ラジオビジネス英語2024年7月5日 | stl52のブログ







Interview 2

Kailene Falls





今月は先月に引き続き、 イラストレーターのケイリーン・フォールズさんにお話を伺っています。今日はケイリーンが、イラストを描く時のプロセスについて話を聞きます。




Listening point

What are three factors that Kailene has been able to combine into one?





Okay, let's listen to today's interview!



Shibata: So, you have drawn, uh, more than 300 or 4…


Kailene Falls: 400! I counted. I was counting the other day, yes.


Shibata: How much time do you spend working on each illustration or each piece?


Kailene Falls: Ooh, It really depends on how difficult the illustration is. The very fastest I can do is maybe three to four hours, whereas the very most difficult ones can top 20 hours.


Shibata: 20 hours!


Kailene Falls: Correct. And so, that was one thing that was a little bit tricky, uh, in terms of marketing yourself as an illustrator because the amount of detail that I paint is not something that can be done very fast. And so, if a project has a very fast turnaround, um, nice type of illustration isn't suited for it, as well as something that has a very low budget because it can easily take a few days to work on a single illustration. But that being said, I said three hours to 20 hours. That's only the drawing a painting aspect of it. But if you count the time it takes to research a restaurant, travel to the restaurant, and then I'm paying to eat the food, and taking photos of the food, then I'm bringing it back, and then I'm painting it. It ends up being longer than that as well, so it's not a fast process.


Shibata: Hmm. Wow, a lot of work.


Kailene Falls: A lot of work, but it's also something that I find very enjoyable.


Shibata: Right, right.


Kailene Falls: So, I think again landing in a career like this is, uh, really fortunate for me because I say that I have difficulty doing things I don't enjoy. And so, if I was to become someone that was working at a regular office job, I don't think I could maintain my career long term. But because I have that aspect of my personality, it means that I was able to find, or I was very fortunate to be able to find something that I like to do so much, but it doesn't feel like I'm working. So, it's… I've been able to combine my passions and my hobbies and my work into one. And while there's things like deadlines and there's aspects I don't like, like invoices or, or sending emails and communications and tax stuff and visa stuff, there's definitely not fun aspects of it. But the majority of my time is still spent doing something that I would be doing in my free time, even if it wasn't my job. So, It's excellent.


Shibata: Yeah. Sounds excellent.




top 超える

To go over a limit; to exceed, to pass. Kailene said that her most difficult illustrations top 20 hours, meaning that they take more than 20 hours to complete. Another example would be "I'm trying to top my record". This means that the person wants to beat their record or score a higher record.


turnaround 納期、 所要時間

Turn around is the time spent on a task from beginning to end, also known as turnaround time. Kailene said that her illustrations are not suited for projects with fast turnaround. This means she requires more time and prefers not to work with tight deadlines or fast turnaround. Another example would be, "Our company has a 24-hour turnaround on most orders". This means that the order will be fulfilled or shipped within 24 hours of accepting the order.


That being said そうはいっても

That being said, is a transition between topics. It's a way to connect two or more concepts often to show how they are different or to give context. We can also say, "Having said that", "Nevertheless", or "With that in mind". Here's an example,"We met our target for last quarter. That being said, our target for the next quarter will be much higher. So, we need everyone to help out".


combine into… ~を…にまとめる


deadline 締め切り



Listening pointの答え

Her passions, hobbies and work.








be immersed in に没頭している

When I'm immersed in my work, I tend to lose track of time.



be immersed in「~に没頭している」何かに集中している状態です。

lose track of time「時間を見失う」という意味のフレーズです。



be interconnected 相互に関連している

I find it more meaningful when work and life are interconnected rather than separate from each other.






fulfillment 充実感、やりがい

I find a great sense of fulfillment when I know my work is making a positive difference to others.



fulfillmentは動詞fulfill(満たす)の名詞で、「満たされていること」という意味です。形容詞fulfillingを使ってI find it fulfilling when I knowということもできます。

making a positive difference to othersは直訳すると大げさに聞こえますが、人の役に立っているという語感です。





When I'm immersed in my work, I tend to lose track of time.


I find it more meaningful when work and life are interconnected rather than separate from each other.


I find a great sense of fulfillment when I know my work is making a positive difference to others.








One example is ―


I work mainly remotely, so I consciously tried to create opportunities to interact with people.


「人と接する」interact with peopleがぴったりです。

make a conscious effort to(意識的に努力する)というフレーズを使ってI make a conscious effort to create opportunities.ということもできます。






The majority of my time is still spent doing something that I would be doing in my free time even if it wasn't my job.



