[Imperial Comfort Women-Japan, Korea, Annexation, Treaty and the Battle of Memory] Summary


July 29 , 2013 Professor Park Yu Ha Sejong University











6, " Forcible forced delivery "


it is not natural that the background

to sex work against military personnel is not one .

Among them was a woman who had been there

before the full-scale recruitment started .


The first person to raise this issue in Korea misunderstood

that the " WWII women's volunteer corps on Japane "

he experienced as a " comfort woman ".

The "WWII women's volunteer's corps on Japane" she experienced

was shaped like pushing "Personal seal" at "school",

so she considered the recruitment as " forced ".


in contrast to people

with "Education" as shown by the fact that the recruitment

of " WWII women's volunteer corps on Japane "

was due to the " National Mobilization Order " in " School " units .

The “ comfort women ” were targeted at people who had little

or no education at all.

The reason for thinking that comfort women were being "forced out"

in Korea is not because the comfort women did not "lie"

as the Japanese denials say, but it is at first the misconception of this 90 's.

But if you go back to the annexed era already

There was a feeling

that " It would become a comfort woman when It went to a squadron ".

"Comfort women" are said to "volunteer corps" and "for soldiers"

and in fact they may be forced to do anything other than "sexual comfort"

such as nursing assistance or laundry Because there was,

it can not be said that it is a misunderstanding at all

(The Korean comfort women were also doing cleaning

and washing of the soldier's grave ).

The percentage of comfort women who testified that " militaries "

were rather small is at least as far as looking at the testimonials.

And even in that case , there is a high possibility that a trader

who has been treated as " Army " appears wearing " Military uniform ".

In addition,

it is impossible to exclude the possibility that the trader himself said

that he would go to “ WWII women's volunteer corps on Japane

as a national mobilization, which was started at that time,

so that he could easily collect it.

It seems that traders often appeared in pairs

with Japanese and Koreans .


it is overwhelmingly in the testimony that the recruitment

of comfort women has been deceived and taken by words

such as going to a " factory " where one or a small number of people are .

In that sense, there should be no " forced taking" in the sense

that "It was taken with the army" , or even "exceptional" things, if any,

that should be viewed as " dividing " of " individuals ",

It think it is a mistake that the military organized

(through planning and a consistent system of instruction)

deceptive or forced mobilization .

In the case of the Netherlands and China , the military directly engaged

in sex work because they were directly gathered and separated,

which is more "forced".

However, in that case it is difficult to say "comfort women" in the above sense.


Unlike the Japanese, Korean, and Taiwanese

who played a role in supporting and encouraging the army

as " women in the Japanese empire, "

the Japanese army's actions against them were against the "conquered"

"enemy woman". It is because it has the meaning of "continuous rape".


Because this “difference in relationship” with the Japanese army was ignored

and understood only as the samevictim, the understanding

of “forced entrainment” and “comfort women” became a point of contact

between the negative and supporters. Confusion over the issue

of comfort women deepened without finding it.

Broadly speaking, among those who have been regarded as “comfort women”

since the occurrence of the problem, “comfort women”

in their original meaning Should)

People who worked in places where the military "designated" facilities

and " managed " sanitation etc. in facilities operated by civilians

(including places where they were occupied or occupied early in the battlefield)

were trapped on the battlefield and were subject

to continuous rape There are three types of women

who are " enemy women ".

In the case of Korea collected by "traders"

who appear to have been treated as military belongings

and sometimes worn uniforms such as "military uniforms" ,

the traders are " WWII women's volunteers corps on Japane "

(forced, but " "Making the law" people mobilization.



there is a high possibility that the parties recognized that they were forced

to take action because they were going to be in the form of “aspirations”.

In other words, the comfort women are not saying "a lie"

There is a great possibility that the "traders"

who should not be present have lied (even if it can not be said at all).

7. Japanese army and Korean comfort women .

Korean comfort women wore kimono at some places

and worked under a Japanese name.

In other words, it was "a substitute for Japanese women ."

The comfort women were given different rates, with "Japanese"

being the highest, followed by Koreans.

Koreans were also mobilized in " patriotic " (for Japan),

which should not have been caught in the past.

In that sense, Korean comfort women are the existence of Japan's " annexation rule ", and in that respect the responsibility of Japan's " annexation rule " arises.

And when they arrived at the comfort center, there were a lot of rapes

by officers and military doctors at first, and even during unit movement,

Koreans were " Koreans, "

and thus they were more likely to be raped than their regular sex work .

At the same time,

if you were in the "army comfort center" collected "for the nation",

it was compositionally in a " competing to fight together "

against the enemy.

It seems that superiors often took control of soldiers assaults

and the military intervened and controlled the exploitation of traders .


Depending on the region and time of year,

it is no doubt that comfort women have had the harsh experience

of having to deal with the overwhelming majority.

At the same time, there was also a code

that basically protected comfort women from the violence

of soldiers and traders.


Of course,

the norm was not always strictly followed,

and the soldiers often used assaults to Korean comfort women

and often received only punishment of caution.

