Ichiro 85 minutes Retirement press conference

One question one answer uncut "there is no loneliness at all"









イチロー節”全開、85分間の引退会見 一問一答ノーカット「孤独感は全くない」1



"The basic movement is likely to be better
for junior high school students
in Japan than major league players."


――The players who are active in Japan and the US are active in Koshien,
and they are active in pros,

And there is a flow of challenges to majors.
It would be easier to challenge majors with such a system.
Do you have any suggestions for something like this?

"I am not familiar with the system, but who will make a foundation in Japan,who will play with MLB in the future ....
If you are thinking of building a foundation for MLB,
you know that as soon as possible, but there are many things
that you can train in Japanese baseball.
So I think it is not fair to look only at the system. "

"There is currently no (Loneliness) at all.
At the present stage, it is not at all. "



--- What was trained in Japanese baseball?

"The basic basic movement is

Perhaps Japanese junior high school students
may be better than Japanese players in major leagues.

Isn't that also there is cooperation as a team?
You can do it without saying that, in Japanese baseball.
But here it is quite ......

Although the potential of the major leagues
as individuals is high in motor skills,

I suffered quite a lot.
I suffered and gave up. "



There's crying in baseball. 〓


Without confrontation with Shohei Otani.

"I want, I am the pitcher by wanted to do with Shohei batter."

―― You was looking forward to playing against Angels Otani,

but it did not come true.

Mr. Ichiro wanted to play the match?

"I mentioned earlier, but Shohei Otani have to be the best player in the world.
I think so.
Sorry to be against Shohei, but if I could,

I wanted Shohei batter to play with a pitcher.
I hope there is no misunderstanding. "

――What kind of player do you think Otani will become in the future?

"Whether what be doing? 

Hey but there do not know, should have him listen to fortune-teller.

Well, if He do throw and hit, He will be pitcher for one season,
pitcher for one season, batter for the next season,
so He will take Sai Young (prize) and King of Home Run


...We can't even think about that.
Shohei is I can that dream imagine to Many Funs.
 think at this point it is already a player different from people.
I think the two-way player is interesting.


Though it is an expression of feeling that I am not convinced (to the reporter).
There is a season to win 20 pitchers,

and if 50 hits and MVP are won the following year,

this is a monster.

But I can't Not impossible to imagine it.
I think like that. "

-I asked an athlete, but he

"I hate to imagine that I'm no longer an active player,"
Ichiro said, "I am the same.
I can not imagine myself who is no longer a baseball player. I said,
"I hate it."

"I don't think that I hate it, though.
I think I'm not saying that I hate to imagine I'm not a baseball player. "



On the other potential paths he could have taken in life:
"I'd still be a baseball player.

I'm sure I'd be having fun playing, maybe an expert at backlot baseball."



―― How about imagining yourself who is not a baseball player?

"Because I do not want to, maybe I become a different baseball player.
that? I told you this story.

I'm getting hungry and my concentration is running out,
I not remember a little bit of what I talked about a while ago ....
Did you talk about grass baseball, right?
Anyway ... I think it's fun doing it.
Then I would definitely like to master grass baseball.
You're going to be a baseball player who seriously plays grass baseball,

after all. You'm listening? "


"I'm getting hungry.
You are not doing this well, It is not quite doing
How long now? 1 hour? 20 min? Oh.
I thought it was  to Try thoroughly Relationship today.
I'm getting hungry. "

――What can you be proud of looking back at your professional baseball life?

"This, I mentioned earlier, isn't Kobayashi too a little out of concentration?

I told you that completely. You know,

So because you would decrease one question. ". "







On advice he would give his elementary school self:
"Hey, you're not going to get a 100 million yen signing bonus.

I did write in my graduation essay in sixth grade my dream is to become a No. 1 draft pick and receive a contract signing bonus of 100 million yen,

but neither came true. Come to think of it, that's a failure."



“By now Being a foreigner, I care about people's mind, imagine people's pain,
It appeared myself was not until now
I came up with something I had never before "

--- To Ichiro's elementary school graduation memoirs
"My dream is to become a top baseball player," he wrote.
What kind of language do you want to say to yourself at that time?


"You won't get a contract fee of 100 million yen.
is not it.But I had Well dream says large, but it is quite difficult.

The first draft of 100 million (about 910,000 USD) was raised,
but it was far from it at all.

Well, I'm in a sense it's a frustration, isn't it? "


"Well, how good is this end?
What do you want to do,
I'm want to end something cool, last is" 



On dealing with the loneliness of the job:
"I'm not feeling that at all now.

By moving to America and joining the major leagues, I became a foreigner.

Becoming a foreigner has taught me to be considerate and compassionate.

These feelings only come through experience.

I have felt lonely and suffered because of that many times,

but those experiences will carry me to the next phase.

Wanting to run away from your problems is a healthy response,

but I feel it's important to tackle them

when you're strong enough and have the energy.

That's the challenge of being human."



--- Full-Count Kizaki (Hideo).
Last year You returned to the Mariners, but in the previous Mariners era,

several times
You said, "I play while I feel alone."
It has been moved to the Yankees, Marlins, and the role played has changed.
That's what happened last year and You retire this year.
Did you play while feeling the feeling of loneliness all the time?
Was there something different from the previous loneliness?


"There is currently no (Loneliness) at all.
At the present stage, it is not at all.
It may be a little different,
but I gone to the United States and gone to the Major League ...


Being foreigner In the US I am a foreigner.

This is ... being a foreigner, thinking about people's mind,
imagining people's pain,

It appeared myself was not until now
I came up with something I had never before "


Even if you can read books and take information,
this experience is not born out of you unless you do it.

I felt a lot of loneliness and suffered.
There was, but that experience would be a great support for me in the future,
I think now.


So it is only natural to want to get away from hardships and hardships,
But when you're energetic, you're going to face it,
I feel that it is not so important as a person. "



" Sincerely Best wishes, Thank you very much for a long time.

You're sleepy, everyone.

Hey.Well, do everyone go home soon, I? "



The interview lasted about one and a half hours.
The last one is "Thank you very much" and  Last bow deeply.

Yu Yoshikawa / Kei Yoshikawa @dong_po_rou
We understood press conference of Ichiro.
For about an hour and a half, He answered questions in good faith.
The last is "Thank you very much!"
I left the press conference.

Thank you, it was really cool until the end ...!

Yoshiyuki Kawaji

Sports journalist author

The reaction of the fans gathered at the dome is represented
by the people who saw it in the video,

I think it is a manifestation of honest feelings towards Ichiro
"I can't regret it if I see something happening at the stadium, such a thing"
I think the word is a great return the ball.



Words that worked his wife at the press conference were impressed
His wife will be happy too
It has been transmitted that he loved the family including the story of his dog
There is no such thing as no hope
If you receive guidance because of strong charisma, it may be atrophy.
By all means, I want to see the leader, director Ichiro
Recommendation 4481 Opposite 402.

Thank you for a long time!
I think Ichiro gave dreams and hope to many people including me.
There is no one in Japan who does not know Ichiro's name.
Ichiro said that he would continue until the age of 50, so I am a little lonely,
Because he would have decided when to leave on their own

I want to say is cheers for good work until now.

Will there be players like Ichiro from now on?

I want you to get involved in baseball again as a director or coach!
Please continue your wonderful life!

Recommend 3518 Opposite 288.
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