The opportunity for "sanctions triggering"
to Korea is ripe

2010.02.22 Ryūshou Kadota (門田 隆将



한국에 '제재 발동 "의 익은 한




Today is " Takeshima Day ".

In Korea

"Dokdo (Note: Korean name for Takeshima) is our territory"

In front of Japanese embassies and consulates

" We prevent the impediment of the peace and peace of the post office,

and the infringement of dignity "

Protests have been made to exfoliate nationalism in violation

of the defined Vienna Convention .


As there is a "3.1 Movement 100th Anniversary" on March 1,

it is finally their climax of their " normal " rude behavior .

However, as we have written many times,

it is a great opportunity for "the true future of Japan and Korea ."


It is the biggest opportunity for " sanctions triggering " in Korea,

which is full.

The point is that the sale of assets of Nippon Steel & Sumikin ,

the victim of the so-called “Korean wartime workers” decision,

It is in " when it comes to reality ".

A country that allows foreign companies to sell assets

of foreign companies

by ignoring international law is no longer a " legal state ."


Foreign Minister Taro Kono said at the House

of Representatives Budget Committee on the 20th

that “the plaintiff's agent for the“ Korean Wartime Workers ”

trial on March 15 has the company assets in Korea already seized

in front of Nippon Steel & Sumikin headquarters in Tokyo.

"We start procedure of sale, cashification"

In response to the declaration of

"In case of emergency, we are ready

to launch various countermeasures "



There are not a few people who are impressed by the fact that they have finally come to here .

If it does , it is because a serious fight with Korea will finally begin .

It is a "road" that must be passed for " the true future of Japan and Korea ."


“The“ Korean Wartime Workers ”Judgment,

the Dissolution of the Comfort Women“ Healing Foundation ”, the Radar Irradiation Case

... And a remark to the Emperor of the National Assembly Chairman Moon Hee-san,

the head of three Koreas There is no doubt

that Japan can no longer maintain anormal relationship ” with Korea .


In the first place,

I do not know the reason why the Emperor should apologize

by taking the hands of Korean comfort women.

Comfort women are women who are truly unhappy.

But in return for their high rewards in the era of poverty

They are people who were selling themselves.


These are people who were selling themselves because of poverty

or for various reasons,

with astonishingly high rewards of 30 times the salaries of those then .


The Asahi Newspaper wrote, Korea jumped

Forced deportation of "the hated woman" by Japanese troops and Japanese officials

The story has long been broken .

Women who applied for high-paid newspaper advertising jobs:
In fact,
it earned much more than the salaries of commanders in each area.


In other words, there was no reason why they had to " force them".

The girls who were in charge business of prostitution for each reason

Will the Emperor have to "hand in hand and apologize"

to "what" of the women ?



Moreover, Japan has often handed them out

from a humanitarian point of view .

It can be said that it was incomparable to other defeated countries ,

including those for workers from the Korean Peninsula.


The Asian Women's Fund was launched

before the “ Japan-Korea Agreement on Comfort Women

in December 2015, and compensation women were paid money,

and the four prime ministers

of Hashimoto (Ryu), Koshiba, Mori, Koizumi apologize Also sent a letter .


Again and again, Japan is

"Resolve with this"

He was deceived by the South Korean lie and repeatedly apologized.

This time it was an apologetic apology request to the last Emperor.

The people will no longer be overlooked .


Then, the "sale procedure"

for the assets of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal, which has been finally seized, begins.

There is nowhere else, seriously,

And in Korea,

where companies in any country in the world were abandoned,
In response to Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal,

which has continued corporate activities in Korea,
Do something that such a reason does not pass
We can not afford to leave Korea forgiveness.


At last the time was ripe. As a countermeasure,

there are talks about raising tariffs on Korean products,

but I think now is the time to pull out the “Play my trump card”.

It is to designate Korea as a target country

of the Article 16 of the Foreign Exchange Act .

In other words, remittance to Korea will be " permit system "

of the government .


This has already been applied to North Korea .

As with North Korea, Article 16 of the Foreign Exchange Act

should be applied to South Korea,

which illegally violates the assets of Japanese companies.


As it is " to protect Japanese companies ",

it can be said that the government is a natural measure.

This sanction is fatal to Korea.

The Korean economy will probably sink at a stretch .


" Permit system " means that the Japanese government " dislikes " remittances to that country.

Companies are forced to take a distance

from Korea because of the complexity of the procedure

and the intention of the government.


The aim is there.

If Japanese companies begin to withdraw from Korea ,

the fragile Korean economy will quickly fall apart .

Two consecutive years taken by the Moon Jae-in administration

" Raising the minimum wage "

The measures have brought a huge burden on Korean companies,

raising the minimum wage by 30%.


Korean companies have no choice but to take action to stop employment,

and Korean young people are now struggling

with the unemployment rate actually becoming " more than 10% ".

It is not possible for Moon's economic sound sense

to understand the economic principle that the "large increase"

of the minimum wage leads to an increase in the unemployment rate.


Korea Youth Unemployment Rate Magic 1

청년의 분노 걱정해야 할 확장실업률 25.1%

韓国青年失業率マジック 1


For Korean young people,
placement for a Japanese company” is the greatest aspiration,
but sanctions need to be imposed there as well.
Japanese companies should not accept this,
no matter how much labor shortage.
You have to put up with it here.


Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

" Don't hire a candidate from Korea "

And " internal notification ", and show a dignified attitude.

Korea will soon get into social unrest .


