ラジオ英会話2024年6月7日放送分から | stl52のブログ








Rosa: Hey everyone, it's Friday. You know what that means. It's time to review. This is Akino Rosa.


David: And I'm David Evans. That's right folks, it's review time. Let's get ready!



Lesson 45 REVIEW





David: Okay, let's review this week's dialogues.


Rosa: Listen to the questions, and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.





David: Let's start with Monday's dialogue.


Rosa: Here's the question.


Question: What did Jeannie give to Dr. Stein?


Choices are:

A. Some oil paints.


B. A portrait of Dr. Stein.


C. A painting by Bob.

Here we go.



Jeannie: Dr. Stein, how are you today?


Dr. Stein: Fine, thank you, Jeannie. What do you have there?


Jeannie: This is a present for you.


Dr. Stein: Wow, it's big. Can I open it?


Jeannie: Yes, please.


Dr. Stein: It's an oil painting…of me! Was this painted by an artist?


Jeannie: No, I painted it.


Dr. Stein: I didn't know you could paint.


Jeannie: I went to an art studio and learned how.


Dr. Stein: Which art studio?


Jeannie: It is one started by a man named Bob.


Dr. Stein: Amazing!



The answer is B. A portrait of Dr. Stein.





David: Next up is Tuesday's dialogue. Okay, here's the question.


Question: What does the man think about Hong Kong?


Choices are:

A. There are too many families named Lee.


B. It is too cold.


C. Things are expensive.

Listen up!



Bill: So, your name is Stacy Lee. Any relation to Bruce Lee?


Stacy: No, there are lots of Chinese families in America named Lee.


Bill: Oh, you're Chinese-American.


Stacy: Yes, my grandparents came here from Hong Kong.


Bill: We've played in Hong Kong. It's a cool city. The problem is that it's too expensive.


Stacy: But you're a rock star. You don't need to worry about money, do you?


Bill: The thing is that I don't like paying too much for things.


Stacy: Well, I can relate to that.



The answer is C. Things are expensive.





Rosa: Continuing on. Here's Wednesday's dialogue


Question: Which of the following is true?


Choices are:

A. The announcement surprised Tom.


B. A governor wants to run with Tom.


C. Tom doesn't support reducing taxes.

Listen carefully.



Kelly: I'd like to welcome to the show our special guest, Congressman Tom Sakamoto.


Tom: Thank you for having me, Kelly.


Kelly: Congressman Sakamoto…


Tom: Please, call me Tom.


Kelly: Okay. Tom, you're running for governor.


Tom: Yes, I know I surprised a lot of people with the announcement.


Kelly: You certainly did.


Tom: My worry was whether it was best to run for governor or not.


Kelly: Now, you say you're against reducing taxes.


Tom: Well, the issue is if doing that will really help the economy.


Kelly: I see.



The answer is C. Tom doesn't support reducing taxes.





David: Last up is Thursday's dialogue. Here's the question.


Question: What is Dallas famous for?


Choices are:

A. People wearing cowboy hats.


B. Signs just for cowboys.


C. A piano competition.

Here we go!



Shiho: Doug, I didn't know Dallas was such an interesting city.


Doug: Yes, most people only think of cowboys when they think of Dallas.


Shiho: Some people are wearing cowboy hats.


Doug: Right, some people do. But most don't. Hey, Shiho, this is the hospital where I was born.


Shiho: It's really big. And look at that sign over there. It says something about a piano competition.


Doug: Dallas is famous for its international piano competition.


Shiho: I didn't know that.


Doug: Well, 2013 is when it was started, so it's fairly recent.



The answer is C. A piano competition.





Rosa: Here's the first situation. Imagine this.


Situation 1:









[ヒント] ~時の便に乗る catch a  ~ o'clock flight / バスの便 bus service



A: Hi, what's up?


B: Actually, I need to catch an eight o'clock flight to Atlanta tomorrow. But the problem is that there's no because it's so early in the morning. Can you give me a ride to the airport?



Actually, I need to catch an eight o'clock flight to Atlanta tomorrow. But the problem is that there's no bus service because it's so early in the morning.



actually は相手にとって意外なことを持ち出すときに使う「実は」

the problem is that の形が使えたら合格ですよ。

there's no bus service「バスの便がない」。



Can you give me a ride to the airport?



give me a ride 「車で私を送る」で、授与型の文です。



Situation 2:

あなたの誕生日が近づいています。「パーティーをとても楽しみにしているよ」 と言う友人に、心配事を打ち明けてください。








[ヒント] ~と友人関係を続ける stay friends with



A: I'm really looking forward to your birthday party.


B: Thanks. My only worry is whether Mari will come to the party. True, we broke up, but I want to stay friends with her. Have you heard anything from her?



Thanks. My only worry is whether Mari will come to the party. True, we broke up, but I want to stay friends with her.




True,~, but~「確かに~だが~」

stay friends「友達同士のままとどまる」ということ。



Have you heard anything from her?







Onishi: Hey guys, if you had to catch a very early flight, what would you do to get there?


David: Oh, like the 5 a.m. 6 a.m. flights?


Onishi: Yes, that's right.


David: I'd just stay at an airport hotel.


Onishi: How about you, Rosa?


Rosa: Oh, I would call you.


Onishi: Me?


ろーざ: うん。


大西: 聞かなきゃよかった…。




大西: ねえ、二人とも。とても早い便に乗らなきゃいけないとしたら、空港まで行くのにどうする?


デビッド: ああ、朝の5時とか6時みたいな?


大西: そう、その通り。


デビッド: 僕はもう空港ホテルに泊まっちゃうかな。


大西: ろーざはどう?


ろーざ: あら、私なら先生に電話するわ。


大西: 僕に?


ろーざ: うん。


大西: 聞かなきゃよかった…。



Listening Challenge Thursday. What is Dallas famous for? A piano competition.いやいやいや。我々フットボールファンにとって、その答えは何といってもDallas Cowboysでしょう。