ラジオビジネス英語2024年5月17日 | stl52のブログ







Interview 1

Lekh Raj Juneja






Listening point

Why should we be happy when we're offered a new job or a position?




Okay, let's listen to today's interview!


Juneja: My background was, I started with basic science, went to microbiology. then went to a faculty of engineering in Osaka, and then later what I was doing was all related to pharmed area, medicine, you know, all clinical trials, you know. So a multi type of background helped me to build up my career.


Shibata: I see. You have had a very interesting and varied career. People in Japan sometimes hesitate to change their jobs. Could you please give them some advice?


Juneja: Well. my message is not changing job - you can do within the same company too and the same place too - is the challenge; challenge towards your career. You know, I tell my people when, you know, the fresh employee join, you know, I say, "Till yesterday, you are paying tuition fee and learning in the school or the universities. From today, you get paid, and then learn, you know. If you think you are learning on the job and you are learning new things in the job, your attitude becomes so different, you know". So, when we offer some new job, new position, a new area to work with, I say they should be happy, you know, now we are getting paid for something to learn something new, you know.

So, I became CEO. I need to do A to Z, right? If you want to build up to go rise to the job you want to achieve finally. It's up to you, I mean, challenge to you, you know. So, you should learn everything.

My one word advice today is that never hesitate to take challenges, never hesitate to learn something new. That makes you grow - grow your career, as a human being, that, you know, so, job rotation is very important. Of course you need to specialize yourself to, you know, some area, you know. That's important. Never hesitate to take new challenges, you know.


Shibata: Broaden your experience and enhance your skills by taking on challenges.




microbiology 微生物学

Microbiology is the scientific field of microorganisms or microscopic organisms. This includes studying things like viruses, bacteria and parasites, to name a few. Doctor Juneja's background is in microbiology, so he has experience in the pharmaceutical field.


clinical trials 臨床試験

Clinical trials are research studies that determine the efficacy and safety of medical treatments, devices, procedures, and so on. They are done with actual people in a very carefully controlled and regulated environment.


A to Z すべて、1から10まで

From first to last and everything in between. Everything, specifically everything in a particular order or organized fashion. Doctor Juneja said that he needs to do A to Z as a CEO, meaning he is responsible for everything in a thorough and detailed way.



Listening pointの答え

Because we're getting paid to learn something new.







exceed expectations 期待を超える

I always strive to exceed the expectations of my supervisors.





motivate やる気にさせる

I think recognizing everyone's efforts motivates the whole team.





maintain a balance バランスを維持する

While work is important, so is taking care of yourself. It's about maintaining a balance.





open to change 変化に適応する

We should become more adaptable and open to change.



open to change 変化に対してオープンになる、ということは、変化を受け入れるということですね。








ヒント: 基本で fundamental


解答例: Meeting deadlines is fundamental to building trust and relationships.


「期限を守る」はmeet a deadlineといいます。

この場合、fundamental toのあとにくるのはbuildでなくbuildingとなります。






"Never hesitate to take challenges, never hesitate to learn something new. That makes you grow".




