Is the "anti-Japan" candidate a big win? ......
awaits Japan and South Korea after the Korean general election
2020 years 4 May 9 days Thursday afternoon 6:20
鴨下ひろみ (Hiromi Kamoshita)


What happens if Japan and South Korea lose diplomatic relations? (Manga videos)


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" Receive 4 trillion won from Japan "

" Protection of 曺国(Cho Kuk,조국) "

Outrageous pledges of small parties ...


Looking at the political parties that have been registered as candidates for proportional representation, you can also see different political parties such as the "National Revolutionary Dividend Party" and "Let's go! Peace Human Rights Party".

"National Revolutionary dividend Party" is 20 in all of the more than year-old national 1 person per month 150 million won (about 132 0000 yen, 1 Man 222US dollars ), marriage allowance 1 is to pledge the payment of such billion won.

The financial resources will be generated by saving 60 % of the national budget.

The implementation is only after the National Revolutionary Dividend Party has obtained a majority in the National Assembly, and promises with an extremely low possibility of achievement are lined up.

"Let's go! Peace human rights party," the 徴用工(Self-proclaimed origin Forced victim workers, 자칭 강제 징용피해자) 's proportional party made of bereaved families of.

Since the 「共に市民党(Together Citizens' Party,더불어시민당)has not been officially approved, it has established its own candidates.

"Past liquidation is a healthy future design for Korea and Japan" is the top priority in the policy, and "the unpaid labor wages forcibly collected by Japan deposited in the 4 trillion won range ( 351.5 billion yen, 326 US dollars )100 million dollars ) from Japan. "


“Let ’s go! Peace Human Rights Party” negotiated with Japan in collaboration with North Korea and will want received 4 trillion won, 徴用工(Self-proclaimed origin Forced victim workers, 자칭 강제 징용피해자) and has been such a claim be distributed to the bereaved families.

「開かれた民主党(Open Democrats,열린민주당)」 is 「文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)Guardian」「曺国(Cho Kuk,조국)Guardian」 complained of, the launch of the attitude to the prosecution and the entire confrontation ing.

It is not recognized as a ruling party sister party, but it is a de facto “Pro-文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)” party.

The proportional list includes secretaries of the Cheong Wa Dae, a spokesperson 's aide of President 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)prominent lawmakers, and other candidates who have not been approved by the ruling party.

曺国(Cho Kuk,조국) before Justice Minister is, 2 bribery such as entwined in May to unauthorized admission and scholarships receipt of daughter 12 are indicted to prosecution on charges of, but the current trial in also.

At one point , he was regarded as the successor to President 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인) and because of his charismatic popularity, he still has an enthusiastic supporter of 曺国(Cho Kuk,조국).

Ruling party ・共に民主党(Democratic Party of Korea,더불어민주당)is 曺国(Cho Kuk,조국) was found and Mr. broke, opened Democratic Party ( Open Democrats, Yeollin Minjudang) is 曺国(Cho Kuk,조국)Incorporating the supporters of Mr. Kuni will promote the separation of the supporters of the ruling party from the moderate ones, and the effect of expanding the support of the ruling party's powers can be expected.


"Anti-Japan" election campaign

" General election is Korean-Japanese battle " ...


The ruling party 共に民主党(Democratic Party of Korea,더불어민주당)have stipulated this election as a “Korean-Japanese battle” and have decided that the opposition party 未来統合党(Liberty Korea Party,자유한국당)are 「Pro-Japanese forces」
It is determined that it will be a pro-Japanese force and will launch an election campaign.

According to several Korean media such as the Korean Daily, the “General Election Strategy, Public Relations, and Discourse Manual” created by the election campaign headquarters of the 共に民主党(Democratic Party of Korea,더불어민주당) are both It was written.

"We, the people, call this election the" Japan-Korea war "."

"The unification party defends Japan's Abe administration and cannot criticize Japan in a word.
It is infinitely obedient to the Japanese government, and it is all about blaming the Korean government. ''

"The 未来統合党(Liberty Korea Party,자유한국당)was busy supporting the Japanese government at the time of the boycott of Japanese products."

"During the administration of 朴槿恵(Park Geun-hye,박근혜)they pierced the victims of the 日帝(ilje) with a humiliating Korean-Japanese agreement ."


The slogan
"The general election is a Korean-Japanese battle" (from local SNS )

The 未来統合党(Liberty Korea Party,자유한국당)is determined to be a “pro-Japanese power”, while the ruling party is called a “military force” to fight the pro-Japanese power and appeals to voters.

Civil groups supported by the ruling party have responded to this move.

In the center of Seoul, there was a banner with the words " 100 years of voting for liquidation of pro-Japanese days ! 70 years of voting for liquidation of deep-rooted evil !".

This banner has been spread through SNS, etc., and “anti-Japan” is rapidly emerging as the issue of the general election.



The banner of "One hundred years to vote for pro-Japan liquidation" on the streets of Seoul (from local SNS )

A "hard-core anti-Japan" activist has also run from the 共に市民党(Together Citizens' Party,더불어시민당)which is a proportional party of the ruling party .

Former 慰安婦(comfort woman,군사매춘부,Military Prostitutes) is a former representative of a support group, Mrs. 尹美香(윤미향,Yoon Mi-hyang .


The 7th place in the proportional list is considered within the winning range.

尹美香(윤미향,Yoon Mi-hyang)has set up a statue of 慰安婦(comfort women,군사매춘부,Military Prostitutes) in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul and has held a criticism rally in front of the embassy every Wednesday.

『2015years of Japan-South Korea agreement (Japan and South Korea resolve dispute over ‘Military Prostitutes(군사매춘부)’)』rebounded strongly in,
文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)after administration birth former 慰安婦(comfort women,군사매춘부,Military Prostitutes) Support Foundation has been disbanded .


If elected,慰安婦(comfort women,군사매춘부,Military Prostitutes) issues and, 徴用工(Self-proclaimed origin Forced victim workers, 자칭 강제 징용피해자) ask the Korean government to take a tough stance in such compensation to Seems to be certain.


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