The bitterness of seeing Japan
that received the 24th Science Nobel Prize = Korea

Chuo Nippo Japanese version




24번째과학노벨상 받은 일본을 바라보는 씁쓸함3

24번째과학노벨상 받은 일본을 바라보는 씁쓸함2

[사설]24번째과학노벨상 받은 일본을 바라보는 씁쓸함








Shining Wisdom / Yoshino Akira

(2019 Nobel Prize Laureate )

[ Kong Byungho TV] 10/10/2019

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Japan has produced the 24th Nobel Prize winner in the science field.

He is a chemist with the advancement of lithium-ion batteries

was selected as Nobel Prize winner on the 9th.

Yoshino is a joint winner

With Professor John Good enough (USA)

Made by Professor Stanley Whittingham (UK)

Commercialize the original lithium ion battery,

Recently, it has been developed into a battery

that moves all electronic devices such as mobile phones.


In Japan,

special professor 吉野彰(Yoshino/Akira) from Kyoto University received

the Physiological Medicine Award last year.

Produced Nobel Prize winners for two consecutive years

and proved to be a science and technology powerhouse.

The percentage of successive Nobel Prize winners is the fifth in the world.

Despite numerous efforts in the meantime,

金大中(KimTae-jung,김대중), former president

Only one Nobel Peace Prize was awarded

Korea's reality is contrasted anew.

The Nobel Prize in science and technology is given to new discoveries

and technologies that broaden human vision.

The discovery and technology are proven as facts,

It takes a long time to actually affect human life.

Korea Research Foundation has been

As a result of investigating core papers

that contributed to the Nobel Prize in Science,

The average age of the winners was 57 years old.


The production of core articles takes an average of 17.1 years,

It turns out that an average of 14.1 years is required until

the award after production.

It takes 31.2 years to win the Nobel Prize.

Accumulation time is required.

To this end, not only scientists who have delved deep into a field,

A social system that supports research must be established.


The reality of Korea is a long way to go.

Education, culture and policies are all practical.

Education is immediately focused on national language,

English and mathematics useful for university entrance examinations.

Young students cannot afford to think creatively and develop it.

Rather than persevering research,

Korea was particular about researching technologies

that can be used immediately.

Apprentice from developed countries like Japan and the United States

This is the limit of the Korean-style development model that has persisted

in the development of production technology.

Policy also helps make things more quickly than basic technology

Emphasis is placed on developing practical technology.

The time when government research policies

as well as companies began to look at pure science is too short.

In 1977 , the Korea Science Foundation was established to support funding

for basic science research.

To create a substantial research base

The “creative research promotion project” started in 1996 .

Institute of Basic Sciences, a comprehensive research institute for basic science

( IBS ) was made in 2011 .

Furthermore, when the administration starts

the next research project prepared by the administration

Researchers were motivated

by reducing the number of human resources and changing fields.

After the Meiji Restoration, 1917 sent a young scientist to study abroad

Asia's first research institute for basic science

Compared to Japan, where RIKEN was established.

In this environment and climate

It is difficult to survive no matter how good researchers are.

That is why the perceptions of the government, companies,

and people must change.

Waiting for the Nobel Prize

It's like opening your mouth under a tree and waiting for persimmon to fall.
However, even the trees where persimmon falls are not raised properly
This is the reality of Korea.



Japanese comments


I think you should focus on moral education rather than science.

Recommendation   8106   Opposition 46


Personally, Good luck of others,

to make be jealous envious sentence an editorial,
I personally think it,s  unsightly.

Recommendation   6667   Opposition 67


It is an unusual and accurate self-analysis. I think that is very important.
In particular,

the number of Nobel Prizes won't mean that this country is great or not.
Before we can distort other countries or deceive our own country, we need “student research for the benefit of mankind”. 

And the support system that lists the public and private sectors that support it.

Recommendation   5084   Opposition 55


Envying other countries is the same as continuing to hate other countries.
At least in Japan, other countries don't feel “sorry” about taking the Nobel Prize, or “bitterness” as in the title of the article.
The same goes for the fact that there is nothing better than Japan,

so there is no choice but to win. It ’s a sad country.

