#3 - PCR検査当日 〜 結果当日受取り【検疫@台湾出発前】 | Lime Sodaのブログ

Lime Sodaのブログ




Finally, I made the reservation and it was the day for the PCR test.
To get ready for the reception from 7:30 in the morning, we arrived 5 minutes prior to that. I assumed that we would enter from the emergency entrance, but we went in from the front gate. At the entrance, we need to present our health insurance card or identification and they scanned our cards.


After directed to wait in front of counter #4 in the general receptions area, there were around 4 people sitting on benches at the waiting area. The waiting area was away from the booth. Local Taiwanese people were talking to each other to check that they're in the right place. While chatting with others, we found out that the reception time was changed from 7:30 to 8:30 in the morning. That answers why there were no signs of the tests starting soon.


3)申請書 https://tpech.gov.taipei/News.aspx?n=8906BD9619673CA6&sms=95477BCD9B958CFB


There is a first-visit reception form on the desk, so I filled out the form, just in case. 
Some people also brought their copy of item #1 (residence permit & passport), so we rushed into the convenience store inside the hospital and copied ours.

The required documents listed on the website were:
1) residence permit & passport
2) e-ticket
3) application form https://tpech.gov.taipei/News.aspx?n=8906BD9619673CA6&sms=95477BCD9B958CFB
4) document explaining the reason as to why you need to take the test

It seems like you are okay without item #4 if you don't have it.


When it was almost 8:30, queues began forming in front of counter #4. It was a weekday morning, and there were about 15 people. Each of us received a reference number in advance, so it was pretty organized. First, submit the required documents, then get your passport checked, and after a while, complete the payment process and receive the testing kit.


The time has now passed 9:00. In the quiet lobby, chairs are lined up neatly and workers wearing protective gears are walking around. The testing process is about to begin. We take our PCR testing kits and go to the outdoor parking lot on the 2nd floor


Although I felt a little cold lobby, it was very hot outside. Unlike what I imagined, the testing booths are under the sun. Wearing the protective gears under in this hot environment ... 
I cannot thank those working in clinical environments enough. 

Although the test ends in an instant, it was uncomfortable for children. 


4500 NT to get the result back around 4:00 and 5:00 PM on that day. 3500 NT to get the result back after 4:00 PM the next day. Our flight was on Sunday afternoon, so we could go with option #2, but we chose to take the test and get the result on Friday. 


We were told to go to the emergency receptions area for pickup, but after the short trouble of finding the identification, we found out that the pickup location was changed to counter #4 where we did the reception process in the morning today. It seemed that even the workers in the emergency receptions did not know about the change. Since my child didn't go pick it up, I had him write a letter of attorney (found at the desk in the morning) and brought it to the hospital. 


The results were negative. I assumed that there won't be any possibility that the results would be positive, but I was very worried if we would be allowed a second PCR test or can board the plane, so I was very relieved to hear the result.