ISU Skating Awards 2020 - Best Costume | Il nome della rosa

Il nome della rosa





フィギュアの年間表彰「ISUスケーティング・アワード」「ベストコスチューム」ノミネートISU Skating Awards 2020 - Best Costume




Yuzuru HANYU (JPN)

(Free Skate ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating)


Yuzuru Hanyu’s long-time costume designer Satomi Ito created the costume for his program “Origin” that he performed at the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final 2019/20 and other events. The designer was inspired by Vaclav Nijinski’s costume in the ballet “Le Spectre de la Rose” (“The Spirit of the Rose”) that premiered in 1911. Hanyu’s program “Origin” was a tribute to Evgeni Plushenko and his “Nijinski” Free Skating program (2003/2004 season).

“If it wasn’t for Nijinski, Plushenko would not have skated to "Tribute to Vaclav Nijinski", and I don’t think Yuzuru's "Origin" would have been born either. Therefore, in honor of Nijinski, who is the starting point, I got the idea for the "Origin"’ costume design from his masterpiece ‘The Spirit of the Rose’,” Ito told the ISU. “Typically, I would get requests from skaters and make design drawings. Some would send me music and choreography videos, from which I would expand my imagination. The inspiration of design varies such as landscapes I saw while travelling, paintings, films, theatre performance and music, but I am particularly attracted to the natural colors and shapes of flowers”, the designer explained. “Regarding the ‘Origin’ costume, Yuzuru asked me to propose designs based on the image of the music. I think I drew three designs in total. I wanted to create a costume with a mystical image that fits Yuzuru's neutral image,” Ito said. She picked purple as a color as it is regarded as a ‘noble color’ in Japan. “Since many of the ready-made purple costumes were colored towards red and blue, I dyed the purple of this costume myself.”

A lot of time went into creating it. “I think it took about one month in total to make this costume. This includes basting and subsequent modifications. I finished the decoration in about 6 days,” Ito recalled. “I don't know the exact number of Swarovski stones used, but I think it should be between 2’000 and 3’000 pieces. I use small stones so that the costume does not become too heavy. The hardest part was the roses. I started from cutting each of the rose petals one by one using heat-cutting, so I made about 80 petals. After that, I composed the roses by hand. I think the costume has about fifteen roses. Also, this costume has three butterflies. I asked a couture embroidery craftsman to make these butterflies from scratch - butterflies made just for this costume.”

Hanyu told his designer that he did not want a black costume as he had a black costume the year before when skating this program. The new purple costume is Ito’s favorite creation so far. “Last year, I made the black “Origin” costume with a feather theme. When the black “Origin” was completed, I thought to myself ‘This costume is the best ever’, so when I started making a new costume for the same song, I was not confident that I could make a better one. However, it turned out the new costume also looked good on Yuzuru, so I was glad,” the designer noted. “As mentioned earlier, I put a lot of efforts into the design of the purple “Origin” costume, but it’s also notable that this costume is lighter than the previous costumes. The weight of the purple “Origin” is 620g. I first made Yuzuru's costume five years ago, and at that time the costume weighed 850g. With originality and ingenuity in terms of materials and decoration, I could make this costume so light while keeping the high-quality design. This costume has achieved a good balance of visual design and functionality, and I think it can only be worn by Yuzuru. This is indeed my favorite and the best that I could make to date,” she concluded.





ISU アワードへ寄せた伊藤さんのメッセージ













楽天ふるさと納税 宮城県仙台市 【ふるさと納税】お土産付き!観光タクシー 羽生くんゆかりの地コース【チケット】 


【コースのご案内】 仙台駅 ⇒ 五色沼 ⇒ 国際センター駅 ⇒ 大崎八幡宮 ⇒ 仙台駅 

【所要時間】90分 30,000円













FAOI仙台特別版 ①

FAOI仙台特別版 ②

FAOI仙台特別版 ③ オープニング

FAOI仙台特別版 ③ 真夏の夜の夢

FAOI仙台特別版 ④

FAOI仙台特別版 ⑤

FAOI仙台特別版 ⑥ 羽生結弦 仙台公演への思い

FAOI仙台特別版 ⓻ マスカレイド①

FAOI仙台特別版 ⑧ マスカレイド②

FAOI仙台特別版 ⑨ そして宮城のファンへのメッセージ

FAOI仙台特別版 ⑩ プル様からのエンディング

最後に 「ありがとうございました」からのピース と投げキッス〜