ラジオ英会話2024年5月17日放送分から | stl52のブログ








Rosa: Hello everyone. This is Akino Rosa. Thanks for joining us for Friday's review.


David: And I'm David Evans. All right everyone, let's enjoy today's review.



Lesson 30 REVIEW








Question: What will Frankie probably do?


Choices are:

A. Look for a mouse with a long tail.


B. Take a photo of the world's first computer.


C. Record the mouse with his sensors.



Jeannie: Frankie, look at all those old computers.


Frankie: Yes, some of them are from the 1950s.


Jeannie: Here is one with the world's first computer mouse.


Frankie: I wonder why it is called a mouse.


Jeannie: It kind of looks like a mouse with a long tail, right?


Frankie: Perhaps. I want to take a photo of it.


Jeannie: You can't take photos here, Frankie.


Frankie: Is that correct? Regardless, my visual sensors can record it.


Jeannie: Right. You were just acting like a human.


Frankie: That is so.



The answer is C. Record the mouse with his sensors.






Question: Which of the following is true?


Choices are:

A. Hiroki is the woman's son.


B. The woman often gives Hiroki advice.


C. Barbara heard bad news from the woman.



Hiroki: Because I come to see you so often?


Hiroko: Yes, you've become one of my best clients.


Hiroki: Well, I need your advice again.


Hiroko: About your love life.


Hiroki: Yes! How did you know that?


Hiroko: I know. Is there someone you're interested in?


Hiroki: Yes, her name is Barbara.


Hiroko: A blonde woman?


Hiroki: Right!


Hiroko: Why do you like her? She's bad news.


Hiroki: But she's always so nice to me.


Hiroko: Stay away, Hiroki. Trust me, I know.



The answer is B. The woman often gives Hiroki advice.





Question: Who found what?


Choices are:

A. Someone found a time capsule.


B. The girl found uncle Brendan's cap.


C. Uncle Brendan found a message from the girl.



Mana: Uncle Brendan, Uncle Brendan! Did you hear today's news about Oxford?


Peacock: What news?


Mana: They found a time capsule at a school in Oxford.


Peacock: Oh, very interesting.


Mana: Uncle Brendan, what is a time capsule? Can you explain it to me?


Peacock: Of course. A time capsule is just a container, and people put things and messages in it.


Mana: So, what is so special about that?


Peacock: Well, then they bury it in the ground.


Mana: Why do they do that?


Peacock: They hope people in the future will find it.



The answer is A. Someone found a time capsule.





Question: What did Ms. Stravinsky give to Wayne?


Choices are:

A. Amy's lesson plan.


B. A chocolate cake.


C. A pack of Vienna sausages.



Wayne: Hi, Ms. Stravinsky. How was the lesson with Amy today?


Ms. Stravinsky: She played very well. She is learning some new techniques.


Wayne: I can't wait to hear her play later.


Ms. Stravinsky: You may be surprised. She has improved a lot. Oh, before you go, Wayne, I have a present for you.


Wayne: Another present? You don't have to do that.


Ms. Stravinsky: It is a chocolate cake from Vienna again.


Wayne: Thank you so much, Ms. Stravinsky! You really like it there.


Ms. Stravinsky: Yes, I go to Vienna every year.


Wayne: How very nice!



The answer is B. A chocolate cake.





Situation 1:








[ヒント] イヌの像 dog statue



A: Wow, so many people!


B: Hey, look at that. What a cute dog statue! I think I've seen it before on a website. Let's stand right next to it and ask someone to take our photo.



Hey, look at that. What a cute dog statue! I think I've seen it before on a website.



what以下は感嘆文。名詞a cute dog statueに感嘆するため、「What + 名詞 + 主語 + 動詞!」の語順。ここでは主語 + 動詞は省略されていますね。

そしてI've seenはI have seen。現在完了形を使って経験を表しています。



Let's stand right next to it and ask someone to take our photo.


next to は「~の隣」。

ask … to~は「…に~するように頼む」。



Situation 2:









[ヒント]効率的に efficiently



A: I finally replaced my laptop! I've been wanting this model for a long time.


B: Good for you! You can work more efficiently now, can't you? By the way, can you explain what's so special about that model?



Good for you! You can work more efficiently now, can't you?


Good for you!は「よかったね!」。よく使われる決まり文句です。


efficientlyの比較級がmore efficiently。気軽に比較級を使ってくださいね。



By the way, can you explain what's so special about that model?


explainは他動型で使います。explain aboutとしないようにしましょう。

what's so special about~はwh節。「何がそんなに特別なのか」ということ




Onishi: Hey guys, have you ever taken a photo with Hachiko?


David: Well, not the actual dog, with the statue? in Shibuya? Yes, I have maybe twenty years ago.


Onishi: Really?


Rosa: I actually don't remember if I've ever taken a photo with Hachiko, maybe not.


大西: なるほど。でも見るだけでもとてもかわいらしいですよね。



大西: ねえ、二人とも。ハチ公と写真を撮ったことってある?


デビッド: やあ、実際の犬ではなく渋谷のハチ公像とだね? あるよ、たぶん20年前かな。


大西: そうなんだ。


ろーざ: 実のところ、ハチ公と写真を撮ったことがあるかどうか、私は覚えてないな。多分ないかも。


大西: なるほど。でも見るだけでもとてもかわいらしいですよね。