The bitterness of seeing Japan
that received the 24th Science Nobel Prize = Korea

Chuo Nippo Japanese version




24번째과학노벨상 받은 일본을 바라보는 씁쓸함3

24번째과학노벨상 받은 일본을 바라보는 씁쓸함2

[사설]24번째과학노벨상 받은 일본을 바라보는 씁쓸함








Nobel Science Prize, why aren't we yet ?

YTN2015 / 10/08

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Japanese comments

The title is anti-Japanese.
Innovative technology would not be possible without the long time,
 support, and passion for research of the winners.
People who don't care even if lies prevail
when they think about the immediate things must radically change their minds!
If you don't manage your country's economy and red plan before that,
 it's only a short time to go downhill.
I think so   127
It seems to be a Korean who only thinks that there is a thing.
It is the same as not appreciating the cooperation and assistance of Japan,
 and not appreciating the culture
 and maintenance of the annexation of Japan and Korea!
There should be no Nobel Prize for Koreans
who only think of stealing and stealing!
The guilty are audacious !
I think so   120
What about the non-buying movement of lithium-ion batteries?
I'm hoping to shout `` Lithium-ion battery is a war crime technology ''
 Double Standard Korea ( laugh )
I think so   114
Uo! Just recently, Chuo Nippo just posted an article about
 why the Nobel Prize overtakes Japan.
Well, I got a lot of medals at the Olympics,
 so I was able to get a lot of Nobel Prizes over time.
I think so   109
I think every time, but the joy of Japanese award is More than anything,
I'm more looking forward to this Korean reaction ...
    Please regret every year in this condition. (^^ ♪
    (If you do n’t care about it, it ’s okay.
    ... I wonder if the Koreans brains are flawed ...)
I think so   106
In Korea, on the foundations of omitting crucial steps construction
science and technology, politics and economy are all like phantoms built.
I think so   94


Korean comments


If you just open your mouth, you will find that the indigenous samurai

( wakou = Japanes Epirates of the Middl eAges ), the bamboo attack,

and the pro-Japanese faction,

but the middle (draft) history is cheap and the heart of the night is blown.

Well, what are the guys

who don't understand outside of such a voice better than Japan ?

Lie instigation, fraud, counterfeit (morale) operations

What else do you know besides this ?

If you don't have the ability or the camanyan,

you'll spend the years with the troubles of Japan.

If you look at it, you sigh naturally.

When is everything mentally and when is it all about?
Agree   11 opposite 0


Blood tax money money how many minutes in populism show

Slave North (Jucheidea ) faction ( indigenous ) nine wash

Going out of temptation and falling to unconditional anti-Japan,

unpleasant Koreans in their 20s and 30s, lazy Tonmon ( Alliance )

Chun would be angry to be cheating

The future of Korea is really hopeless
Agree   7 against 0

Koreans should give priority to fostering "honesty" and "fair core"

before talking about the Nobel Prize.

Recently, professors from other universities

such as Tan Guk ’s Jang Yong-Pyo,

including the masterpieces of his homeland couples,

have made the country's trustworthiness

into the airliner and have made a foul reputation all over the world.

( Don't take the story of the Nobel Peace Prize that you bought

by stealing someone else's money. The Nobel Peace Prize is not an award )
Agree   9 against 0

The second place in the world is the soba that goes

with a simple ridiculous head that is steep in nature without being divided

by the instigation to break the Korean-Japanese relationship of washable coffee

( Self-praised by the self-portrait

of the second unprecedented species Change's highest clearing initial number )

As a result of a brainwashing work to call

it a side foot and think that it is poorer than under the foot.

Sobazen Yom Jong is still too unaware of the misunderstanding of Japan.

Don't look lightly no matter how weak you are .

Especially foolishly washing the world's second power

It's time for the past few decades to fix the mind and attitude of Koreans

who look down and hate without knowing the new brain without knowing it.
Agree   8 opposite 0

Yom Jung

Cast of a Korean drama

Change ( change )

[ Current Nobel Prize Winners in Japan ]

When you search for “Nobel Prizes in Japan” on Google ,

the “List of Nobel Prize Winners in Japan”

will appear in the crisis encyclopedia.

To summarize briefly

: 0 Japan's Nobel Prize 70- year history ( 1949-2019 ),

Korea Institute 52 years of history ( 1967 / KIST founded)

1.24 Nobel Prizes (physics 9) , Chemistry Award 7 ,

Physiological Medicine Award 5 , Literature Award 2 , Peace Award 1 , Economic 0 )

2. 30 winners

( 25 Japanese nationals at the time of the neck,

3 foreign nationals from Japan are related foreign nationalities) 3 )

19 Universities

( 11 from Tokyo , 8 from Kyoto , 4 from Nagoya , 2 from Osaka ,

10 other Japanese, 5 foreign)
Agree   3 against 0

In Asia, 17 countries were suspicious,

but 15 countries received the Peace Prize.

It means that both cats and lions are lower classes .

In 2000 , Tehammingk herd, South Korea,

Tejunyi wrote herd and peeled her daughter one by one .

Naturally the Peace Prize .

The swarm of South Korea ! Paired together ! Partner ! Partner !

Agree   4 against 0

As I talked about in advance,

it was a great Japanese to win the Nobel Prize in physics

for the first time in four years since the bombing.

How much of a stagnation against the atomic bomb was linked to Han

... it was not economical, and the Peace Prize was awarded

in 1974 for " Proposal of three non-nuclear principles" .
0 in favor 0 disagree


The first Japanese Nobel Prize was awarded

by 湯川秀樹Yukawa/Hideki on November 3 , 1949 ,

four years after the bombing of Hiroshima ( '45 / 8/6 )

and the scam lyrics period ( '45 / 8/9 ) ,

Having won the Nobel Prize in Physics in the “meson theory”,

an elementary particle theory close to an atomic bomb,

and instilled confidence in the Japanese people immediately after the war.
Agree   1 object 0

Bamboo and North Korean Pukke The brain of overcoming Japan

in the alliance is not possible

before the power that is a Udon private interest sari disappears
Agree   2 opposite 0


The meaning of the Soviet Union and the puppet government

of the central communist government in the north of Korea

It seems that there are a number of reasons

why the award can not be awarded ,

but it is nonsense to see rivalry with Japan ,

the top of the developed countries .

Such a comparison should be discussed after winning at least one .

Japanese rivals are powers such as G7 .

There seem to be a number of reasons why we can't win,

but it's nonsense to see the rivalry with Japan,

the top developed country. G7
Agree   1 object 0


For one thing,

Japan's world war has greatly increased its large-scale research capabilities

for both military and non-commercial use.

The experience that has arisen here is of great importance.

The hollow is also the reason why Japan is made up of basic science,

but we have successfully used experienced people

who have gained experience in large-scale research,

but I can not wrap such recycled dunri well Is Korea

Employment of professors focusing

on unconditional paper production is also a problem

Rather than hiring domestic abilities,

hire only foreign students from the latest fields.

In this way, a lot of thin and distributed fields are alive.

It is also difficult for Japanese-style domestic doctors

who do not have solid research personnel in important core fields like Japan.

Is there any trade-off?
Agree   0 opposite 0


At the Max Planck Institute,

the most important research purpose is officially centered

on the interests of unintended researchers.

The study understands

what a great science policy is to change and give, but trade-offs are needed

Agree   0 opposite 0