Nunakawahime | Do you know who the Japanese Deities are?

Do you know who the Japanese Deities are?

Allow me to introduce some of the shrines, and their deities, found in Japan!





Now is good luck to be touched by 'sound' and 'ringing'. Singing a song and daily sounds will make you more aware.




Easy Childbirth

Blessed with Children



Associated Shrines

Nunagawa Jinia Itoigawa City in Nigata Prefecture

Suwataisha Simosha Akimiya Koyasusha Suwa District in Nagano Prefecture



If your job or hobby is related to poetry or song, pay your respects to her and she'll be happy.

She didn't  appear in the Nihon Shoki*(Chronicles of Japan). She is a goddess who appears in Kojiki*(Records of Ancient Matters). In the Kojiki,Okuninushiwent to Koshi No Kuni intending to marry with Nunakawahime. He tried to woo her with an enthusiastic poem `Please marry me.' from out side of Nunakawahime's house.

Nunakawahime spurned him at first, but the next day, she replied `I will` in a poem of her own and the 2 gods were married.

Nunakawahime is the goddess who wasn't written about in detail in books, but she loves poetry deeply and has a peaceful heart. She helps womens with big tasks such as bearing a child and having an easy delivery.  She is a reliable goddess for women.



*Translted from the original in Nihon no Kamisama Taizen.