Today's Shiroten Canceled Due to Rain Forecast | 皆見つかさ 公式ブログ 〜ソロアーティストの脳内と日常

皆見つかさ 公式ブログ 〜ソロアーティストの脳内と日常


Today's Shiroten Canceled Due to Rain Forecast

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Due to the rain forecast, I have canceled my appearance at today's scheduled Shiroten Street Live.

I apologize for the inconvenience.



  Process Leading to the Cancellation


This morning, when I woke up, I checked the weather for Chuo Ward, Osaka, where Osaka Castle Park is located, on three different websites. Yahoo! Weather showed a cloudy forecast for the time of the live performance, but the other two weather sites showed rain. So, I assumed today's live performance would likely be canceled.

Then, I received a message from the Shiroten Street Live organizers confirming that the event would proceed. However, due to the uncertain weather, they said it would be up to the performers to decide whether to continue or stop if it started to rain. Additionally, they mentioned that, for this time only, they would accept cancellations without any conditions at that point.

I thought that if there had been any changes in the weather forecast I checked first thing in the morning, the live performance could go ahead. So, just to be sure, I checked the three weather forecast sites again, but there were no significant changes, and the results were almost the same.


As expected, it would be problematic if my instruments and equipment got wet, and I wouldn't be able to hold an umbrella with my hands full during the journey. So, taking advantage of the Shiroten Street Live organizers' offer, I made the very disappointing decision to cancel my appearance this time.


I apologize for the inconvenience.



  Upcoming Live Schedule


7/28 (SUN) Shiroten 5:00PM - 5:25Pm (9th act)


8/4 (SUN) Shiroten 3:50PM - 4:15Pm (8th act)


8/18 (SUN) Shiroten Timetable TBA


9/1 (SUN) Shiroten Timetable TBA


Free Admission

※Rain Cancels





Since March this year, I've been booking Shiroten performances, but due to numerous cancellations, I've only been able to perform twice (4/28 and 5/5).


This time, I canceled my appearance based on my own final decision, but I will prepare thoroughly and aim for the next performance.


I believe it will be sunny on 7/28.

I look forward to seeing you at Osaka Castle Park on Sunday, 7/28. (* ᴗ ᴗ)⁾⁾



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