Korean, Korean Wartime Workers Apply
for Sale of Assets of Japanese Company

Korean Korean Workers Apply

for Sale of Assets of Two Japanese Companies


2010.05.01 [Seoul joint work]

Japanese government protests Korean government

in Korean workers' lawsuit



Korean plaintiff, start of cashing procedure

= draft lawsuit

https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2019050100481 & g = int


Korean Wartime Worker's Litigation-Commented

by Japan Steel Corporation for the asset sale procedure



Request for early response

from the Korean government Japan

"The situation is more serious"











Everyone's voice


You can now start sanctioning
Japanese people want pain to be done thoroughly because they are prepared

Recommendation 788 against 2


I want Japan Steel to endure without dealing with fraud group .
And I want the Japanese government

to do my best to protect Japanese companies.
I look forward to merciless sanctions.
( -_ _ )

Recommendation 795 Opposite 5


Thank you very much.
Please do not get involved again.
If you can do it,

I would also like to pull it up to those who have much in Japan .

Recommendation 712 against   Five


Do you think that it is a serious situation if you just protest?

From sanctions to break offrelations is considered

the only way to solve problems.

Now is the time.

Recommendation 699 opposite 8


thumbs up! Please cash it by all means.

It 's a big step forward to breaking relationships .

Recommendation 690 opposite 2


This is a milestone.

I will watch the Japanese government's response.

It is good if it is good to cut 20 to 30% of the credit guarantee

by Japanese banks.

Recommendation 678 Opposite 0


I would like to ask the Japanese government for strong retaliation.
Even if it affects Japan, for honor and dignity.
I am prepared for a long time.
Let's do it thoroughly.

Recommendation 626 opposite 2


You only earn legal expenses and you can not do anything you know.

The country is sinking gradually,

you can see the results of their work in a little more .

looking forward to!

Recommendation 613 opposite 0


Now, Korea has crossed the last line that the LDP was drawing.
Will the Government LDP really do anything?
Which one do you think?
Of course, I personally think that some sanctions need to be triggered,
Because the LDP was "doing nothing" until Kore was Uri's political party,
Unfortunately, it is possible that the expectations are betrayed.
I have struggled in the recent by-elections,

so will I just do something in form alone?

Recommendation 357 against 11


Based in Korea
I sincerely hope that all Japanese companies will withdraw .

Recommendation 312 opposite 1


If an asset sale is carried out, the ruling party will not be judged

in the next national election by whether the government can respond promptly.

The people will not forgive if they do something alive and fortunately.

Recommendation 269 opposite 2


Now you have crossed the last line .
The Japanese government has no choice but to move.
Even so, I can not but feel sorry for hitting this time.

Recommendation 253 opposite 1


There is no wonder that we are still "requesting".

I want you to be aware of the drastic economic sanctions given the timing.

I hope will be abolished as well

that visa-free travel and Korean national living in Japan privileges .

Recommendation 207 opposite 2


> We take it more seriously as a government
What are you saying over this period,
I think that the sanctions that have been prepared

from such comments should be announced.

Recommendation 166 opposite 0


Protecting the lives and property of the people,

the most important role of the Japanese government,

I hope for an effective response as soon as possible.

Recommendation 177 Ops 0


I would like the government to vigorously implement

the sanctions announced the other day.
A country that does not have that degree will not know what they are doing,

and it will not pass if they can understand that country.
I think that the next upper house election will be severe

if I do not take decisive measures.

Recommendation 160 opposite 1


The United Nations etc. can not be relied on

because there is a WTO issue.

Japan must make its own decisions.
However, it is Ziwajiwa.

The cause of the war usually occurs

when the economy is about to collapse .

Not to mention North Korea, South Korea is

about to be isolated all over the world.

Suddenly taking big sanctions will reduce the number of cards,

which is not good enough. That's right.

Recommendation 153 opposite 2


What are you thinking about? Korea is internally divided

and not functioning as a country.

It is better to cut your hands early as Japan has cut its hands.

Recommendation 151 opposite 1


It is not surprising where the money

for these group maintenance funds come from.

I think I should follow it. What do you think, guys.

If you taste in Korea, you will be able to pass money

to the dark group one after another.

I also knew the CIA, so it probably ended in a two- minute story.

Recommendation 122 opposite 1


I thought that the country that violates the promise had appropriate treatment

from the world, but I was surprised only by the country that was not related.

Recommendation 105 opposite 1


This is the only way to break the country.

I think many Japanese people want it.

You should also consider

the return advice of people Korean national living in Japani.

Recommendation 90 opposite 1


There is a worthy cause to take back Takeshima.
I think that a war with a crazy country is the only way

to get back Takeshima.
In diplomatic relations is not enough
It is effective in the country where the war is crazy.
It is important for Takeshima to return to its original country.

Recommendation 81 Ops 1


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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