With only two sanctions, Korea virtually breaks down.

Naturally, the Moon administration will fall.

However, even if Moon administration falls down,

Japan should not ease sanctions .


It is rather "from that" to show a resolute stance.

Why does Korea not look to the "truth" of history?

―― It is "from that" to convey this statement of the Japanese side.


Japan has long contributed to the development

of the Korean peninsula,

built the foundations of today's rich society,

and has not done anything to make women "last-name slaves ."

At that time,

the chance to have the Korean people understand

the truth of the history is "Coming for the first time. "


The Korean Council for the Measures against the Women

( The Korean Council for the Women Drafted

for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan )

( Korea Slim Corps Countermeasures Meeting )  

Koreans should be aware that you have been fooled

by the comfort women problem and believe in false facts .


It is all right to surrender the “Play my trump card

and give Korea the same “moderation” and “respect”

to Japan as it does to the US and China.


However, in Japan,
the South Korea-Japan Parliamentarians' Association
And for Korea There are many flattery lacquey media.
In order to stop the sanctions,
various tools and attacks are undulating
"They will attack the Abe government."


At that time,
 “sanctions on Korea
how do Japanese people support it?
It is The point is there.

Finished on falter halfway
Also stay in Korea look down on Japan.
Will Japan continue to accept absurd behavior?
Or do you dare to continue sanctions!
It depends on the support of the people.


The "pain" and "suffering" of Japanese sanctions and the "roots of anger"

by the Japanese sanctions are the means that Koreans know

It is important to know that the Japan-US-Korea alliance is most important.
Pain and suffering from Japanese sanctions
And it is after the "roots of anger" of the Japanese have become familiar.


That is the first step of the “ true Japan-Korea relationship ”.

Conversely, sanctions against Korea can  be triggered here,


"Abe administration that can not do anything"

If you receive a moan,

the 2019 election year will definitely be "A Year of Pain" for Abe.


What is the Japan-Korea relationship

that Ryūshou Kadota  thinks?




Subtitle setting-Subtitle (1)-Automatic translation-Language


What is the "Japanese-Korean relationship"

that Ryūshou Kadota  thinks?


Mr. Kadota was born in 1958 in 1958 and is from Aki City, Kochi Prefecture.
Graduated from Chuo University law department and joined Shincho in 1982.
 It is widely known that he was assigned to Shukan Shincho
and became Deputy Editor-in-Chief after working as a reporter / desk
and was unearthed the notes of the victims' bereaved in Kobe child murders.
He left Shincho in 2008 and became independent.
Painted Hikari City mother and child murder case
"Why did you fight against despair?",
He is well-known for his excavation and writing activities
through steady interviews such as the “man who saw the death bane”
of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident,
and is a front-line journalist.
You are a non-fiction writer.




Am I and Kadota more than 20 years? I already have a relationship.



A quarter century has passed, isn't it?

I look exactly the same (laughs)



That's good, or nothing,

but I was secretly wondering

if this person will be the editor of Weekly Shincho in the future.

After that, it was surprising that I had suddenly quit and turned into a writer, but it is a human being who is ridiculous, but I can work anyway.




I did not think that Suda-chan told me (laughs)




It is because I really want to say about Japan-Korea relations.




It will be March 1 soon. This is the point.

March 1 is the day of the 1919 3.1 campaign 100 years ago.

The Moon Jae-in administration is currently in the midst of a revolution,

so one of its vertices is the 100th anniversary of this 3.1 anniversary.

He believes that the Republic of Korea is built on March 1st, 1919.

At that time,

there will be an independent resistance movement from the Japanese rule era,

but the young people who flee say the Shanghai temporary government,

which he wants to do with the first year of the founding.

So the awful Japanese rule etc.

"We are the people who resisted."

In order to say that, it has been making the revolution progress more

and more toward this 100th anniversary,

so everything that is happening now has been prepared carefully and always.

It will be de facto redification unification

even if fulfilling the north-south reunification,

so the larger South Korea will be swallowed to the contrary

by North Korea , but such left-wing revolution is taking place,

That is exactly where it is coming,

so I think it is better for Japanese to understand that properly .




Although Japanese media do not convey much,

Korean society is now entering not only demos and riots,

but also chaotic chaotic situations .




In short,

people who are said to be good-scientists of the conservatives and intermediates are admired.

As the national intelligence officer and the Korean military are also sloppy,

the people who are connected to the north occupy the top,

so those who really try for South Korea are purged and the highest

The state of revolution continues, including the arrest of a judge in the court,

which means that in order to protect one's life,

they are in a state of great confusion that they can not but speak.




In the end, what kind of form can this South Korean turmoil,

the Japan-Korea relationship come in?




We, Japanese,

do not think that it would be good

if a true friendship relationship could be established

between Japan and Korea.

But they don't think that.

The reason is that they do not have the kind of respect

they should pay to Japan and the moderation they should have .




For a long time, Koreans say submission to power toadyism
As a dependency to be China's successive dynasty
Because they have lived,
Except swearing loyalty to one thing there,
The rest of the world is a country that has historically been hated
That's why Koreans feel that way for Japan as well.

But including Japan's economic power of Japan,
Because Japanese people are Easy target
Although we endure in various ways and associate,
If Korea turn Japan completely into an enemy
That Korea's economy and society can not hold

Thoroughly know,
That is, this chaotic state goes to the Low of bottom  ,
After all with the liberal sphere
We can not live unless we do our best
Until you know that
koreans only have to fall down.

I think that true friendship will start from there.


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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