The biggest achievement of visiting Trump was
"Remove Korea"

High praise 2019.5.29





Now Washington is "China threat theory" completely

One senior State Department official

who has long worked in East Asian diplomacy analyzes

the background of the Japan-US relationship that Trump-Abe is trying to build.


"Now what Washington has in common with political circles, think tanks,

and the media is a sense of wariness against China .

It is a common understanding

that China threatens US security and the threat is increasing . "


"It's punished by Assistant Secretary of State John Bolton

and Secretary of State Mike Pompeio.

They are Trump's

"I am a strong leader, a victor,

make the United States a powerful country again"

We are pushing for the ego, and are planning hard measures against China. "


"The US military takes China's military

threat in the South China Sea and East China Sea,

considers the military industry as a business opportunity,

and politicians can not object to the buildup of military power

to create local jobs."


"There is such a China threat theory

behind the Trump administration's emphasis on Japan."


"There is nothing that North Korea is the main target

to demand Japan's military buildup to fight North Korea.

In the medium to long term, it is to compete against China behind it. "


The US Department of Defense uniform group OB ,

who has been in charge of strategy and operations at US bases in Japan, commented to the author.

"The Japan-US alliance has evolved to a new stage in the Trump-Abe era.

From the " US-Japan Security System, " we have begun to change to the "

US-Japan New Military Alliance " steadily.

"The legitimacy of the collective self-defense right

that Prime Minister Abe has promoted

with the aim of strengthening the Japan-US alliance has become the main axis.

If the United States (army) is attacked by a third country,

the SDF will consider it an attack against Japan

(In other words, "existing crisis situation")

Joint response has become possible "


"The US military will advance deployment of the latest attack and landing ship" America

"( LHA6 ) and stealth landing ship" New Orleans "( LPT18 ),

which were commissioned in 2014 , to Sasebo base,

and attack intercontinental ballistic missiles ( ICBM )

such as China Japan's deployment

f the supposed US mainland defense radar

( HDR ) is also being considered . "


"The Air Self-Defense Force has decided to purchase in bulk

from the United States the F35 multi-purpose stealth fighter

to replace the existing F2 fighter.

This can also be seen as a countermeasure against China's introduction

of the 5th generation twin-shot stealth fighter J-20. "

"At this visit, President Trump got on board the escort ship" Kaga "

with Prime Minister Abe, and then made a speech at Yokosuka base.

As for "Kaga", it has been decided that there is a virtualization.

It's a symbolic show representing the Japan-US military alliance . "

Japan-US new military alliance to advance with "without Korea"

Korea is the most cautious of these movements.

The Korean correspondent Tokyo correspondent Lee Ha-fang pointed out that:


"The phenomenon that has emerged during

the strengthening of the US-Japan alliance since

the inauguration of the Trump administration

is about to rewrite the world's military-related history ."

"Deployment of the latest ship, offer of classified F35 stealth fighter,

MD- related coordination, strengthening cooperation in cyber and space ..."

The reporter has expressed frustration and vigilance over the progress

of “ without Korea ,” as the relationship

between Japan, the US, and Korea is jerky .




After the decision to visit Trump Japan,

President MoonJae-in said that he had called for a drop-in to Korea

by telephone with Trump President ( May 7 ).

However, President Trump's response was cold response.

It is a big deal that the opposition party leaked the "fact".

Korea is squeezed by the low level of things .


US Congressional Survey Report:

"Major policy differences between the United States

and Korea under the MoonJae-in regime"


There is a sense of distrust against Korea behind

the fact that the United States has decided to deepen

the Japan-US military alliance “without Korea”.

With regard to the denuclearization of North Korea,

a serious difference has arisen

between President Trump and President Moon Jae-in .


The US Congressional Survey ( CRS ) released on May 20

“Korea: Background and Relationship with the United States”

points out as follows.


