





What if there was no opening

of the Great East Asia War?
[Sakura H30 / 8/11]

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Today's Prime Minister Abe's parliamentary

speech has been widely reported in Korea.

The purpose of the speech is that it needs to be reformed.

Japan insisted that the ban on racism should be reflected in the Covenant

He took up 1919 .

We who are living now also toward the future of Reiwa ,

Let's say that Japan should aim for the shape and ideals.

While each paper criticizes it as a “an excuse”,

This entry is

A partial quote from an article of the Kyunghyang Shinmun .

[ Editorial ]

"Japan raised its racial equality against colonialism"

Is Abe


2019.10.04 [ Kyunghyang Shinmun ]

<Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the 4th

“Japan opposed the flow of colonial rule 100 years ago,

Raised racial equality at the international stage, the international federation. ''



Japanese ambassador dispatched to the 1919 International Federation ,

牧野伸顕(Makino / Nobuaki) is in the International Federation Agreement

Stated that it claimed to reflect "racial discrimination abolition"

Japan, which merged the Korean Peninsula,

“Finnished” as if it were against colonial rule.

Instead of apologizing for past history,

We can't forgive anger

for Abe's delusion that justified colonial rule with a contradictory claim.

Prime Minister Abe's allegations are a belief that is not worth considering ...

Makino's remarks at the time were

It was criticized for the problem of legitimacy in Japan.

Abe's remarks are increasingly dangerous

Japan's comfort women ( Comfort Woman = Sex Slave = Prostitute )

Beyond avoiding responsibility

The point is that it has progressed to beautify Japan.

Abe Abe ’s remarks on this day emphasized the need for a constitution,

There is also a concern that it came out.

On this day,

Abe received strong opposition from Japan ’s (racial equality) proposal,

Makino confronted with dignity

He insisted that Japan now has to go boldly for the constitution.

In the speech on this day, Abe said “Korea is an important neighbor”

He repeated the words he wanted to demand to comply

with the promises between nations based on international law.

Try to respect the principle of separation of powers

Complemented the Korean government's position

and the blind spots of the Korea-Japan Claims Agreement

Still ignoring the value of the new verdict.

The attitudes of major officials of the Abe Cabinet,

including Mr. 茂木 敏充(Motegi/Toshimitsu)Foreign Minister, remain the same.

Foreign Minister Motegi should be borne by Japanese companies

There is no legal obligation at all.

He suggested that he could go into retaliation.

Recently,二階俊博 (Toshihiro Nikai), LDP secretary-general etc.

He encouraged them to start improving their relationship with Korea,

It was exposed

that the mainstream of the Abe administration has not yet reflected.


・ ・ As long as this awareness of the Abe Cabinet is maintained,

Korea-Japan relations can never be improved.

Korea is based on the reflection of past history,

Adhering to the foundation of promoting

the development of future-oriented relationships.

If the Abe Cabinet really wants to improve Korea-Japan relations,

You have to change from your own misconception of defending imperialism.

If not, it will be held on the 22nd

What does it mean for the Korean national team

to participate in Naruto Japan King’s (Naruto Emperor)coronation? >

For Korea, Japan must be “bad” unconditionally.

Japan talked about this on the international stage in 1919 .

This is something Korea should not accept.

Moreover, few Koreans know the story of the elimination of racism.

Is that why?

Unconditional “No legitimacy” “Pleasure” “Not worth considering”

And so on.

In 1919 , it was the year when the 31 movements took place.

・ ・ For Korea, the view that “Japan is evil” is weakened.

It's even more worrying.

It ’s a ghost,

In 1919 , France and China agreed with this plan in Japan.



"Japan opposes colonialism 100 years ago,

and promotes racial equality"



(Tokyo = Union News) Gimbyeongkyu Correspondent =


Insisted that "racial discrimination is abolished" by the United Nations

Citing Makino / Nobuaki and mentioning the need for reform
The responsibility

for the merger control of the Korean peninsula is "blurred."

Confusion over criticism of “war-possible constitution”

Shinzo Abe, the Japanese prime minister,

countered the flow of colonial rule in the world 100 years ago,

He expanded the excuse of the ceremony that advocated competition equality

on the international stage, and applied the constitutional drive strongly.

Prime Minister Abe went on the 4th at the extraordinary session of the Diet

At the end of his speech,

he was sent to the 1919 International Federation as a Japanese ambassador.

The story of Makino / Nobuaki ( 1861 ~ 1949 ) was drawn.

Prime Minister Abe

"After the end of World War I 100 years ago

`` At the League of Nations, Japan lifted “racial equality”

to a new principle for the future ”

“European and American colonies were spreading all over the world.

