ラジオ英会話2024年2月2日放送分から | stl52のブログ








Rosa: Hey, everyone. This is Akino Rosa. It's time for revenge. 復讐回です。


David: And I'm David Evans. All right guys, it's time for the review!



Lesson 200 REVIEW





Question: Why is Mr. Smith dressed formally today?


Choices are:

A. Because it is the beginning of the year.

B. Because he will attend a ceremony.

C. Because he will meet a person from Vienna.

Here we go.



Mr. Smith: Good morning, Ms. Jetz.


Ms. Jetz: Good morning, Mr. Smith. Formal today, aren't we?


Mr. Smith: Yes, I like to be formal at the beginning of the year.


Ms. Jetz: Ah, yes. You're a very proper person, I know.


Mr. Smith: I try to be.


Ms. Jetz: So, I've been dying to ask you. How was Vienna?


Mr. Smith: I didn't go to Vienna.


Ms. Jetz: What? I told you to go!


Mr. Smith: I'm having second thoughts about going, actually.


Ms. Jetz: Why? What's the problem?


Mr. Smith: It doesn't feel right.



The answer is A. Because it is the beginning of the year.




Question: Which of the following is not usually done at the woman's company?


Choices are:

A. Making a special place.

B. Changing an apartment for a potential buyer.

C. Hesitating.

Listen up.



Barbara: So, Hiroki. As you can see, they made the closet wider.


Hiroki: Wow, it's great! It's much bigger now.


Barbara: Yes, but I want you to know that this was a special case. Usually, we don't do this.


Hiroki: You mean, changing the apartment for a potential buyer?


Barbara: Yes, it's extremely rare. So, it's time for your decision. Don't hesitate.


Hiroki: Okay…. I'll take it!


Barbara: Very good. You know what they say. "He who hesitates is lost."


Hiroki: I hadn't heard that before.


Barbara: Well, it's true.



The answer is B. Changing an apartment for a potential buyer.




Question: Why is the man worried?


Choices are:

A. His curry doesn't taste right.

B. He has no appetite.

C. He doesn't understand what the letter says.

Listen carefully.



Deepak: So, Barbara, this time you've finished all your curry.


Barbara: Yes, it was sublime.


Deepak: I'm glad to see you've got your appetite back.


Barbara: Yes, I'm back to my normal self.


Deepak: Speaking of losing one's appetite, now I'm worried about something.


Barbara: What's wrong?


Deepak: Well, I got this letter from the city government. What should I do?


Barbara: Can I see it?


Deepak: Sure. I'm confused by it.


Barbara: It's something about taxes, but my Japanese isn't that good, so I can't say for sure. You should go to the government office directly.



The answer is C. He doesn't understand what the letter says.




Question: Which of the following is true?


Choices are:

A. Hiroki has got signed the contract yet.

B. Hiroki left his company.

C. Hiroki's income will go down.

Here we go!



Hiroko: Hiroki, welcome back. I had a feeling you'd be here today.


Hiroki: How did you know that?


Hiroko: I've been doing this work for many years. I know.


Hiroki: Interesting. Well, I need your advice again.


Hiroko: Sit down. Please, go ahead.


Hiroki: Well, I signed a contract to buy a new condominium.


Hiroko: But now you're having second thoughts, right?


Hiroki: Yes, exactly. Today my company told me they're reducing my bonus! I have no idea what to do now.


Hiroko: That's not surprising.



The answer is C. Hiroki's income will go down.




Situation 1:








[ヒント]…を裏切って浮気する cheat on



A: Have you set the date for your wedding?


B: Actually, I'm having second thoughts about marrying him. I went to his place yesterday for the first time and found two toothbrushes in a cup. He must be cheating on me.



Actually, I'm having second thoughts about marrying him. I went to his place yesterday for the first time and found two toothbrushes in a cup.


have second thoughts aboutは、「~について考え直す」。躊躇を表す表現でした。

marrying himは、marrying with himとしないようにしましょう。



He must be cheating on me.






Situation 2:








[ヒント] 様子が変になる・おかしな振る舞いをする act funny / ひげそり shaver



A: You look down. Everything okay?


B: No. My fiancée came over yesterday. We were so happy, but as soon as she saw my two toothbrushes, she started acting funny. I always keep an old toothbrush to clean the blades of my shaver. What do you think I should do?



No. My fiancée came over yesterday. We were so happy, but as soon as she saw my two toothbrushes, she started acting funny.


as soon asは「~するとすぐに」。

start ~は「~し始める」。



I always keep an old toothbrush to clean the blades of my shaver. What do you think I should do?


to clean以下は目的を表すto不定詞。

What do you think I should do?は、途方に暮れてアドバイスを求める際に使うフレーズ。 文末のdoの目的語が空所で、whatの疑問のターゲット。「何をするべきだと思いますか?」となっています。




大西: 今日のレッスンはいかがでしたか?引き続き頑張って行きましょう。


Rosa: Be sure to tune in next time.


David: Keep doing your best and keep speaking all you can.



大西: 今日のレッスンはいかがでしたか?引き続き頑張って行きましょう。


ろーざ: 次も必ず聴いてくださいね。


デビッド: これからも頑張ってどんどん話しまくってくださいね。



オープニング、It's time for revenge.と聞いて「え?なんで?ああ、復讐→復習ね」と、あまりにも今更なオチになぜか引っかかってしまった私です。