"The two governments have been working closely together

for the last few years on the North Korean issue.


policy disagreements have grown under

the Trump and Moon administrations . "

"The collapse of the second US-North Korea summit

in Hanoi has damaged President Moon ’s policy

of approaching North Korea .

The Trump administration's attempt to change its stance

on existing North Korea policies is increasing uncertainty variables . "

" There is a serious policy difference between the presidents

of the two countries, such as whether they should give way to North Korea

in denuclearization negotiations, and under what conditions they will break,"

( Https:// )



In addition, Korean workers during the war, comfort women, etc.
On the problem of historical recognition
Japan-Korea discord can be said to be the worst situation after the war.

Not to mention denuclearization of North Korea,
In the situation of Japan and Korea still fighting

Against the "Chinese threat"
It is impossible for Japan and Korea to keep pace

with each other in the medium to long term measures.


Looking back at this visit to Trump,

Japan and the United States have taken a step towards establishing

an East Asian strategy ofwithout Korea ,

behind the unreliable “Kabuki play” of Abe Shinzo,

planning and directing You may notice that it was an epoch making event.


Everyone's voice

I think that it is natural for you to be in the sleeve ( toignore someone )

if you are in such a confusing administration.

However, I think that Japan should not forgive this country even if the administration changes.

Recommendation   25540   Opposite   286


The difference between the standing positions

of Japan and the United States and Korea was clearly understood

at this visit to Trump.

I hope you will continue to strengthen Japan-US cooperation .

Recommendation   21504   Opposite   257


Speaking of which,

Korea seems to have made a noise though it has nothing to do with it.

Recommendation   19543   Opposite   204


It was an interesting article from various angles.

Abe Shinzo's Kabuki play has

become a national interest of Japan no matter what other countries think.

And it is also positive that it proved to the world that Korea was excluded

from Japan-US defense.

Recommendation   5006   Opposite   30


If Mr. Trump emphasizes the relationship between Japan,

the US and Korea, he should have stopped at Korea on his return.

This is another misstep of diplomacy that Moon Jae-in has invited .

Anti-Japan, anti-American, from the north the denial of the intermediary, yesterday

, Moon · Heesan has made a statement closer to Russia,

there is a risk of leaking military information etc via Korea .

Korea is increasingly isolated .

Moon was hard at work on the anti-day, and Moon lost sight of the way.

Recommendation   4797   Opposite   22

Trump's response to Korea is good.
If I could do this, I would like to visit the United States President's first Yasukuni

Shrine and show it to China and Korea.

Recommendation   4113   Opposite   48


This Abe,

I think that playing cards diplomacy was effective enough

just to make it a picture.

It will be a deterrent

if you show neighboring countries

that the US-Japan relationship is strong .
Japan's current position is in a state

where there is no alternative to borrowing US military power.

If you appeal this, it will not be easy to put your hand out.
As South Korea leans to the left

, it can not be trusted because it does not call Korea allies.

If the administration becomes a national interest

even if there are opposing powers, it is the responsibility

of the administration in charge of conviction.

There should be no support for political parties t

hat can only show opposition and show no alternatives

Recommendation   3937   Opposite  23


Countries that have continued anti-Japanese education can not expect support from Japan .
Self-employed ( what goes around comes around) itself.
This is a contradictory teacher, and in Japan you should not educate to hate other countries.
No matter what country it is
Because it has a role as an inbound consumer,
Don't hate.

Recommendation   3075   Opposite   125


The trade imbalance between Japan and the United States is an important issue

for President Trump, but even more important is re-election.
If Abe Japan has a strong back-up to Trump re-election outside of trade issues,

trade negotiations will also benefit.
Although it is good to buy large quantities of F35 ,

it is not enough to appeal to the American people.
It's likely to cost a bit, but one of the ongoing visits to Iran may be.

Recommendation   2298   Opposite   18


Trump is better than Obama

Recommendation   1712   Opposite   30



BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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