Korean Korean Workers Apply for Sale
of Assets of Two Japanese Companies


2010.05.01 [Seoul joint work]









In a lawsuit in which Korean Korean wartime workers

and former Korean women's labor workers asked Japanese companies

for damages, the plaintiffs' attorneys on the 1st ,

had already seized Japan Steel (old Nippon Steel Sumikin)

and Fujiko's It has announced that it has applied

to the court to issue an order to sell assets in Korea.


For the first time in a series of lawsuits,

an asset sale order application is filed

The Japanese government has warned that "

If companies actually do harm, they can not but take countermeasures. "

The tension between Japan and Korea is likely to increase .

Although plaintiffs have been asked to respond to the consultation

for the compensation to the two companies,

the two companies is not depending on the day and that the prospect

of the break is not stand in talks between the Korean government,

also taking into account that the plaintiff is elderly,

to May Day We decided on the sale application together.


Japanese government protests Korean government

in Korean workers' lawsuit



On the 1st , in response to a lawsuit by Korean Korean laborers in Japan,

the Japanese government applied to the court

for the plaintiff to issue an order to sell off the assets

of the defendant Japanese company.

"The asset that a Japanese company's asset

is sold is absolutely unacceptable "

Protested against the Korean government through diplomatic routes.


Korean plaintiff, start of cashing procedure = draft lawsuit

https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2019050100481 & g = int


On the 1st , the plaintiff of the Korean Wartime Workers Litigation

where the Supreme Court of Korea ordered Japan Steel Corp.

(formerly Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal) to claim that it had filed

a sale order to the court in order to monetize the South Korean property

that it had seized.

He also filed a sales order for a domestic machine tool manufacturer,

a former lawsuit against Fujikoshi, and a Korean domestic asset

that was seized after winning the appellate court.

For the first time in a series of lawsuits, the plaintiffs have applied

for a sales order.

With the imminent damage to Japanese companies by the start

of the cashing procedure, the Japanese government is likely t

o further intensify its repulsions and to begin full-scale consideration

of countermeasures .



Korean Wartime Worker's Litigation-Commented

by Japan Steel Corporation for the asset sale procedure



In a lawsuit in which Korean Korean wartime workers

and former Korean women's working women's workers sought damages

for Japanese companies, plaintiffs held a Japanese court arrested

on January 1 by Korean courts (old Nippon Steel Sumikin)

And filed with the court to issue an order to sell assets in Korea of ​​Fujikosi.

Nippon Steel is one day,

"If our assets are sold to a third party,

we think that our company will be harmed

and that it is extremely regrettable.

We will continue to consult

with the government and take appropriate action. "

Announced the comment.


Request for early response from the Korean government

Japan "The situation is more serious"



The Japanese government protested against the Korean government

through the diplomatic route in response to the plaintiff's application

to the court to issue an order to sell the assets

of the defendant Japanese company in a lawsuit

by Korean Korean wartime workers.

"The asset of a Japanese company will never be sold out.

It is taken more seriously as a government. "

It called for a new early response

and the acceptance of intergovernmental consultation based

on the Japan-Korea Claim Right Agreement.

Japanese government sources pointed out

that "there is still time to complete the sale process."

Japan in the agreement,

with the $ 500 million provided by The problem is solved.

And he hopes that,

the Korean government will pay compensation

so that Japanese companies will not be disadvantaged.


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MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
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Do not move, government intervention,
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power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
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Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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