Korea, Korean Wartime Workers Apply
for Sale of Assets of Japanese Company

Korean Korean Workers Apply

for Sale of Assets of Two Japanese Companies


2010.05.01 [Seoul joint work]

Japanese government protests Korean government

in Korean workers' lawsuit



Korean plaintiff, start of cashing procedure

= draft lawsuit

https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2019050100481 & g = int


Korean Wartime Worker's Litigation-Commented

by Japan Steel Corporation for the asset sale procedure



Request for early response

from the Korean government Japan

"The situation is more serious"










Everyone's voice


You need sanctions.

Recommendation 26848 opposite 194



Who will compensate for the losses of the sold company?
The pampering government will be held responsible.
Now is the time to think about companies in Korea .

Recommendation 23758 Opposite 277


In order for the Japanese government to be forced to sanctions,

please cash it .

Recommendation 21822 Opposite 282

If this is a government that is sweet and confusing cannon

and do something in a halfhearted way,
I have no choice, Ruthless at the next national election!  to vote.

Recommendation 7442 Opposite 34


If we do break offrelations , I think each other is peaceful. seriously.

Recommendation 6691 against 25


As it is the responsibility of the state, I would like strict measures,

which we rarely see in history.
Because it is a nation that collapses by any means,

there is no problem stopping its roots.
There is no need to worry about the world being a friend of Japan.

Recommendation 6582 Opposite 25


Please sell your asset before G20 starts.

Recommendation 6313 Opposite 18


Finally the beginning of the end .

Recommendation 6215 Opposite 19


I'm looking forward after the robbery.
You need a tough countermeasure.

Recommendation 5995 Opposition 18


It doesn't make sense if you don't

Recommendation 5511 Opposite 15


The protest is natural, but if you actually cash it,

please make sure that sanctions are triggered.
It will die even if it is left as it is,

but if this is executed it will not be a standstill.
Personally, I'm excited to see how far you go to runaway in Korea,

but how far does this runaway go?
The world is more isolated from Korea than now.

Recommendation 5271 Opposite 52


I think the protest alone will not solve the problem?

Taking advantage of this,

I hope that they will be retaliated thoroughly

and sanctioned to cause them fatal damage .

Recommendation 5160 opposite 47


It is good to get rid of it.

How wonderful it is that the first diplomacy starts

with sanctions in Korea .

What you saw in a dream is likely to be a reality.

Recommendation 4383 against 62


There is no alternative but to bring sanctions to Japanese companies.
I want the Japanese government to take a tough action.

Recommendation 2532 Opposite 22


Moon was talking about love and relationship,

but it is absolutely impossible.

I would like you to break the relationship

with Sapp here in commemoration of having become a tribute.

Recommendation 2182 Opposite 12


If it is Nippon Steel and Fujikoshi, is that young lawyer group?
Half a year has passed since the ruling, and the plaintiff of survival is alone.
I saw no reason for cashing, but I have to make a decision.
Sanctions are decisive with this! I am looking forward to the reaction ahead.

Recommendation 2003 against 11


What you have to do is
It's not a protest but sanctions ....
Is the Japanese government all right?
( _ _ ) ?

Recommendation 1533 Opposite 10


He said that he would like to wish for the friendly development

of the Japan-Korea relationship to his Majesty,

but it is only harassment to do.
I will not be friendly with Korea in the future .

Recommendation 1446 Opposite 9


I think it would be better to impose sanctions, not protests.
I think the Japanese government should transmit the truth to the world .

Recommendation 1194 Opposite 8


Let's make this the last protest.
Next is the first sanction.

Recommendation 1095 Opposite 6


It will be a protest, but it will be regrettable, but it will not be effective
Only strong sanctions are effective
Let's do it surely

Recommendation 1059 Opposite 10


I would like them to apply retaliatory duties in a timely manner

in a preemptive attack rather than problematic protests

and shut them down until they stop their roots.

Recommendation 995 Opposite 5


In the era of peace, I would like you to settle the relationship with Korea.

Recommendation 975 against 3


The ruins including the government are already full.

I don't know the meaning of being flat

with the other party who doesn't make sense even if I speak .

You should make a visible response as soon as the ceremonies related

to the new emperor have settled down no matter how late

Recommendation 970 against 7


Mr. Abe has started
Although priority is important, it is your responsibility

to protect the people
Please take the time-consuming sanctions to be implemented

without gaps
If you can not, fall is ..
I understand

Recommendation 923 against 8


I would like cash as soon as possible towards the

end of the national diplomacy. I will sanction you thoroughly.

Recommendation 909 against 8


I do not think that it makes sense to request

the Korean government because it does not have any response .
I would like you to deal

with the abolition of Japan-Korea relations appropriate for the new era .

Recommendation 863 Opposite 12


It was moving on the first day of the show as if it was measured.
I hope that the new Emperor, like the Emperor, will not visit Korea forever .

Recommendation 823 opposite 1


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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