[Imperial Comfort Women-Japan, Korea, Annexation,
Treaty and the Battle of Memory] Summary


July 29 , 2013 Professor Park Yu Ha Sejong University











How should we consider the Japanese version of the comfort women issue?

― Based on the Akihiko and Yoshimi arguments

( 2013 · 6 ) ( 2013 · 7 · 15 , Meiji Gakuin University)

How should the comfort women issue be considered?

Regarding this problem that has been causing great confusion recently,

in Japan for the time being

It would like to talk in the form of putting an argument on the story

of two historians who are regarded as "the leading people in comfort women".

The basis of the discussion here was broadcast on the radio in June

"It is an issue of the comfort women problem

that we consider as a first person ".

Although Prime Minister Abe said "I want to leave it to historians,"

the comfort women issue is no longer simply a "historian" idea,

as evidenced by the fact that historians '"first leaders"' s argument

has not yet found a point of contact.

It is a situation that can not find even the agreement of " inside Japan "

or not even the agreement of Japan and Korea by itself.

The difficulty in drawing

an "agreement" within Japan, or between Japan and Korea,

is that this problem has long been left unresolved,

and the result is that many of the two nations have a fairly detailed

"information" on this issue. As a political issue .


For that,

rather than the discrepancies in the information and ideas

of the “comfort women” themselves,

There is a background that

the current political position and the emotions associated

with it have infiltrated .



there are many people who are directly or indirectly involved

in this problem, and most of them are also indirectly " parties ",

and each claim has become self- contained,

because the time span involved was long.

It is also a major cause

that can not break the existing way of thinking or position ,

even if it shows the values ​​and political position of the

The most important thing to consider when considering this problem is:

1, solution as soon as possible

2. For this reason,

we will know about the situation concerning the existence itself

of "comfort women" and

of course the movement and the aspect of conflict over the last 20 years .

3. Those who are involved in this matter have no connection

with their own lives or political positions,

and those who are involved in this matter also consider

how tosolve ” “ with the people involved ”.

1, who is "comfort women"

Since modern times, there have been many men

who travel abroad alone in a way that internalizes their desire

for traffic development and national power expansion.

And women 's "movement" also increased to support such men .

In the case of Japan,

such women were initially provided for foreign military personnel

who came into Japan, but from the same time they started to go abroad.

So-called " Karayuki-san " were mostly women

from poor families who were sold to parents or sacrificed

for their own home.

And they also moved to Korea for men who moved according

to the military and national migration policies that were stationed in Korea .

Eventually, the Korean peninsula will be dunned ,

and Korean women will also work there .

Since the time of the Russo-Japanese War, women have been "comforting"

military personnel, and they are said to be " daughter and child army"

in the sense that they play a role in supporting the army.

In other words, " comfort women " is basically

< Women who have "migrated" to battlefields, occupied territories,

and colonial areas in accordance

with the nation's political and economic expansion policies .

Things like " comfort rooms " used

by merchants and military personnel existed early on .

The names "comfort station" and "comfort women" seem to have been

established in the 1930s , but their function should be viewed as having

begun with imperialism, including the modern West .

2. " Comfort women " and " Korean comfort women "

Naturally, in the case of Japan, " comfort women " are prepared

for men who are "for the sake of the nation" far abroad,

so the target was " Japanese women ."



Korean women ” and Taiwanese women will be incorporated

into the system because Korea has become an annex .

In the 1920s , Korean women had already gone to China and Taiwan

to deal with "Japanese" and " Korean who became Japanese"

who are overseas.

It should be seen as the predecessor of

the later " Korean comfort women ".

3. "Daughter and child army" of " Karayukisan "

In  Karayuki,
Even if they are sold and work in so-called "prostitution" facilities,
Women who established a base
Lending a place for money and secret talk

for "lofty aspiration man" who are coming "for the nation"
There were women in a similar position.

That is why they came to be called “daughter and child army”,

and in that way they would be “upgraded” while being hated.

On the other hand, they also indirectly

support men who work " for the nation "

and find their own pride by satisfying their nostalgia

(Of course,

it was also deceived by the imperialist discourse

of the nation pushing for war).

"Comfort women" is the name that such a mechanism supports.

4, various " comfort rooms "



the Japanese army not suddenly came up with

the " comfort women system " in the 1930s.

It should be viewed as a systematization of what had been done before,

rather than having created a "comfort room".

What is different from other countries

is that ' patriotic spirit was used for the mechanism .

The Japanese army has been using sanitation and so on

for the garrison forces for Manchukuo and the Sino-Japanese War

Among the prostitution facilities that have been " managed "

(in the case of the inland area the police managed)

(There were places that played their role in the restaurant and cafe, etc.),

Those that meet the criteria were " designated "

and designated " army-only comfort stations ".

However, it eventually came to systematize the increase

in the number of troops and convenience.

And It used to " recruit " using a vendor , but the form was various.

In other words,

where it is considered today as a "comfort center",

it is not necessarily the only place the military has newly created.

It includes the existing facilities since the Japan, Qing ·Japan Russia War,

and it has also provided “places” for military reception

to those who had already worked individually,

and in some cases “detained”.

In some cases, "trader" is made "civilian in military employ"

(or treated as civilian in military employ) to provide convenience

for movement and management.


However, it is limited to " military-made " comfort places .


as the form of the "comfort center" varied, the " trader " also varied .

In the case of islands, etc., there were cases in which

the trader himself made a poor "comfort center"

and started " temporary sales " (a kind of dispatch operation ).



in any case, the battlefield required the military's permission for movement,

so it is no doubt that the military knew and controlled many

of the movements basically.

However, officers often used ordinary restaurants as comfort stations

without using designated comfort stations.

The reason why the military has created ( designated ) a comfort station is,

besides being venereal disease and spy preventions, as stated,

it can be used conveniently or "cheaply"

closer to the unit as more military personnel are used

It seems that there was a reason to do so.

The charge in that case was said to be <public>.

It should be kept in mind that " comfort stations " were not a single form,

but various forms depending on the time and place .

5, various " comfort women "


it is not possible to call all the sexual desire processing facilities

that were in the area where Japan was at war as thecomfort center

in the original meaning .

For example,

a prostitution center where "local women" was most should not be called

a "comfort center" in its original meaning.

In other words, women who were in such places were merely sexual outlets.


It can not be said that it is a "daughter and child army" in the sense

of "supporting military personnel of the home country"

and " meeting nostalgia ".



Provided on the battlefield,
Women who were worked in the form of semi-continuous rape,

The victims of rape rape on the battlefield

are not strictly "comfort women".



you should not call all the women who made sex opponents

of the Japanese army in the Asia-Pacific War " comfort women " ,

but it is worthy of the original "comfort women" name:

You should think only as " Japanese "

or " Japanese-made " or" Korean "or " Taiwanese "or " Okinawani ".


women who were in a regular prostitution facility engaged

in sex work targeting the military as well as "comfort women",

and they also received military personnel with signs

like " patriotic cafeteria "

(Of course it should have been a designated office ), things are confusing.


the difference between the women who have been raped at least once

on the battlefield,

or the "comfort women" including Japanese, has been striking.

" Comfort women " differ in their experiences depending

on their nationality, time and place (front or back).


a great deal of confusion began when all of them were considered

as "comfort women" and hit the problem response.


it is the weak in the society who are engaged in sexual labor in any

of the cases,

and it is recognized that many of them are susceptible to illness

and that death is in a side-by-side miserable situation.

It must be a major premise for considering comfort women issues.



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are crazy inside the bus
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MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
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Do not move, government intervention,
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power off of server,

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