ラジオ英会話2024年2月23日放送分から | stl52のブログ








Rosa: Hey everyone. This is Akino Rosa. Welcome back. It's time to review.


David: And I'm David Evans. It's review time. Yay.



Lesson 215 REVIEW








Question: Which of the following is true?


Choices are:

A. The woman has a Viennese accent.


B. The man wants to go to the theater.


C. The two people work for the same school.

Here we go.



Mr. Smith: Excuse me, is this the right tram for the theater?


Ms. Stravinsky: Yes, this one takes you there.


Mr. Smith: Oh, your accent sounds American.


Ms. Stravinsky: Well, I live in America, but I was born here in Vienna.


Mr. Smith: Oh, wow! It's my first time here.


Ms. Stravinsky: You're going to love it. If you love classical music, anyway.


Mr. Smith: I teach music at a high school.


Ms. Stravinsky: Really? I'm a piano teacher. Do you enjoy teaching?


Mr. Smith: Well, sometimes my students drive me crazy, but generally I do.


Ms. Stravinsky: The same goes for me too.



The answer is B. The man wants to go to the theater.





Question: What made dad angry?


Choices are:

A. People who post fake news online.


B. An alien walking around in Tokyo.


C. People who don't like social media.

Listen up.



Dad: Oh, not again! I keep seeing this stuff.


Roxy: What's the matter, Dad?


Dad: This is fake news. They say there's an alien walking around in Tokyo.


Roxy: It's the internet, Dad. People can say whatever they want.


Dad: It angers me when people post lies on social media.


Roxy: Nobody's forcing you to read it.


Dad: Roxy, many people can't tell lies from the truth. They believe everything they read!


Roxy: It depends on the person. Most of my friends can tell.


Dad: Well, that's no excuse really.



The answer is A. People who post fake news online.





Question: What is the problem?


Choices are:

A. Derek wants to go back to his hometown.


B. Bill's apartment has only one room.


C. The band can't have two bassists.

Listen carefully.



Bill: So, Doris, how is Derek doing?


Doris: He's fine. He keeps talking about returning to the band.


Bill: I feel a bit nervous about that. It was his decision to quit, right?


Doris: I know, but now he feels like he made a mistake.


Bill: Well, we have a new bass player and he's great. He'd be rattled if Derek came back.


Doris: Why can't you have two bass players?


Bill: No way. There's only room for one bassist in the Desperate Rats.


Doris: Anyway, you should talk to him about it.



The answer is C. The band can't have two bassists.





Question: What does Hiroki need to do?


Choices are:

A. Find a shortcut to his company.


B. Brighten up his room.


C. Pay for his new condo every month.

Here we go!



Hiroki: Can you believe it? My pay is getting cut by ten percent!


Hiroko: These things do happen in companies.


Hiroki: Yes, but it's so frustrating to deal with. I'm fed up with my company.


Hiroko: Listen, Hiroki. I see a brighter future for you.


Hiroki: Brighter? I have monthly payments to make on my new condo.


Hiroko: Things may seem tough now, but everything will work out later.


Hiroki: How do you know?


Hiroko: I just know. Have faith!


Hiroki: All right….



The answer is C. Pay for his new condo every month.





Situation 1:







[ヒント] 優柔不断 indecisive



A: Why did you break up?


B: Well, he was a good guy, but indecisive. It was always me that decided where to go and what to eat. That was so frustrating. I'm glad we broke up.



Well, he was a good guy, but indecisive. It was always me that decided where to go and what to eat.


It was always me thatはitを使った強調の形。

where toは「どこに~すべきか」。

what toは「何を~すべきか」。

wh語 + to不定詞の頻用パターン。



That was so frustrating. I'm glad we broke up.





Situation 2:







[ヒント] つまらない冗談/馬鹿な冗談 bad joke



A: Hey, you look down.


B: As you know, I always get so nervous in front of a microphone that bad jokes are all that come out of my mouth. I'm so stressed out with this job.



As you know, I always get so nervous in front of a microphone that bad jokes are all that come out of my mouth.


As you knowは「あなたが知っているように」。asはイコールを表しています。

get nervousは「緊張する」。そこにso ~ that ~(大変~なので~だ)というフレーズを組み合わせています。



I'm so stressed out with this job.


stressed outは「ストレスでまいって」でしたね。




Onishi: Hey, Rosa. What do you think of an indecisive guy?


Rosa: Well, I think we would have a lot of trouble figuring out what to eat because I'm really bad at deciding things too sometimes.


Onishi: How about you?


David: Uh, I mean, I'm not sure, I mean I could, I mean sometimes they're okay, sometimes they're not, uh…


Rosa: David is an indecisive guy, apparently.


David: Uh…


Onishi: Oh, yeah.




大西: ねえ、ろーざ。優柔不断な男ってどう思う?


ろーざ: そうね、思うんだけど、何を食べたらいいか答えを出すのにとても苦労するものよね。私だって物事を決めるのが苦手なことはあるもの。


大西: 君はどう?


デビッド: ええと、つまり、よくわからないけど、つまり、僕ならなできるかな、つまり、時には大丈夫だし、時にはだめだし、ええと…


ろーざ: 見たところデビッドは優柔不断な人みたいね。


デビッド: ええと…


大西: ほんとだ。