ラジオ英会話2024年4月19日放送分から | stl52のブログ






Rosa: Hello, everyone. This is Akino Rosa. Welcome to another fun-filled Friday.


David: And I'm David Evans. It's time for the review.



Lesson 15 REVIEW








Question: Which of the following is true?


Choices are:

A. Cynthia is an English teacher.


B. Ryan wants to write a book.


C. Cynthia and Ryan went to the same school.



Ryan: Cynthia, hi! Fancy meeting you here.


Cynthia: Ryan! Wow, what a surprise! What are doing here?


Ryan: I like to read a good book now and then.


Cynthia: That's news to me.


Ryan: Anyway, I heard that you quit as manager of the band.


Cynthia: Yes, that was quite a while ago.


Ryan: What are doing now?


Cynthia: I'm teaching English at a high school.


Ryan: You're a teacher?


Cynthia: Yes, it was a long-time dream of mine.


Ryan: That's really great, Cynthia.



The answer is A. Cynthia is an English teacher.





Question: How was Renji's Japanese history test?


Choices are:

A. It was hard.


B. He got a perfect score on it.


C. His classmates prepared well for it.



Aoi: So, Renji, how did you do on the Japanese history test?


Renji: I got 95 percent of the answers correct.


Aoi: Wow, that's your highest score in the subject so far.


Renji: Seriously, it was a hard test.


Aoi: But you did very well.


Renji: Thanks to your help. I studied hard for it. Most of the other students got lower scores.


Aoi: Really?


Renji: Yeah, they said they didn't study for it seriously.


Aoi: You always have to be prepared.


Renji: Exactly.



The answer is A. It was hard.





Question: Which of the following do the two people taste?


Choices are:

A. Soup that the woman made.


B. Soup that takes an hour to make.


C. Soup that is not made from pork bones.



Takuma: Finally! Okay, let me taste the soup of this vegan tonkotsu ramen. Itadakimasu!


Kelly: How is it?


Takuma: Mm. It's surprisingly rich like real tonkotsu soup.


Kelly: Let me try. Yeah, it's hard to believe it's not made from pork bones. So, was it worth the wait?


Takuma: I think it was worth the hour-long wait.


Kelly: That's normal for a popular place, apparently.


Takuma: I wonder if we can ask the owner for the recipe.


Kelly: It's probably a trade secret.



The answer is C. Soup that is not made from pork bones.





Question: Who will go to the hair salon and for what?


Choices are:

A. Adam will go there for a haircut.


B. Roxy will go there for a haircut.


C. Adam's wife will go there before going shopping.



Maki: サロン・ド・マキマキでございます。


Dad: Hi, Maki, it's Adam Gordon.


Maki: Oh, hi, Adam. It's been a long time. How are you?


Dad: Good. Hey, listen, Maki, I was wondering if I could make an appointment for tomorrow at 4:30.


Maki: Just a haircut for yourself?


Dad: Yeah, it's not Roxy or my wife this time.


Maki: Let's see…could you come in at 4:15?


Dad: I'll try. I may be a little late. I have to do some shopping first.


Maki: Sure, no problem. See you tomorrow!



The answer is A. Adam will go there for a haircut.





Situation 1:








[ヒント] ちょっと飲んだら after a couple of drinks



A: Hi, nice to meet you.


B: Hi. Nice to meet you too. I heard that you like roses. I like them as well. After a couple of drinks, I'll take you to my garden. You may be interested.



Hi. Nice to meet you too. I heard that you like roses. I like them as well.


Nice to meet you too. Nice to meet you. への定番の受け

次の文は heard の後ろに節を置いたリポート文。この文はレッスン11で学んだそのままの形。




After a couple of drinks, I'll take you to my garden. You may be interested.


take … to ~は「…を~に連れていく・持っていく」

may は助動詞「~かもしれない」。50%程度の可能性を表します。「そうかもしれない し、そうではないかもしれない」ということ。



Situation 2:






[ヒント]アクリルスタンド acrylic stand / 在庫切れの out of stock / 入荷 delivery



A: Do you have this?


B: An acrylic stand of HIROTO48? Unfortunately, that item is so popular, and we're out of stock right now. Could you wait until the next delivery? It's next Wednesday, I believe.



An acrylic stand of HIROTO48? Unfortunately, that item is so popular, and we're out of stock right now.





Could you wait until the next delivery? It's next Wednesday, I believe.


Could you?は、丁寧な依頼の形。

until は「~まで(同じ状態が続く)」ことを表す前置詞。

I believeは「~だと信じる」で、I thinkよりも強くかたく響く言い回しです。




Rosa: You know, we should make an acrylic stand of Hiroto.


Onishi: Ha-ha. No, thanks.


David: Really? I think it would sell pretty well, to be honest.


Rosa: You know what. Let's make one of David.


David: Oh, what?? Me? No!


Onishi: Oh, that's good .


大西: 冗談です。



ろーざ: そうだ、ヒロトのアクリルスタンドを作ろうよ。


大西: ははは、遠慮します。


デビッド: 本当に?結構売れるだろうと思うよ、正直いって。


ろーざ: じゃあさ、デビッドのをつくろう。


デビッド: ええ、なんだって? 僕?いやだよ。


大西: いやあ、それいいね。 冗談です。