"Anti-Japanese tribalism"
Author's objection to objection contribution


2019-09-23Lee WooYoung, 이우영

Researcher, Economic Research Institute , Naxonde ,

`` Anti-Japanese tribalism '' co-author japan@hani.co.kr




[왜냐면]‘반일종족주의’ 반박 기고에 대한 저자의 반론 /이우연

"반일 종족주의 '반론 기고에 대한 저자의 반박1

"반일 종족주의 '반론 기고에 대한 저자의 반박2






' Anti-Japanese tribalism ' scholarly face ...

" Supported by Japan's extreme right "

YTN2019 / 08/26

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`` Editor's note : Hankyore is on the page of September 2

As a special controversy series against "Anti-Japanese tribalism"

Around 浄慧頃(Chon Hegyon,정혜경

日帝Ilje=era of Japanese imperialism

The sentence of was published.

This is a co-author of the book

李宇衍(Lee WooYoung,이우영)

Researcher, Economic Research Institute ,

落星台(Naxonde,나쿠손데, sent a counter paper.

To provide an active forum for related issues,

李宇衍(Lee WooYoung,이우영” will be posted.


The author is in the book "Anti-Japanese tribalism"

“At that time, for the Korean youth

Japan was a "Romance" ".


From September 1939 to 1945 when wartime mobilization was conducted

About 724,000 Koreans have gone to Japan.

However, regardless of the war during the same period

About 1.8 million Koreans went to Japan to make pure money.

How do you explain this?


Japan is one of the best developed countries and wages were several times that of Korea,

It was difficult to find a job in Korea.

For Korean youth who dream of a magnificent future

If Japan was not "Romance"

What was it?


40 % of the mobilized workers fled before and after arrival at the workplace.

Around 浄慧頃(チョン・ヘギョン,ChonHegyon,정혜경

of the日帝Ilje=era of Japanese imperialism & Peace Study Group

Hangyole September 2

"Anti-Japanese Tribalism" Controversial Special Contribution

(“Jobs, not forced mobilization? Why 40 % of Korean“ fugitives ”?”

http://japan.hani.co.kr/arti/culture/34250.html )

I asked him why he escaped even though it was romantic.


For her, Japan has only one of two, romantic or hell.

Simplification is too much.

Japan was romantic for the Korean youth,

Coal mines and mines

where more than 50% of the Koreans are located were subject to evasion.

I wanted to go to Japan, but I didn't like working as a ( mineral ) miner.

The fugitive did not return to Korea, but got a job in a better working environment.

"Romance" and "escape" coexisted.


Illustrated by Research Committee of 浄慧頃(ChonHegyon,정혜경

In 慶尚北道慶山Gyeongsan,Gyeongsangbuk-doin early 1944

The same applies to “collective resistance”.

Do not conclude that the resistance is a refusal to go to Japan.

A significant number of fugitives rather used labor mobilization.

After running to Japan for free, safely and legally, he fled.

There is also a survey that 60 % responded to labor mobilization

with the escape in mind.

There was an up on the top.


Wartime labor mobilization rushes towards Japan like a tide

Korean flow, labor shortage was serious

It was a policy to guide to mines and mines.

The equivalent of “forced mobilization”

"Recruitment" after September 1944 ,

Researcher of 浄慧頃(ChonHegyon,정혜경

The author says he has denied "forced mobilization".



“Recruitment is a mandatory way of mobilizing as stipulated by law”

The author clearly stated that.

As for wages, it is doubtful that she read and understood the relevant part.

Wages are paid normally,

The author claimed that there was no ethnic discrimination.


The research committee of 浄慧頃(ChonHegyon,정혜경

Koreans took less money than Japanese

I criticize the author's description as contradicting it.

Most Koreans lived alone in dormitories, while Japanese lived with dependents.

Therefore, Koreans do not have to pay for meals from wages.

Because there was no family,

the savings capacity was greater than the Japanese.

As a result, there was a difference in the proceeds.


The author explained this in detail using

the data of the coal miners of the Jiangyin Coal Mine.

The author argued that Koreans' monthly income was less than Japanese,

but that it was not ethnic discrimination.

Researcher 浄慧頃(ChonHegyon,정혜경 says that is also contradictory.


The wages at that time were performance pay,

By the above coal miner's 10 hour work

There is no trace of ethnic discrimination in the basic salary.

The reason for the high monthly income of Japanese is

This is because there were far more overtime than Koreans.

There are differences in work consciousness,

Unlike Koreans, Japanese people must support

Because there was a family.


I am talking about the daily lives of Koreans.

“Sake color and bangs can run out of income,

Their lives were free. ''


After that , the research committee member of 浄慧頃(ChonHegyon,정혜경

日帝Ilje) caught the runaway,

added lynches and took Korean life,” she says.


The number of potential murderers is 40 %.


By the way, what are the grounds that Koreans died from Lynch?


Did they kill the hard-worked workers without regard for damage?


What are the grounds that wartime Japan was a lawless and barbaric society?


The criticism of the research committee member

浄慧頃(ChonHegyon,정혜경is not detailed.


“Ignoring the vast amount of published materials and research results,

"A distorted claim based on biased material"

One-sided declaration is central.


What did you ignore, abandon, and distort?


The reader should be worried about it.