Japan's proposal at that time was strongly opposed by each country. ''



With it

“Ambassador Makino / Nobuaki, who was the ambassador of power,

“I recognize that there is a difficult phenomenon,

but it cannot be overcome”

He said. ''




“We are also living today 令和 (Reiwa , the current year in Japan)

towards the future of the new era,

We must be sure to ask

about the shape and anomalies that this country is aiming for. ''

He insisted on the necessity of the constitution.

牧野伸顕(Makino/Nobuaki)  mentioned by Prime Minister Abe

In February 1919,

he was dispatched to Japan's Federation Covenant Committee

as a Japanese ambassador,

He argued to put “racial discrimination abolished”

in the rules of the League of Nations.

Instead of Miyauchi,

Taro Aso,

deputy prime minister and financial great-grandfather

who served on him behalf.


Japan Abe

" South Korea is an important neighbor ...

" If you don't keep the promises between nations "

( Abe Shinzo ) /




Japan at that time, despite its own domination of the Korean Peninsula

Without hesitation, such a claim was made in the international community.

For this,

It was pointed out that there was a problem

with the legitimacy of the claims even in Japan at that time.

Prime Minister Abe ’s remarks on this day

Japan have Problem

 comfort woman ( Comfort Woman = Sex Slave = Prostitute )

“Application Workers from the Korean Peninsula” Problem

In situations where the responsibility for past history is avoided, etc.

It actively beautifies Japan in the imperial era, and debate is expected.


Prime Minister Abe connected the story

of 牧野伸顕(Makino/Nobuaki)with the promotion of the constitution.

It seems that the intention to make the point of criticism public opinion

on the promotion of constitutional amendment unclear.

The amendment promoted by Prime Minister Abe

It messed with the provisions of Article 9 of the Constitution of Peace

( strength and the prohibition of possession of war rights)

It has been criticized for transforming Japan into a war pable country.


Under such circumstances, at that time 100 years ago,

Keeping the responsibility of annexation control over the Korean peninsula

Screamed “racial equality”, but emphasized only a few facts,

Against the return to the past imperialism

It seems to be pointed out that he tried to deceive criticism.


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Saitama Prefecture last October

Attendance at the Self-Defense Forces censorship ceremony held

at the JGSDF Asaka Training Center


While dominating the Korean peninsula

Mr. Abe shouted

"Japan, racial equality against colonialism"


Chuo Nippo Japanese version


In effect, Japan was the excuse of war saying

that it would liberate Asian people.

It can be interpreted as defending the claim of the Japanese military's

Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

It is likely to cause a backlash from neighboring countries.

Prior to this, No. 2 of the Abe administration last month 17
Taro Aso, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister,
At the official event attended by Prime Minister Abe
Against the Pacific War that Japan has caused in the past
It was controversial with the expression “Greater East Asia War”.

“Greater East Asia War”
In 1941, Japan
“European invasion of Asian colonies
Aiming for construction

of Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere and Asian independence "
With the name that the Cabinet decided to raise the name of the war,
It is a de facto contraindication that has been viewed as doubly in Japan.

The problem claim appeared at the end of the speech.

Prime Minister Abe wanted to emphasize the most

The content related to the constitution was placed at the very end.

It seems to have aimed at the dramatic effect of message transmission.

Prime Minister Abe

“After a tragic war that killed 10 million people,

What kind of world will you create?

As an ideal for a new era, a new principle with a view to the future,

Japan raised "Racial Equality"


“The great ideal that Japan has raised is beyond the century,

Now it has become the basic principle of the international community,

including the international human rights code. "

It was.

Such a reference by Prime Minister Abe

Without mentioning Japan's history of imperial invasion during the Second World War,

“History Hidden” that brings only things before that to the fore

The controversy of “historical laundering” may be called.

Nanjing massacre in the Japanese imperialism era

and the Korean genocide incident in the Great Kanto Earthquake,

The people who were under annexation were systematically slaughtered.

There are still democratic demonstrations in central Tokyo.

(Korea always insists on unproven fictional stories

Rare hate demonstrations

by right-wing organizations with many Zainichi Koreans )
Resident in Japan ( Zainichi Korean

= Korean with the status of special permanent residents of Japan )



Tokyo diplomatic sources

“There is no mention of World War II related events

such as the Pacific War that Japan has caused.

Mentioned only the First World War and ruled both Korea and Taiwan

He argued as if Japan had only walked the path

of “anti-colonial and racial equality”

“Especially inviting controversy in bringing this to the fore as logic

for the peace constitutional amendment”
