ラジオ英会話2024年3月22日放送分から | stl52のブログ






Rosa: Hey everyone. It's time for Friday's review. This is Akino Rosa.


David: And I'm David Evans. Let's go!



Lesson 235 REVIEW








Question: What does Akira mean when he says it's great to be here?


Choices are:

A. He's happy to be back on earth.


B. He's wanted to visit the TV station.


C. He's happy to be on the show.

Here we go.



Kelly: Today we have a very special guest. I'd like to welcome to the show astronaut Kuze Akira.


Akira: Thank you, Kelly. It's great to be here.


Kelly: I'm sure you mean here on Earth.


Akira: Exactly. You know where I've just come from.


Kelly: I do! Akira, you survived on Mars longer than any human being in history.


Akira: Yes, it was a very difficult experience, but I-


Kelly: And as a Japanese astronaut—


Akira: If I could just finish…


Kelly: Oh, sorry, go ahead.


Akira: It was difficult but…I did it my way.



The answer is A. He's happy to be back on earth.





Question: What did Yoshi tell Barbara before?


Choices are:

A. His name.


B. How to use the machine.


C. His age.

Listen up.



Yoshi: Hi, Barbara. That's your name, right?


Barbara: Yes, thanks for remembering.


Yoshi: My name is Yoshi.


Barbara: Yes, I think you told me before.


Yoshi: Thank you for teaching me how to use this machine.


Barbara: Sure, no problem. You can put it on a higher setting, you know.


Yoshi: Well, I like this easy setting. By the way… how old are you?


Barbara: Um, that's none of your business.


Yoshi: Right, sorry. I don't know why I said that.


Barbara: No worries. Okay, I'm done. See ya!



The answer is B. How to use the machine.





Question: Which of the following is true?


Choices are:

A. This is the man's first visit to Matsuyama.


B. The woman thinks Soseki is well-known and famous.


C. The man did something rude toward the woman.

Listen carefully.



Mr. Emori: So, here we are in Matsuyama. It's good to be here again.


Cindy: It's so quiet and peaceful. I can see why this place is famous for haiku.


Mr. Emori: Me too. The great haiku poet Masaoka Shiki is from here.


Cindy: Masaoka Shiki's haiku are quite interesting.


Mr. Emori: Yes. He is known far and wide for his writings.


Cindy: I don't mean to be rude, but he is not so well known outside of Japan.


Mr. Emori: Well, he was good friends with Natsume Soseki.


Cindy: Oh, yes, the famous novelist. Soseki is pretty well known.



The answer is B. The woman thinks Soseki is well-known and famous.





Question: What will Frankie and Jeannie do?


Choices are:

A. Jeannie will go to a flower shop and Franki will go to the hospital.


B. Frankie will go to a garden and Jeannie will go to the hospital.


C. They both will go to a flower shop and then to the hospital.

Here we go!


Jeannie: Frankie, I'm back. Where is Dr. Stein?


Frankie: Jeannie, please sit down.


Jeannie: Why, what's wrong?


Frankie: It is hard to tell you this, but Dr. Stein is in the hospital.


Jeannie: What? What happened?


Frankie: He fell down and broke his hip.


Jeannie: We have to go to the hospital. He's our father.


Frankie: I agree. We should bring him some flowers.


Jeannie: Flowers, right. Let's go to a flower shop. No gardens this time, okay?


Frankie: I learned my lesson. Can I go with you?


Jeannie: Yes, let's go.



The answer is C. They both will go to a flower shop and then to the hospital.





Situation 1:








[ヒント] に似合う suit



A: Hey, look at my new jacket!


B: Um, no offense, but it doesn't suit you so well. Let me choose another one for you as your birthday present. Everyone says I have good taste in clothes.



Um, no offense, but it doesn't suit you so well.


no offense, but(気を悪くしないでほしいのですが)ができれば合格。

notso wellで「それほど良く~ない」。



Let me choose another one for you as your birthday present. Everyone says I have good taste in clothes.


let me chooseは目的語説明型。私が選ぶのをlet許せということ。



Situation 2:








[ヒント]大学院 grad school/graduate school



A: Hi, what's up?


B: It's hard to tell you this, but I'm quitting. It's not that I have complaints about this job. I just want to go to grad school and study business seriously.



It's hard to tell you this, but I'm quitting.


It's hard to tell you this, but(これを君に伝えるのはつらいのですが)など、クッションを聞かせて文をはじめることができれば素晴らしいですよ。



It's not that I have complaints about this job. I just want to go to grad school and study business seriously.


It's not thatは「~ということではない」というフレーズ。





Onishi: Hey, Rosa. Do you have a good taste in clothes.


Rosa: Yeah, I think so. I mean, I get told that a lot.


Onishi: How about you, David?


David: Oh, for sure. Yeah! I have an excellent taste in clothes.


ろーざ: 先生、せーの…


OnishiRosa: I doubt it!


David: Whaaat?!



I get (told) that a lot. よく言われます。


I doubt it!


(ニック式英会話 それは多分ないな。I doubt it. https://nic-english.com/phrase/i-doubt-it/)



大西: ねえ、ろーざ。服のセンスはいい?


ろーざ: ええ。そう思うわ。ていうか、よく言われるもの。


大西: デビッドはどう?


デビッド: そりゃあ、もちろん、いいよ。僕は服には卓越したセンスがあるんだ。


ろーざ: 先生、せーの…


大西・ろーざ: それはたぶんない。


デビッド: なーんだってええ?