Immorality of   NHK Tiananmen case commentary

2019/6/4 Furumori Yoshihisa

(Journalist, Special Professor at Reitaku University)


Immorality of NHK Tiananmen case commentary2

Immorality of NHK Tiananmen case commentary1




The NHK program is broadcast on the Tiananmen case in a caricature.

I can not see any attitude of remembrance

or remembrance of the tragedy on the show.

Do not feel any criticism or denunciation based on democracy

or humanitarianism.


In each media in Japan,
retrospective coverage of the 30th anniversary
of the Tiananmen case is popular.
June 4, 1989,
Great pressure on many Chinese people
in Tiananmen Square in central Beijing,
And massive killings shake the world,
And The party's Communist Party government
Because it continues the entire concealment now,
So It will be obvious that coverage of the verification is necessary.


That as well as a sad tragedy in which many people were killed .

So, in retrospecting the case, it will be a memorial to the dead first.

In that sense,

the commemoration of the Tiananmen incident is also a solemn ritual

in which a living human being hates the spirit of a killed human being.


However, on the evening of June 2nd ,

I watched a NHK TV program and felt stunned and jealous.

The Tiananmen case was animated into a cartoon,

and the talented youngsters laughed greasingly .

NHK General 1:00 pm- 6 : 42 pm

" I know this! Now in the world 30 years

from the Tiananmen case Now students are now "

It was a show.

It is a program of the purpose of explaining current affairs

such as international events to children in an easy-to-understand manner.

So some light touch will be unavoidable.


it was an approach to neglect too much the consideration

to the spirit of many Chinese men and women who were slaughtered .

In the program, anime-like characters

that make the Chinese government a dragon appear again and again.

The commentator NHK reporter takes 3 children who are his own child,

raises the small flag " 64 " and marches on a picnic.

When a group of elementary school students went to Tiananmen Square

with a small flag that had nothing to do with the incident ,

it was told like a story that the authorities took it off . 


In addition,
a dragon representing the Chinese government emits sound
as if it suddenly explodes.
It may mean that a crackdown has occurred,
but the studio's talents were reactions such as "Kah" or "Wahahaha".
In a word, countless human beings were cariculated of the case

that was deprived of life like a funny event .


The second half of the program also introduced

the current situation of former youths

who were in tune with democratization in the Tiananmen case.


there was no evidence of human tragedy

that the actual human beings were deprived of valuable life unfairly,

or the attitude of quelling or remembrance of humanitarian catastrophe.

The Chinese Communist Party government,

which has won many human lives, has not accepted the case until now,

and is trying to hide the entire case , including the number of dead.

This NHK program did not feel the criticism or conspiracy based on democracy

or humanitarianism in that respect nor Tyuyu ( theleast bit ).

To introduce the program

"The Tiananmen case in which the students' movements

were suppressed by force and many dead people came out .

Even as China's largest taboo , information on the case is hidden .

Looking back on the present China

with the testimony of those concerned

There was also a description that.


in the actual program,

the performers consistently showed so-called light feeling

and responses while laughing.

On the other hand,

I was invited to a program that talks about the 30th anniversary

of the Tiananmen incident of a television group called "Channel Sakura",

a private company.

It was a three- hour discussion program aired on June 1 . 7

It was a debate between Chinese and US-China relations experts.

One of them was Mr. 石平 ( SekiHei, Shi Ping ) ,

a prominent Chinese researcher .

A democratic activist in China

who was directly involved in the Tiananmen case ,

now he has acquired Japanese citizenship.

At the beginning of this debate,

another debater showed an enlarged map of the Tiananmen Square

at that time, reproducing the gathering of protest rally participants,

the influx and attack of the PLA forces.

Then Mr. 石平 ( SekiHei, Shi Ping ) ,

who used to express his opinion until then, suddenly became silent.

When I stared at him, who was sitting across from me,

he was desperately holding tears .

But a large drop of tears spilled out.

And Mr. 石平 ( SekiHei, Shi Ping ) was face down, holding his head,

holding his voice and crying for a while .

It was clearly saddened, remembering

that his comrades and friends at the time were killed.

I realized that this was the reaction of the victims of the Tiananmen case .


Whereabouts [discussion]

of Tiananmen 30 years and Xi Jinping

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