ラジオビジネス英語2024年6月21日 | stl52のブログ





Interview 2

Kailene Falls







Listening point

What surprised Kailene about food culture in Tokyo?






Okay, let's listen to today's interview!



Shibata: Now you're covering Japanese foods.


Kailene Falls: Yes.


Shibata: And well, regarding your passion for Japanese food culture, how did it all begin and how has it evolved?


Kailene Falls: Yes, so when I was in the US, I enjoyed food and I enjoyed trying new things, but I don't think I would have called myself. "A foodie" at that point.

And then I came to Tokyo, which has a very vibrant, beautiful food culture, and it's quite affordable, which was something that was surprising and extremely accessible. Where I come from, you can find beautiful and delicious foods, but you need to travel quite a ways. You have to, you know, a 30-minute car ride, an hour-long car ride whereas coming to Tokyo, just within, like a 10 minute walk, there was beautiful and delicious foods pretty much anywhere you go.

So, I became more and more passionate, and my interest in food grew more and more. When I became freelance, I made that choice specifically because I wanted to increase the amount of illustration work I did. I liked drawing pictures, and I realized when I created designs that used illustrations, those are my favorite designs because I liked the process of actually creating the artwork.

I always say there's two types of artists. There's the artists that are painting because they want to express their emotions on a page. And then there's the artist that is a little bit more technical, a little bit more logical. And that's where I fall. And so when I became freelance, I thought it is much easier to hire somebody who has a specific specialty in illustration, and I need to find my own specific specialty to be able to market myself to potential designers wanting to hire me for a project.

So, I looked at the scenery, I looked at people, I looked at characters, and I realized I like food and food is fun to paint, and Japan has an abundance of beautiful food to paint. And there's a need for it on the market because Japan has a strong food culture, meaning that there is a lot of magazines, books, advertisements, packaging. Um, there's a big range of projects that food illustration could be worked on or could be used for.

And so that kind of sparked my choice to pursue food illustration, to kind of combined my personal interests and the market had a need for it. And it just kind of was a match made in heaven. And now I'm fortunate because I get to eat delicious food and call it my job.


Shibata: Hmm.




foodie 食通

A foodie is someone who has a keen interest in food, particularly different types of food. A gourmet. Foodies are also usually quite knowledgeable about the latest food Trends. The qualifications for being a foodie are unclear. As Kailene said, she wouldn't have called herself a foodie in the beginning.


affordable (値段が) 手ごろな


accessible いきやすい、手に入れやすい


an abundance of ~ 豊富な~、 多数の~

Abundance is having more than enough resources available. A large quantity. Plenty. Maybe even too much in some cases. Kailene said that Japan has an abundance of beautiful food to paint, meaning that there are many options when it comes to beautiful food to paint.


spark 刺激する、活気づける


match made in heaven 最高の組み合わせ

A perfect relationship or a perfect combination. An ideal mutually beneficial situation. Kayleen said that the combination of her pursuing food illustration with the market having a need for it was a match made in heaven. Or, Win-win scenario.




Listening pointの答え

The fact that food is quite affordable and extremely accessible.








capture とらえる

This piece captures the effects of light and fleeting moments of landscapes with rich colors.




fleeting「束の間の」ですから、fleeting moments「一瞬」となります。



perspective 遠近法

I'm struck by the clever use of perspective. It adds depth and dimension to the work.







brush work 筆遣い

This work's vibrant colors and bold brush work vividly convey inner emotions.






This piece captures the effects of light and fleeting moments of landscapes with rich colors.


I'm struck by the clever use of perspective. It adds depth and dimension to the work.


This work's vibrant colors and bold brush work vividly convey inner emotions.








ヒント: 構図 composition


One example is ―


The composition of the piece is unconventional, yet compelling.










And it just kind of was a match made in heaven.


