ラジオ英会話2024年5月24日放送分から | stl52のブログ








Rosa: Hey everyone, this is Akino Rosa. Welcome to Friday's review. Ready to have some fun? 


David: I know I am. Hi everyone, I'm David Evans. Let's enjoy the review. 



Lesson 35 REVIEW 








Question: Which of the following is true? 


Choices are: 

A. The man wants to buy 33 pairs of shoes. 


B. The woman thought that the man is 30 years old. 


C. The store doesn't have the right size shoes for the man. 

Here we go! 


Tyler: Wow, look at all these cool shoes! 


Clerk: Welcome, sir. We have a wide selection. 


Tyler: I like these ones. 


Clerk: Would you like to try them on? 


Tyler: Sure. That would be great. I'm looking for a pair of size 33 shoes. 


Clerk: Did you say 33? 


Tyler: Yes. 


Clerk: I'm very sorry, sir, but the largest size we carry is 30. 


Tyler: For all of them? 


Clerk: Yes, 30 is the largest size for all shoes in this shop. 


Tyler: Oh, that's a pity. 



The answer is C. The store doesn't have the right size shoes for the man. 






Question: What is one benefit of Hiroki's new place? 


Choices are: 

A. He can see Mount Fuji. 


B. His balcony is clean. 


C. It is safe to drop things. 

Listen up! 



Barbara: So, Hiroki, how do you like your new place? 


Hiroki: It's perfect. After living here for a few months, I've noticed some benefits. 


Barbara: Like what? 


Hiroki: Well, on a clear day, I can see Mt. Fuji from my balcony. 


Barbara: Oh, but not today. It's too cloudy. 


Hiroki: You can't have Fuji every day. 


Barbara: Well, if everything is to your satisfaction, I'll be leaving you now. 


Hiroki: Barbara… you can drop by any time. 


Barbara: We've been over that, Hiroki. Call me… if you need an agent. Bye. 


Hiroki: Bye. 



The answer is A. He can see Mount Fuji. 





Question: Who did Yoshi see? 


Choices are: 

A. A man wearing an office ID. 


B. An old man who was running. 


C. A man who has a restaurant. 

Listen carefully. 



Yoshi: Hi, Barbara. How's it going? 


Barbara: Fine… Yoshi. Yoshi is your name, right? 


Yoshi: Yes, thanks for remembering! 


Barbara: I didn't. You're wearing your office ID. 


Yoshi: Oh, ha-ha. By the way, who was that older man you were talking to? 


Barbara: Older man? Oh, you mean Deepak. He runs an Indian restaurant, a really good one. 


Yoshi: You like Indian food, eh? 


Barbara: Doesn't everybody? 


Yoshi: I guess so. 



The answer is C. A man who has a restaurant. 





Question: What happened to Jonas? 


Choices are: 

A. He got sick. 


B. He went to the wrong party. 


C. He received a text message from the restaurant. 

Here we go! 



Yayoi: Raj, how does it feel to be back here? 


Raj: It's like I never left. 


Yayoi: Yeah, you'll always be a member of our company. 


Raj: Thanks, Yayoi. So, we're going out for dinner later, right? 


Yayoi: Yes, but Jonas can't make it. He loves to party, but he caught some kind of cold. 


Raj: Oh, I hope he feels better soon. 


Yayoi: Me, too. 


Raj: So, what's the name of the restaurant? 


Yayoi: I forgot the name. I'll text you later. 


Raj: Okay, thanks. 



The answer is A. He got sick. 





Situation 1: 









[ヒント] あちこちに here and there 



A: Hi. How's it going? 


B: Same as usual. By the way, can you look over my proposal for the next meeting? It needs more punch here and there. How about we have lunch together? 



Same as usual. By the way, can you look over my proposal for the next meeting? 



same as usualのasは「=(イコール)」。「いつもと同じ」ということ。あいさつへの返答としてよく使われます。 

look over は「目を通す」。これができれば合格ですよ。 



It needs more punch here and there. How about we have lunch together? 




How aboutは「~してはどうでしょう?」という軽い提案。aboutの後ろにフルセンテンスを使うこともできます。 



Situation 2: 









[ヒント] 満席で fully booked / ~を詳しく調べる・チェックする check ~ out 



A: Have you decided on the restaurant? 


B: Not yet, actually. The restaurant I wanted to take you to was fully booked. I'll check out other restaurants and text you when I've decided. Is that okay with you? 



Not yet, actually. The restaurant I wanted to take you to was fully booked. 




次の文ではThe restaurant wanted以下の関係代名詞節が説明しています。ずいぶん長い主語ですが、頑張って音読してください。 




I'll check out other restaurants and text you when I've decided. Is that okay with you? 




when I've decidedと現在完了形になっており、「決め終えたら」と完了のニュアンスがあります。 

Is that okay with you?はまとめて覚えてください。 




Onishi: Hey guys. I found a good sushi bar near my place. 


David: Ohh, I'll take that as an invitation. 


Onishi: Nope. 


Rosa: Make sure they have lots of uni, okay? 


Onishi: They have none. 



大西: ねえ、二人とも。うちの近くでおいしいお寿司屋さんを見つけたんだ。 


デビッド: おっと、それってご招待ってとっちゃうよ。 


大西: じゃないよ。 


ろーざ: ウニがたくさんあるか確認してね。 


大西: ひとつもないよ。 


