ラジオ英会話2024年1月12日放送分から | stl52のブログ








Rosa: Hey everyone. This is Akino Rosa. Welcome to Friday's review. Ready to get started?


David: And I'm David Evans. It's time for the review!!



Lesson 185 REVIEW





Question: Which of the following is closest to how Brendan feels?


Choices are:

A. People need to go to parks more often.

B. English gardens are special.

C. There are many good parks in other countries.


Aki: Do you come to this park often?


Peacock: I do sometimes, when I need inspiration.


Aki: Inspiration?


Peacock: Yes, being in nature helps me come up with ideas.


Aki: I see. It is very peaceful here. I love English gardens.


Peacock: Yes, there's nothing quite like an English garden.


Aki: Are they better than those in other countries?


Peacock: Well, I think so. There's just something about them.


Aki: I didn't know you were such a romantic, Brendan.


Peacock: Of course I am.


The answer is B. English gardens are special.




Question: What does Sally like?


Choices are:

A. The man's paintings.

B. Driving.

C. Horseback riding.


Bob: Sally, is this your latest watercolor painting?


Sally: Yes, how do you like it?


Bob: I think it's your best so far. They just get better and better.


Sally: Thanks. That's good to hear.


Bob: I've noticed something. You often paint paintings with horses in them. Like this one.


Sally: I have a passion for horses. I love riding.


Bob: Really? I didn't know you rode horses.


Sally: I rarely do these days. I used to ride often when I was a little girl.


Bob: Well, that explains it.


The answer is C. Horseback riding.




Question: Which of the following is true?


Choices are:

A. Doug and the woman want to go abroad.

B. Doug will go to the post office.

C. The woman doesn't like goya.


Shiho: Doug, our eco-tourism business is really taking off!


Doug: Yeah, I didn't realize so many people wanted to visit our island.


Shiho: And we're getting lots of customers from abroad.


Doug: I guess my posts in English were effective.


Shiho: Yes, they made a big difference. Hey, let's celebrate. I'll make dinner tonight. What would you like?


Doug: Um…Goya champuru.


Shiho: The Okinawan dish? You like it? Goya isn't really my cup of tea.


Doug: Really? I love it.


Shiho: Okay, I'll make some especially for you.


The answer is C. The woman doesn't like goya.




Question: Does Zaytox like going for drives?


Choices are:

A. Yes, he has his own car.

B. No, he gets carsick.

C. No, he can't drive.


Masami: Zaytox, are you okay?


Zaytox: Yes, I'm fine, but I am feeling bored.


Masami: Oh, so Vegans get bored just like humans.


Zaytox: Yes, we do.


Masami: Why don't we go for a drive? I can ask Carolyn. She loves driving.


Zaytox: The idea of riding in cars makes me sick.


Masami: I didn't know Vegans had cars.


Zaytox: We don't, but in America I learned that I get carsick easily. The scientists drove me some place, and I felt sick.


Masami: Oh.


The answer is B. No, he gets carsick.




Situation 1:








[ヒント] 思い出 memories



A: My car is a bit small…


B: Don't worry. I love small cars. My father would drive me to the station in his small car when I was a kid. That's one of my fondest childhood memories.



Don't worry. I love small cars. My father would drive me to the station in his small car when I was a kid.



I loveは「~が大好き」。3文目のwouldは「過去の習慣」。「~したものだった」。drive … to ~は「…を~に車で送る」。



That's one of my fondest childhood memories.



fond(好きな)は形容詞。名詞の前にも使えます。暖かい感触がするため、fondest memoriesはよく使われるコンビネーション。



Situation 2:








[ヒント] 絶え間なく、延々と、ずっと the whole time



A: How did your first date go?


B: Actually, it was pretty rough. She is a great person, but her table manners shocked me. She talked with her mouth full the whole time. It was disgusting.



Actually, it was pretty rough. She is a great person, but her table manners shocked me.






She talked with her mouth full the whole time. It was disgusting.



with her mouth fullは付帯状況のwithと呼ばれる使い方。her mouth = fullという意味関係があります。disgustingは、強い嫌悪感を表す形容詞でした。




Onishi: Hey, guys. What kind of car do you like?


David: Well, I know for one thing. It can't be small. I have long legs. I need leg room.


Onishi: Hm hmm.


David: How about you, sensei?


Onishi: I like all kind of cars. 僕は英語界のカナタ・リヴィントン。


ろーざ: 先生、また漫画かあ!



大西: ねえ、二人とも。どんな車が好き?


デビッド: ひとつには小さいのはダメだよね。僕は足が長いから、足のスペースが必要なんだ。


大西: うん、うん。


デビッド: せんせいはどう?


大西: 僕はどんな車も好き。僕は英語界のカナタ・リヴィントン。


ろーざ: 先生、また漫画かあ!


