(盧雄来, 노웅래, No Woong-rae, ノ・ウンレ)
"Let's use the popularity of BTS disease to participate in「 竹島(Takeshima, 다케시마) 独島(독도, Dokdo)」overseas public relations" no reward ""


Input: 2020-10-05 14: 27 | Correction: 2020-10-05


No Woong-rae, BTS military service special problem taken out ...

"No one hears all"

KBS News
Watched 4,625 times

• 2020/10/05
Subtitles-Settings-Subtitles (1) -Automatic translation-Language
Mentioned at Democratic Supreme Commission Meeting
"'BTS military service exception' must be discussed seriously"
“No everyone has to have a gun”

▲ BTS's "Youth Day Present" to be released in 2039 President (文在寅, 문재인, Moon Jae-in, ムン・ジェイン) held the 1st Youth Day Memorial Ceremony at the Presidential Office (緑芝園, 녹지원, nogjiwon, ノクチウォン) on the 19th.
Received a "Gift of 2039" from 防弾少年団(방탄소년단, Bulletproof Boy Scouts, BTS) with musical artifacts and messages.

This gift will be deposited at the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History and will be released 19 years later on the 20th Youth Day.

도준석 (Do Jun-seokト・ジュンソク) reporter pado@kpop.co.kr

In addition to No Woong-rae, the Supreme Commissioner of the Democratic Party publicly announces the special military service of BTS, the leading group of the K-pop boom, which ranked first in the history of Korean music on the US Billboard main single chart "Hot 100" Officially proposed by K-Pop.

Supreme Commissioner No Woong-rae said, "The duty of sacred defense is a mission given to the people of the Republic of Korea.

But not everyone has to pick up a gun, "he insisted that BTS participate in 「竹島(Takeshima, 다케시마) 独島(독도, Dokdo) 」's overseas public relations without compensation.

"If there is concern about fairness, a public deliberation committee will be set up when BTS discusses to serve the national interest."

Supreme Commissioner No Woong-rae said at the Supreme Commission meeting held in the Diet on this day, "BTS has an economic spillover effect of 1.7 trillion won, which is No. 1 on the billboard, and the value of 韓流(한류,South Korean pop culture) transmission and national prestige cannot even be estimated." Said like this.

"The economic effect of 60 trillion won for 10 years is not the story of big companies and Hyundai Motor, but the economic effect of BTS," said No Woong-rae.
"Now, we are serious about BTS's military service exception. We have to discuss it. "

He continued, "Current industrial function personnel, specialized research personnel, arts and physical education personnel substitute service, I do not apply to popular culture and art like BTS." "But Korean wave is the future national strategic industry and art. BTS must become a party only if the field of physical education receives the benefits of cultural advancement and national prestige. "

At the same time, Supreme Commissioner No Woong-rae said, "If you are concerned about objectivity and fairness, you should set up a cultural and arts public committee composed of various experts to make a decision." There is also a way to take advantage of its value by having it participate in national public relations such as public relations for a certain period of time without compensation. "

"It's time to discuss how proud young people can serve the national interest," said Supreme Commissioner No Unle.

The Democratic Party of Korea (DPP) candidate No Woong-rae (Seoul 麻浦(マポ)甲(Kou)), who ran for the Democratic Party of Korea, explains why he will challenge the Supreme Commissioner at the Parliamentary House on the 3rd.

김명국 (Kim Myung-guk, キム・ミョングク) appointed reporter daunso@kpop.co.kr
Candidate No Woong-rae (Seoul 麻浦(マポ)甲(Kou)), who ran for the Democratic Party's Supreme Commission election, explains why he will challenge the Supreme Commissioner at the Diet Members' Office Building on the 3rd.

BTS "Dynamite", Billboard 총공격 (chong-gong-gyeog, cheating, total sound source consumption attack) recapture the summit
Returned to 1st place in "Artist 100" with 총공격 (chong-gong-gyeog, cheating, total sound source consumption attack) ... 10th time

On the other hand, BTS's "Dynamite" re-occupied the top of Billboard's main single chart "Hot 100", and also on Billboard's "Artist 100" chart 총공격 (chong-gong-gyeog, cheating, total sound source consumption attack) returned to 1st place.

 BTS has now reached the 10th peak on the "Artist 100" chart.
Billboard's said BTS "Dynamite" reached No. 1 on the Hot 100 latest chart 총공격 (chong-gong-gyeog, cheating, total sound source consumption attack) through the official Twitter account of Graph on the 28th of last month (hereinafter, local time).

Billboard revealed that BTS made it 'Dynamite'recorded No. 1 on the hot 100 latest chart 총공격 (chong-gong-gyeog, cheating, total sound source consumption attack) through the official Twitter account of the chart on the 28th of last month (hereinafter local time)  .

"Dynamite" is released for the first time After debuting at No. 1 in the history of Korean popular music on this first week chart, it has maintained its ranking for two weeks.

After that, it fell to 2nd place for 2 weeks, but this week it will return to 1st place with 총공격 (chong-gong-gyeog, cheating, total sound source consumption attack).

On the 29th of the next day, Billboard said, 「BTS went up from 2nd place to 1st place on the" Artist 100 "chart with 총공격 (chong-gong-gyeog, cheating, total sound source consumption attack).
It became the best 총공격 (chong-gong-gyeog, cheating, total sound source consumption attack) group that occupied the top of the 10th time in total. 」

"Artist 100" is a chart that shows at a glance the recognition and influence of famous pop stars.

The chart, which was released in 2014, aggregates album and single sales volume, radio broadcasts and streaming times, social media activities, and so on.

BTS climbed to No. 1 again with "Artist 100" 총공격 (chong-gong-gyeog, cheating, total attack on sound source consumption), and stepped on the usual tenacity (announcement, highlands) more than 10 times on the corresponding chart. Became the second pop star and set the record for the first time in the group.
▲ BTS makes a fool of the Jewish genocide and takes a Nazi praise photo.