South Korean economy suffocated by 武漢(Wuhan) pneumonia (Corona19, SARS-CoV-2) virus
Do no to make the same mistake as did before

(武藤正敏(Masatoshi Muto) : Former Ambassador of Korea to Japan)




한국 경제, 무한 폐렴 바이러스에 질식 직전2

한국 경제, 무한 폐렴 바이러스에 질식 직전




Too dependent on China! Korean economy is very dangerous


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Failure of Korea's initial response was due to bifurcation of economy and quarantine


President文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)invited the top of a large company on February 13 ,

"The 武漢(Wuhan) Pneumonia virus will soon be over,"
 he said, saying he was very optimistic.

Four days after the declaration of end,

"Some media are overly aggravating fears and anxiety and severely shrinking consumer sentiment."

Criticized the media, and invited consumers on the 21st

"I have to get two rabbits: epidemics and economy."

He re-emphasized the “two-track” strategy.


 洪楠基(Hong Nam-gi,홍남기)Deputy Prime Minister of Economic Affairs,
"I want you to use the outside cafeteria to help the restaurant industry (self-employed)."
He said.
All are 武漢(Wuhan) pneumonia (Corona19, SARS-CoV-2)Virus Viral
It was a statement that came out because he did not anticipate that the infection would spread so far
However, it is clear that the initial operation was a big mistake.
  武漢(Wuhan) pneumonia (Corona19, SARS-CoV-2)Virus in early stages
No leader seemed to have correctly understood the threat of so only President 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인) cannot blame him
However, how to deal with the crisis is now being asked.

Given this situation, priority should be given to prevention of epidemics.
However, the administration of 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인),
Emerging religions that have caused outbreaks

He just criticized 新天地(Xintiandi,S,hincheonji,신천지)Jesus Church,
The ruling party says, "新天地(Xintiandi,S,hincheonji,신천지)is linked to conservative political parties."
It seems that she is working hard to advertise political propaganda.

 In addition, President 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)at the March 1st Movement Memorial Ceremony on March 1
  武漢(Wuhan)  pneumonia (Corona19, SARS-CoV-2) Virus
He referred to North-South cooperation for eradication.

But, as is evident, it is time for a thorough eradication in Korea.

It is not when we talk about inter-Korean relations.

The 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)administration , no matter what,
Take out the north and south where relations are not expected to improve,

He seems to have a habit of neglecting issues that need to be addressed with higher priority.

"Conspiracy of 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)"
( 武藤正敏(Masatoshi Muto), Goku Publishing)

In contrast, the Abe administration has indicated that it will prioritize the eradication of 武漢(Wuhan) pneumonia (Corona19, SARS-CoV-2) virus
Attitude can be evaluated.

However, the major cause of the failure of the initial operation was to take the explanation of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare into account,

Did not take sufficient inspection system,

The cruise ship passengers were trapped inside the ship and failed to prevent epidemics,

習近平(시진핑XíJìnpíng,习近平)whether the visit to Japan this national president had in mind,

There were many things, such as the fact that China did not restrict entry to China from the beginning.

It depends on whether we can take more effective measures based on that reflection.


It can be seen from the case of Korea that a half-hearted response will make matters worse.

  武漢(Wuhan) pneumonia (Corona19, SARS-CoV-2)Virus For virus eradication

If you switch to a policy of taking every measure,

Without excuses or falling into self-righteousness,

I would like you to carefully examine the clinical trials of experts and demonstrate your political leadership.




What you can see in Korea is that it doesn't make sense to increase your testing capabilities.

Even if it turns out to be positive, it cannot be treated without a bed.

This is the result of South Korea having also sent infected people without symptoms to the hospital

But Japan won't be such a stupid thing

Priority is given to the severely ill, unless you show a policy to treat people who have symptoms

Will be Japan will Stepping on the same track (make the same mistake as did before)?

Approved 2258
Opposition 87



> It can be seen from the example of Korea that a half-hearted response can make matters worse.


On the other hand, it is more like a teacher than a halfway teacher.

In a situation where the number of infected people is increasing but the recovery of infected people is not expected

The Korean government persists in collecting interests by blaming responsibilities.

There is a saying, "Let's look back and look back."

The government and people understand that it can be done in Japan

We will have to try not to be like Korea.

Approved 1519
Opposition 58



Korea is only trying to exalt itself by accusing others,

In fact they doesn't really have that much ability.

Japan can do it in Japan.

If it gets in the way, just flip it off.

support? assistance?

Of course, regardless of whether it is paid or not, there is no problem.

Approved 669
Opposition 12




As a result of the test walking alone and the medical system failing to catch up and collapsed,

Even that Han-gyeore acknowledges that it has further spread the infection.

It is transmitted in real time

You're in a state of self-sanction every time you get banned from around the world.

It will be helpful.

Approved 373
Opposition 5



Originally, Korea had a one-step economic structure with trade with China,

  武漢(Wuhan) pneumonia (Corona19, SARS-CoV-2)Virus Viral

Even if the shore prevention was successful, the damage was inevitable.

The car factory was immediately shut down because no parts came in.

Japan just goes on the Japanese way.

Don't give Korea any help.

Approved 352
Opposition 1


The lack of medical expertise among politicians should not be blamed.

What should be blamed is

Isn't the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare official not able to give politicians the right information ?

What politicians need to do now is to exercise strong power.

After that, the law will be developed to prevent further disaster, but it will be ready.

This is not to use this disaster for power struggle.

Closing schools is only an extension of class closure due to flu.

Finding a family that would be hindered by having children at home,

I think the media to broadcast is also wrong.

Now is the time for the people to act considering what the whole nation can do

Approved 334
Opposition 3


Learn from MERS failure? I feel like it is not.

How is the medical institution panicking even if the examination system is prepared?

Although it is full of criticism, serious injuries and serious people may have been good at the previous judgment.

Even if you rush ahead, there is also a matter of toilet paper with abominable information.

Someone said, people are more scared than pneumonia and understandable.

Approved 298
Opposition 2

I wonder if Korea is stepping on the same track every time ...
Before Wuhan pneumonia (Corona19, SARS-CoV-2) virus outbreak
… Isn't it really the Korean economy of insect breath (at his last gasp)?
Korea by 武漢(Wuhan) pneumonia (Corona19, SARS-CoV-2) virus on the verge of suffocation.
There's a quack doctor, No, there's Great genius Mr. 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)
South Korea is going to be confused by reckless economic rebuilding policy ...

Approved 242
Opposition 3


Inspection, treatment and cure from one end. Then there is no problem.

It panics because it tests beyond the capacity that can be treated.

The reason for the small number of tests in Japan is that.

Japan may have the same number of infected people as Korea,

If you don't do that with the numbers

Restrictions on immigration from other countries may cause further commotion.

If you have a disease that has no cure, you don't want me to tell you.

Please let me know if there is a cure.

Approved 197
Opposition 13

It is more dangerous to go to the Inspection agency even if you are mildly ill or have no illness, and get sick or infected.
That said, those who actually have a fever will be worried.

Approved 191
Opposition 1