渡邊頼純研究会~Financial Times~ -5ページ目

米州班 12/4〜12/10




US stocks hit highs and dollar rallies as investors cheer senate tax cut vote.



Business steps up pressure on Congress for ‘Dreamers’ solution
As President Trump’s tax reform bill closes in on a resolution, US business’ have expressed desire for a solution for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Act (Daca). While the country’s “Dreamers” have been in limbo for the past year, the immigrants will lose their permits to stay in the US should Congress not find a solution by March—the deadline to which Trump has given. Roughly 800,000 people have received Daca permits since Barack Obama established the program in 2012, and hundreds of thousands are said to boost domestic American corporate abilities with their talents.(リック)



Trump recognises Jerusalem as capital of Israel        
Sam Fleming and Courtney Weaver



US jobs growth exceeds estimates, wages pick up less than forecast 

By Mamta Badkar



Trump attack on WTO sparks backlash from members



Beijing's migrant 'clean-out' threatens ecommerce sector (12.4, Mon)

The government 'clean-out' of workers prompted by a fatal dormitory fire a fortnight ago is placing pressure on a sector boasting giants such as Alibaba and Jingdong. The sudden eviction of tens of thousands of migrant workers from their homes in Beijing is threatening the business model of the country's booming ecommerce industry, a pillar of China's vaunted 'new economy'. The clean-out has also shut logistics warehouses and distribution centers judged a fire hazard or without a building license to force “low-end people” out. (Lucy)



Dalian Wanda sells ski resort to arrest slide

Dalian Wanda, one of China’s largest property groups, quietly sold its interest in its largest ski resort to a friendly company earlier this year.

The sale, uncovered by a search of corporate records, revealed what appeared to be an effort by Wanda to rebuild its finances amid government pressure to rein in its dealmaking activities. (Karin)




South Korea to create ‘drone-bot combat unit’ to swarm North

South Korea will create a weaponized drone unit to swarm North Korea in the event of a conflict as Seoul seeks to bolster its military capabilities against its nuclear-armed neighbor. Operated by the army, the unit will primarily engage in reconnaissance missions to survey developments at the North’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile sites, but could in future be used to launch swarm attacks, according to people familiar with the matter. (Alex)



China eases northern home coal ban to offset gas shortage

The Chinese government has relented on a policy banning the use of coal to heat homes after cold weather and increased demand drove up gas prices. The environment ministry has told regions in northern China that have not converted to gas or electric heating they can continue to burn coal for the time being. The policy against the industrial and domestic use of coal for heating, aimed at cutting the choking smog that blankets much of the north, has caused rationing of natural gas in some provinces and a jump in prices. (Alex)



China banks warned to raise capital buffers




US-North Korea tensions fuel fears on Chinese border




Trade issue 12月5日~12月11日


WTO faces an identity crisis as Trump weighs going it alone.( 11th Dec. Monday 2017)
Mr. Trump's charges against the WTO hinge on his belief that the creation of the institution in the 1990s helped cause the economic heartache that hit many American communities as they lost jobs to new competitors in China and elsewhere.(Manda)



China's ' zombie' debt accounts for small slice of total, IMF says.(5th Dec. Tuesday 2017)
Zombie debt was 6-11 per cent of gross domestic product and overcapacity groups accounted for 21 percent, compared with total corporate debt of 166 percent, according to the Bank for International Settlements.
So even if the overcapacity and zombie enterprises were resolved overnight, China's debt would remain worryingly high.(Manda)



Norway oil fund makes first Asia property purchase



IMF calls on China banks to boost capital after credit boom 
Shadow banking system:the financial intermediaries involved in facilitating the creation of credit across the global financial system but whose members are not subject to regulatory oversight. 
 Big Four:(1)the Bank of China(2)the Bank of Communications(3)the Central Bank of China(4)the Farmers Bank of China





Malmström urges Argentine government to allow banned NGOs at MC11
