ラジオビジネス英語2024年6月7日 | stl52のブログ







Interview 2

Kailene Falls







Listening point

Why was it difficult for Kaylene to find a job?






Okay, let's listen to today's interview!



Shibata: Kaylene Falls, welcome to our program. It's a great pleasure to have you with us here today.


Kaylene Falls: I'm very happy to be here today. Thank you.


Shibata: So, you studied graphic design and Japanese at the university without any prior connections or work experience. Finding a job in Japan right after university must have presented some challenges, right?


Kaylene Falls: It was really difficult. Umm, I wasn't really aware of the job searching system in Japan, where students usually use the last year of university to heavily look for jobs. And my plan had been to graduate American University and then send my portfolio off to a number of different Japanese companies. And unfortunately, I kept getting the same response ― it wasn't the hiring season. So, the first half a year I was still interning at an American fashion boutique doing their graphic design while trying to find a job in Japan?

And I tweeted about my troubles saying that I cannot find a job in Japan. And somebody responded saying, "Have you looked at any job hunting sites (転職サイト)"? And I had not heard of the term before and so they gave me a few to try and I was just very fortunate to find a company whose president liked American design and was interested in hiring somebody that had an American background because of the upcoming Olympics. I spoke Japanese to a certain extent at that point, and I had an American design education and I was able to use that in finding my job. And I got my visa and I moved to Japan in January of 2014. So, yeah, a little over 10 years ago.


Shibata: Wow. That must have been a stressful process.


Kaylene Falls: It was stressful, but it was exciting because I had decided that I wanted to move to Japan when I was maybe 15 or so. And so, a seven-year dream was finally becoming realized.

I had studied Japanese in university, but there was a lot of specific vocabulary in the design field that I didn't know. And I hadn't quite gotten the skill of understanding which parts of a sentence I 100% need to understand and what parts I can sort of ignore. I think that a very important thing in language learning is realizing that you don't need to know 100% of what the partner is saying. But you need to know the primary concepts and understand the rest from context.




send off ~を送る、~を送り出す

In this case, to send off or send something off means to send it to the relevant people; to mail or submit something. Send and send something off are very similar, but phrases like send something off or send in sound more specific and have the nuance of sounding like the task has been completed. For example, "I sent my resume off to the company” sounds more like the applicant have finished their part and are waiting for an answer. But, "I sent my resume to the company" makes the listener feel they may need more information.


intern インターンとして働く


term 用語


upcoming (ある出来事や時期が)やってくる

Coming soon, approaching like a deadline. Something that you're expecting to happen soon. Something that is upcoming describes something that is about to happen. For example, "I have to study for my upcoming test" means I have to study for a test that I'll have soon.


to a certain extent ある程度

In a way, to a degree, not completely. Kaylin said that at the time, she spoke Japanese to a certain extent, meaning that she could speak Japanese but wasn't completely fluent. Here's another example.” I can help you to a certain extent, but you'll have to finish the project on your own".



Listening pointの答え

Why was it difficult for Kaylene to find a job?



Because she wasn't really aware of the job searching system in Japan.









adaptable 適応力のある

I'm highly motivated and adaptable with a strong passion for marketing.








hit the ground running すぐに全力で取り掛かる

I'm confident that I can hit the ground running and make an immediate impact on your team.




hit the ground runningは地面に着いたらすぐ走っている。つまり、新しいことにすぐに全力で取り組むという意味になります。

その結果、make an immediate impact(すぐに影響を与える)というわけですね。



bring energy and enthusiasm 情熱を注ぐ

I'm excited about the opportunity to bring my energy and enthusiasm to this role.












One example is:


I believe my interpersonal skills will be a great asset to your company.



「対人スキル」はinterpersonal skillsといいます。








A very important thing in language learning is realizing that you don't need to know 100% of what the partner is saying.