Recommendation   1599   Opposite 5


> Social systems that support research must be established.

No, those who win the Nobel Prize are not necessarily

in such a privileged environment.

There are many people who have seen their white eyes

from relatives and have been caring

for themselves, even though they have been treated coldly.

The Nobel Prize is far from the people

who can only have such a uniform view. . .

Recommendation   1386   Opposition 7


The Sewol incident ( Sinking of MV Sewol, 세월 호 침몰 사고)

The most serious thing is that the mental structure

that cannot distinguish the truth from hope, guess,

and fact is the worst disaster.

If there is no individual's mental strength that is not influenced

by the intentions of others, there is no way to do original research.

I think that it will give the result of,

but it will not be related to the fact that it is 30 years.
The attitude of excluding emotion

and respecting the truth seems to be the most lacking part of Korea.

Recommendation   1350   Opposite 5


I can't understand that I'm jealous of sticking to the Nobel Prize
Certainly, if there are Nobel Prize winners,

I will be happy and congratulated,

but I don't think I will envy other country's winners.
The award winners were `` contributing to humankind ''

by their discovery and practical application,

and the reason for the award was not researching to win
The Korean who thinks that the chemistry award is impossible

even if research is done according to the result (award)

seems to be obscene that engineers and researchers do not make money
There is also the idea of ​​a flag, and I don't think it's something you can get

Recommendation   1254   Opposition 8


Researchers are not studying to win the Nobel Prize,

but aiming for the developed products to be put into practical use

and lead to the development of mankind.
Basic chemistry has been patient for decades

and as a result won the Nobel Prize.
A country that seeks results quickly and quickly is completely different

in nature, and if you don't correct it first,

you will not be able to do research that leads to the Nobel Prize.
The first thing is to start by raising people.

Recommendation   1070   Opposite 4


Prof. 北里柴三郎Kitasato/Shizasaburo was born in the Edo period,

but if he was not Asian, he had a strong achievement in the Nobel Prize.

He was also born in Edo, 南方熊楠(Minakata/Kumagusu,

and Meiji-born 野口英世Noguchi/Hideyo

has a worldwide reputation.
The Nobel Prize is an extension of such an academic environment.
湯川秀樹Yukawa/Hideki  won the Nobel Prize

for research on elementary particles four years after the defeat year.
Perhaps there was no academic or cultural difference around the age of Sengoku in Japan, where Mr. Lee was founded,

or maybe Korea was more dominant than China.
It is true that Hideyoshi's Korean troops have never won.
If you review the history from that point.
South Korea seems to praise Lee ’s Joseon era for being cultural and wonderful, but starting with accepting facts based on evidence rather than aspirations.

Recommendation   812   Opposition 9


Like Mr. Yamanaka of IPS cells,

even though he was too clumsy and unqualified as a doctor,

he became a research doctor

with a strong sense of mission and the world achieved amazing results.

It ’s just a matter of mind, and sincerely, sincerely,

it ’s necessary to have sincerity to continue research for decades.

The possibility of the Nobel Prize comes out,

It requires social mechanisms and morality for that purpose,

and Korean society is not suitable for steady research,

so I think it's better to stop worrying about the Nobel Prize.

There are overwhelmingly more countries in the world,

so I don't have to worry about it.

Recommendation   573   Opposition 9


The bitter part is obscene and Korean.
It is far from the Japanese moral idea.
I remembered what my wife always said when I saw Korean dramas.
"Korean people mourn for human happiness.
It won’t be a happy ending. ”
I think so   191
It ’s an adult headline.
I think so   175
It's bitter (^ _ ^;) Congratulations on the big earthquake, and Kei is bitter.
Just giving such a title in Japan is a storm of criticism,
but it is normal in Korea.
If you notice something unusual soon?
I think so   171
it's no use. The native language, Hangul,
 not only has a small vocabulary,
but also abandoned kanji education,
which makes it difficult to understand the origin of the kanji,
so Koreans cannot make advanced scientific thinking in their native language.
In fact, it is an English class at a science university.
That foolish people
Even though Japan spread the kanji mixed hangul
during the period of Japanese rule
Stupid people who have thrown away their treasures.
I think so   138