ラジオ英会話2024年6月21日放送分から | stl52のブログ








Rosa: Hey everyone, welcome to Friday's lesson. This is Akino Rosa.


David: That's right, everyone. It's Friday. It's time for the review. I'm David Evans.



Lesson 55 REVIEW





David: Okay, let's review this week's dialogues.


Rosa: Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.





David: Let's start with Monday's dialog.


Rosa: Here's the question.


Question: Which of the following is true? Which of the following is true?


Choices are:

A. Helen looks good in her dress.


B. Gary's parents bought him a phone.


C. Gary's ties from a well-known brand.

Here we go.



Helen: Gary, you got all dressed up today! Nice necktie!


Gary: Thanks, Helen. You gotta look good on your graduation day, right?


Helen: Right. Hey, let's take a photo together.


Gary: Let me do it. I'll show you my new phone.


Helen: Wow, that's really cool.


Gary: My parents got it for me.


Helen: Nice!


Gary: Wait. The camera isn't working. I can't believe this.


Helen: Is it broken? It's brand new.


Gary: I'll take it to the shop later.



The answer is B. Gary's parents bought him a phone.





David: Okay, let's move on to Tuesday's dialogue.

Question: What does Kelly want to know? What does Kelly want to know?


Choices are:


A. How to be a gentleman.


B. How Arnold was raised.


C. How to learn Japanese.

Listen up!



Kelly: And on the show today is everyone's favorite, Arnold Sylvester. Arnold, welcome back.


Arnold: Kelly, it's a pleasure to see you again.


Kelly: A gentleman, as always.


Arnold: Well, I was raised to be one.


Kelly: That leads right into my first question. What was your upbringing like?


Arnold: Well, I was born in Austria. I didn't speak English.


Kelly: But you learned it.


Arnold: Yes, it took me a long time to learn English.


Kelly: I'm still learning Japanese. It's taking years!


Arnold: そうなんですか?


Kelly: You speak Japanese?!



The answer is B. How Arnold was raised.





Rosa: Next up, Wednesday's dialogue.


Question: Which watch are Roxy and Masaru talking about?


Choices are:

A. The one Roxy's grandmother gave to her.


B. The one that stopped working.


C. The one that looks old, but actually is not.

Listen carefully.



Masaru: Roxy, that's a cool watch.


Roxy: Oh, this? My grandmother gave it to me when I was in England.


Masaru: It looks old.


Roxy: I think it was made in the 1970s. It still works, though.


Masaru: Do you miss living in England?


Roxy: I do, very much. And my grandparents want me to come back.


Masaru: Can I come and visit you there someday?


Roxy: That would be lovely.


Masaru: "Lovely." That sounds so British.


Roxy: Oh, you know British English, Masaru!



The answer is A. The one Roxy's grandmother gave to her.





David: All right, let's finish up with Thursday's dialogue.


Question: What will Shiho have for breakfast?


Choices are:

A. Texas toast and scrambled eggs.


B. A rare kind of steak.


C. The same thing as the man will have.

Here we go!



Doug: Here we are, Shiho, I had to take you to this place at least once.


Shiho: It's an American diner, right?


Doug: Yes, but the menu is unique to Texas. Steak and eggs is their specialty.


Shiho: I've never had steak for breakfast before.


Doug: It's really good. How would you like it?


Shiho: I'd like my steak medium rare.


Doug: Yeah, me too. I like my eggs scrambled.


Shiho: That sounds good. How about some coffee?


Doug: Sure. With milk and sugar?


Shiho: I prefer my coffee black.


Doug: Okay.



The answer is C. The same thing as the man will have.






Rosa: Here's the first situation. Imagine this.


Situation 1:









[ヒント] 一点を除いて except for one thing



A: How was your birthday party?


B: I had a great time except for one thing. My boyfriend gave me flowers, but it didn't impress me so much. I was expecting something more exciting like a Rajio Eikaiwa textbook.



I had a great time except for one thing. My boyfriend gave me flowers, but it didn't impress me so much.


gave me flowersは授与型。できましたか?

impress は「…に感動」を与える」あるいは「良い印象を与える」

not so muchで「それほど~ない」となります。



I was expecting something more exciting like a Rajio Eikaiwa textbook.


somethingの説明がmore exciting以下となります。



David: Let's move on to Situation 2.


Situation 2:









[ヒント]フライドポテト fries / 店内用に for here



A: Hi, what can I get for you?


B: Hi. I'd like two hamburgers and some fries, and one coffee for here. I'd like the coffee black, please. Oh, where's the restroom, by the way?



Hi. I'd like two hamburgers and some fries, and one coffee, for here.


I'd likeI would like(~が欲しい)でしたね。

coffeeは不可算名詞ですが、液体ではなくメニュー上のアイテムとしてとらえ、one coffee, two coffeesと数えることができます。


目的語説明型the coffee=blackの状態でwould likeほしいということ。注文時の定番表現です。



I'd like the coffee black, please. Oh, where's the restroom, by the way?


the restroomtheを用いているのは、店舗内或は付近のトイレは「ひとつに決まる」から。





Onishi: Hey guys, giving flowers is a cliché at the moment, right?


David: Oh gosh, I hope not. I give my wife flowers all the time.


Rosa: I wouldn't say it's a cliché, but it definitely depends on the person if they like receiving flowers or not.


大西: clichéは「ありきたりのもの、月並みなもの」。私は何でももらえるんだったら歓迎ですよ。




大西: ねえ、二人とも。花を贈るなんて今時ありきたりだよね。


デビッド: ええ?そうじゃないといいなあ。僕なんかしょっちゅう奥さんに花を贈るから。


ろーざ: ありきたりとは言えないけど、お花をもらうのが好きかどうか、人によるのは確かね。


大西: clichéは「ありきたりのもの、月並みなもの」。私は何でももらえるんだったら歓迎ですよ。