現代ビジネス英語 | stl52のブログ







音声は「杉田敏の現代ビジネス英語」無料リスニングページ 2023年度 | NHK出版 (nhk-book.co.jp)で13日まで聞けます。


Guarding against scams(3)




(杉田敏の現代ビジネス英語 音声ページより)




Frank Saloom: And now federal officials are warning us that these schemes are becoming more sophisticated with one common element ― cloned voices.


Ide Kyohei: Yes, it's pretty scary. Scammers can use AI to mimic the voice of your loved ones. All they need is a short audio clip of the actual person's voice, which they can easily get from content posted online, and a voice cloning programm. So, when the scammer calls you, they could sound exactly like a loved one. A reasonably good clone can be created with under a minute of audio. And some claim that even a few seconds will do.


Lidia Grace: Voice cloning scams have been a threat for a while now. But what really concerns me is how easily accessible and user friendly AI has become. Almost anyone with a computer can now clone someone's voice thanks to the widespread availability of powerful AI technology.


Jane Rosenberg: It's important to be cautious when scammers ask you to make payments or send money in ways that make it difficult to trace and recover your funds. For instance, if they tell you to wire money, use cryptocurrency, or buy give cards and provide them with the card numbers and PINs, those are usually red flags.


Ide Kyohei: What can we do to protect ourselves from these scams?


Jane Rosenberg: Well, if you receive a call from some one claiming to be from your bank, my advice would be to say that the phone connection is poor and that you will call them back.




federal official 連邦政府の当局者

scheme 計画、体制

common element 共通の要素

cloned voice クローン音声

scary 恐ろしい

AI Artificial Intelligence AI 人工知能


mimic まねる

"Children often mimic their parents' facial expressions". To mimic is to imitate, to copy the actions or appearance of another.


loved one 愛する人、家族の人

audio clip オーディオクリップ、音声クリップ、録音された音声データの一部

content コンテンツ、メディアとして提供される情報


post ウエブサイトなどに投稿する

"Betty posts on her cooking blog every week". Here, "post" is a verb meaning put something up online. We also use it as a noun to refer to the content that is put up. Like, "His post has been viewed 1,000,000 times".


reasonably そこそこ、適度に

claim 主張する

threat 脅威、脅かすもの

accessible 手に入れやすい、使いやすい

user-friendly 利用者にとって使いやすい

widespread 広範囲に及ぶ

availability 入手できること、利用できること


trace 追跡する

"Michael traced his family roots back to Germany". To trace something is to follow its path, determine where it went or where it is or where it came from.


recover 取り戻す

gift card ギフトカード

PIN Personal Identification Number 個人識別番号、暗証番号

claim to ~すると主張する