Korean comfort women were thus in the collective ethnic discrimination .

Although Korean comfort women and Japanese soldiers could also be in love,

it should not be abolishing discrimination and exploitation in the composition

of being from the colonial and annex areas.

Some Korean comfort women act on the front line,

become the subject of a soldier's haunting desire

in a bullet-splashing battlefield, and experience the harsh experience

of being a victim of gunfire and bombs Did.

In other words, even if you made money through a contract,

it was " annexation " that put Korean women in such circumstances .


Japan's responsibility for Korean comfort women

should be questioned as " nexus control " responsibility

before "war" responsibility.

8, contractor .

It is true that the military has been collected as necessary,

but so far no testimonials or documents have been found

that the military has officially permitted abductions and lies .

And it is almost always the Japanese or Korean " trader "

who has been forced to follow a lie, or " forced " to work in case of illness,

monitor not to run away, or abort was.


It seems that the Japanese trader is larger and the Korean trader is smaller.

Many comfort women did not get out of debt and were unable to go out

of business, but the immediate cause lies in their exploiting structures .

Professor Yoshimi stated that comfort women did not have freedom to "stay"

or "work out," but basically it was a restraint by a "trader"

and a restraint because it was a battlefield, and " militaries "

had freedom of movement.

It should be considered the same case as it was not.

And there are many cases where the scars

left on the body of the comfort women are also put on by the traders .

Of course there were also many cases of military assault,

but at least it was officially banned .


In other words, “crime” for “comfort women”

—the acts that violate the laws at the time were abductions,

abductions and trafficking,
Although it is possible to regard “comfort center use” as “morally” problematic

“sin”, it is difficult to regard it aslegal crimeat the time

(which conflicts with the law).


9. 200,000 girls .

The figure of "200,000" can be estimated

from the Korean newspaper articles around 1970 that it was "the number of"

WWII women's volunteers corps on Japane "that were"

people mobilized " combined with Japan and Korea . .

The newspaper mentions

that 150,000 Japanese women and 5-60 thousand Koreans .

It is thought that these misunderstandings have been understood

as the number of “comfort women” since then.

And, as we have said, not all of the "comfort women"

were necessarily at the "army-made" and "army comfort centers".

People who became comfort women were not without "girls",

but Korean films in the 1960s show

that comfort women among Korean students were adults.

In fact,

the testimony showed that the cases of the early teens were rather small,

and were accepted by military personnel at that time

as "exceptional" situations.


It should be viewed as the people who were in the case

of the “ exception ” to emphasize that many of those who named

“comfort women” were still “young girls ”.


In fact, many witnesses also say that "others are older than themselves".

It is the fact that girls are brought into the prostitution industry

all over the world, and it is possible that there were many girls in that sense,

but it should be considered by the will of the traders rather than the will

of the Japanese army.

The city of comfort women can not be indiscriminately estimated,

but according to the testimonials and materials,

the average age is considered to be over 20 years old.

10, return after the defeat .

The reason for the comfort women not being able to return home

after the war is believed to have been the result of bombing

on the battlefield and being involved in a ball crush.

The comfort women in China are also experiencing the sorrows

of so-called “repatriates”,

and it is thought that returning home is difficult in some places,

and it is likely that they have been sacrificed along the way.


Others are believed to have returned or remained there.

It goes without saying that the mobilized army is responsible

for being left behind after the defeat,

but still there are many cases in which the comfort women's envy towards

the "governing" goes to the "trader" rather than the Japanese army.


When working with the military, it was in the midst of the losing battle,

and the situation varied, and the military sometimes helped return home.

11, apologies and compensation in the 1990s .

Japan was made to "apology and compensation"

to those who started out as "comfort women" in the 1990s

The "Asian Women's Fund" was not the "legislative legislation" demanded

by the victims,

but it was created based on the agreement of the ministers at that time.


In the case of parliament, some members of the parliament proceeded

with legislation,

but in the case of Korea, the end of inter-state compensation under

the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1965 and the existence of "forced entrainment"

became the focus of the debate and the bill was passed It was not.


The “fund” is “apology and compensation”

which the “government” ministers agreed to,

although the “parliament” did not pass.


It was accused by those claiming "parliamentary legislative measures"

as a means of "avoidance of liability",

but the Japanese government thought

that it could not make state reparations

because personal reparations were over under the 1965 interstate treaty,

"the law Although it considered that there was

no " responsible responsibility ", it was " a means to take responsibility ",

so to say, as "taking a moral responsibility ".


It was said that it would be funded by the people's donation,

but medical welfare subsidies equivalent to 3 million yen were issued,

and the name was not "compensation money,"

but more than half of the compensation money actually

paid to comfort women It is out of gold .


In the end, 89 percent of the project cost was covered by state money .

In that sense, the "fund" was not just a "private fund" but an attempt

to " apology and compensation " that the Japanese government

and the people united in mind .

Of course, at this time, it would have been nice

for the Japanese government to say its involvement in the fund more clearly.



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are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

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A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
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Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


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Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

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Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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