where to buy billiards supplies in Osaka Japan | ビリヤードプロ、河原千尋の店アンセーズ大阪市本町ビリヤード・カフェ&バー


大阪本町ビリヤード カフェ&バー ”アンセーズ“

where to buy billiards equipment such as zan tip, Mezz cue, musashi cue, Exceed cue, in Osaka Japan.

Where is the best billiards supply shop to visit in Osaka?


I'm tired of so many trippers coming just to ask that kind of questions and leaving without spendimg money at our pool hall, inspite of wasting my time answering.


To prevent reselling, We don't sell billiards supplies to customers who are only purchasing items.

We sell to customers only who played billiards in our pool hall.

Because Billiard supplies like the ones I mentioned above are difficult to purchase even in Japan, and we want to sell them to people who loves billiards and really want to use them.


Especially, Musashi cues and Exceed cues are extremely popular and sell out as soon as they arrive.

so as far as I know, no store in Japan has them in stock, and we don't have any stock either.


If you still want to visit a cue shop, there is one in Osaka, Nissyo-tei. 

But before you go, I recommend checking the online shop for stock availability.

If it's not available in the online store, probably they don't have it in the stock either. 


Where is Nissyotei?

Search for yourself, please don't come just for ask.


But if you are the pool player searching supplies not for resale but for your own use, coming our pool hall to play pool or buying me a coffee.


I will gladly give you detailed explanations and I can help you searching the items you want.


Don't forget to install a translation app on your smartphone before coming! I'm not good enough at English to commuicate fluently.



Hall manager Ten-Ten