰安婦 (p군사매춘부, Military pProstitutes, 위안부, Comfort women)
The comfort women were legal prostitutes at the time and were paid by private companies.
Korea claims to be a sex slave forcibly taken by the government and the military

Claimed Korea 強制徴用工(Forced workers,자칭강제동원 징용공)
(Self-proclaimed forced victim workers, 자칭강제징용피해자)」
『朝鮮半島出身応募労働者(Applicant Workers From the Korean Peninsula)』

[In the first place of the Self-proclaimed forced victim workers problem]
Reverse billing from Japan to South Korea 8 trillion yen (about 76,238 million dollars, about 86,992.4 billion Korean won) !?
Watched 436,148 times
• 2019/06/13



In the mid- 1950s , Japanese photographer Koichi Saito (斎藤康一) filmed a scene of stealing coal from an abandoned mine in the Chikuho (筑豊) coalfield for the purpose of living the lives of poor Japanese people.




In September 1926 , when the Asahikawa (旭川) newspaper in Hokkaido reported the death-causing event of Japanese worker abuse at a road construction site.


A commemorative photo taken by Jung Sung-duk(チョン・ソンドゥク), who worked at the Shakubetsu (尺別) coal mine in Hokkaido, in 1941 with his colleagues.

In Korea and China under Japanese rule during World War II
Proceedings by former workers and their bereaved families who worked by recruiting Japanese companies or applying for them.
South Korea claims that former workers were treated like slaves
Many people litigate against multiple local Japanese companies
In the wage system for recruitment, the salary increases or decreases depending on the skill level.
At that time most of the cash delivery wages are around 110 yen, which is around 200,000 yen when converted to the current amount.


Insulting Meaning of 侮日 (BuNichi, Despise, 모욕 일본, 멸시하다 일본, 오랑캐을 막다(moyogilbon))
What is 侮日(Bunichi)? Feelings that despise Japan or the Japanese people

쪽발이(jjogbal-i, チョッパリ,Side feet)

왜놈(wae-nom, ウェノム, 倭奴)



왜구(waegu, 倭寇, Wakō, Japanese pirates of the Middle Ages)

In China, 小日本(xiǎo rìběn, Small Japanese, 소 일본),日本鬼子(rìběn guǐzi, Japanese guizi, 일본 도깨비)are used as words that insult or despise Japan or the Japanese.
In South Korea called, derogatory terms for Japan or Japanese are ,쪽발이(jjogbal-i, チョッパリ,Side feet)、왜놈(wae-nom, ウェノム, 倭奴)、왜인(wae-in, 倭人)、왜(倭, wae)、왜적(wae-jŏk、ウェジョク, 倭敵), 왜구(waegu, 倭寇, Wakō, Japanese pirates of the Middle Ages), and Also sometimes called 天皇(Ten'nō, Emperor of Japan, 일본의 천황) is 日王(일왕, il-wang, Japan-King).